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The Corroboree

Cactus sap


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I have heard a few times of cacti "oozing sap" as a result of some disease or infection, and that that sap can be extremely irritating or even more toxic than the toxic cacti it comes from, I'm guessing this is something like the cactus producing higher levels of it's deterrent compounds as if it were under attack.

From the little i have read about what cacti use mescalin for it seems like it may be likely they use it to deter things eating them, if it is some deterrent compound could there be some way of exploiting this to effectively "milk" a cactus?

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nah,I've not heard it in relation to trichocereus or any other mescaline containing cactus.
I'm just wondering if the same could carry over to them.

My thinking is along the lines of-
I know you can sap tap some trees, the oozing of the cacti mentioned seemed to have higher concentrations of their predation deterrent compounds, mescalin may be a predation deterrent compound.


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I remember hearing or reading about it a few times, I don't remember exactly what and where though.


Some could have been referring to euphorbia but I'm almost certain some mentions were of true cactus, opuntia was one i think i remember.

Edit:But on the concentration is sap being more toxic, that may have just been euphorbia, my memory is a bit fuzzy these days.

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From a cut Opuntia (prickly pear) crystalline nodules sometimes appear around the central veins when healed, a bit like congealed sap. (If it oozes, it does so very slowly). I thought that might even have been the source of kefir "grains"? But I don't think there's much toxicity involved, as Opuntia is edible and even marketed as a superfood. Euphorbia sap, on the other hand, is said to be some nasty shit, avoid skin contact, etc.


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