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Free cacti


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This is the very last of my cacti collection that I'm is being given away I can't confirm the varieties of Trichs but there is a mix of bridgesii x, peruvian x and pach x and one that was sold as a cristata but not sure it waa so long ago. 

There are 2 that have weird growth that was induced by BAP. 

2 requirements for taking the20240229_104051.thumb.jpg.7c45bcb0fec1d9dec5944bcdd578b5c5.jpg cacti is you have to pay for postage and be able to rejuvenate them. 

They will come bare rooted.


Cheers all


Edited by Siggor
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  • 2 weeks later...

The package came today - I am going to be splitting them up between myself and a friend. For $15 each its not a bad haul.


They are mostly small, and nutrient deficient, and one is suffering black blistering possible fungal - however their is some interesting morphology amongst them. However I have potted them up in my usual mix of 50/50 organic and inorganic mix. Then I mixed up a fertilizer and iron chelate and a system fungicide and have given them a good dosing.


With winter coming it is just about getting them settled in asap.


The box contained three cristata one is a good size two are tiny. So bonus score.


Thanks out to @Siggor


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Edited by Ishmael Fleishman
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Haha Sorry to burst your bubble there is only one cristata the other 2 had been doused with BAP so maybe not in the true form of a cristata. 


As I said they have been neglected for some time hope you get to revive and enjoy them bud. 


All the best.

Edited by Siggor
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On 29/02/2024 at 10:56 AM, Siggor said:

and be able to rejuvenate them. 


siggor that was very generous of you! 

i would say though, being able to make them, flourish again.

rejuvenating, means the cacti reverts back to  earlier growth patterns. something that happens always, when one leaves a bare section of a cacti, laying around for many months or years.

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20 hours ago, withdrawl clinic said:

one leaves a bare section of a cacti, laying around for many months or years.

They weren't bare they were left in dead soil roots were still groeing through to the ground ect. 


58 minutes ago, Ishmael Fleishman said:


Are you saying the cristata will turn into a single columnar cactus again?


It shouldn't the tops of the cristata were growing but very slowly. 

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On 17/03/2024 at 7:32 AM, Ishmael Fleishman said:


Are you saying the cristata will turn into a single columnar cactus again?

ok, but i'm out of my depth a bit....

i know that colums lying around for years, on the inside of a window, will reduce there circumfrence and start to look like a seedling pedro.

i never left a cristate lying around for years without soil, so i don't know what will happen.

rejuvination is an important, propagation tool. many plants are an easy cutting, when they still young, but hard to strike, when a few years old.

so by repeatedly pruning, the plant may show, more juvenil growth, which than can be used for east probagation.


cacti, are easy to strike a cutting, even if they are mature, but turning a fat old cactus into a tiny cylinder, has advantages, if you want to start tissue culture, or send only a very small parcel.


i think to remember that monstrous growth, is a feature which is visable already, in the seedling stage....

so i think, it will not turn into a single columnar specimen.

the cristates show different patterns (turning from cristate to wax column to multi branched, back to cristate) some stay cristate all the life, i assume rejuvinating will not alter this pattern.

i will start the experiment, with one of my monstrous cacti, and tell you in a years time what happend!

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  • 3 months later...

Update: The cacti are doing really well. I re-potted them on a very non-organic substrate, but I have been feeding them heavily every week with urine and fertilizer. They have all gotten their colour back; they are still a little yellow in spots but looking way better, and they are showing new green growth at the top. When spring comes, they will be solid.


A big thanks to @Siggor



Edited by Ishmael Fleishman
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Awesome job Ish, I hope they get to excel come summer time. Do you know if you topped one column of the cristata and graft it it would continue growing as a crist? Or continue growing as a column?

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5 hours ago, Siggor said:

Do you know if you topped one column of the cristata and graft it it would continue growing as a crist? Or continue growing as a column?


I honestly do not know - but  I assume that if cut one off and grafted it it should just keep its current morphology rather then simple reverting.

Edited by Ishmael Fleishman
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