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Options For Potent Anti-Anxiety Botanical

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30 minutes ago, tryptamine said:


High stress lifestyle. I love my kava and like to get well soothed once I get got the chores out the way.


But yeah 25g is a god starting point for good Vanuatu kava. For anti-anxiety fx. Have consumed 150g (having prepared some for a friend who did not make it so drank there's too) without nausea or other side effects. Where with lower grade commercial Fiji kava, a mild nausea begins at doses over 50g, especially until a meal is consumed. The last Tongan kava I tried was bad with strong nausea at 50g. Smelt very stale. Have had good Tongan a decade or so back though. Some Fiji can be cut with flour so that could have been a factor there. Be good to have a test for this. I am yet to try Fiji kava that is as clean as the Vanuatu but there kava should in theory be good if you can get it fresh enough / early enough in the supply chain. Good Fiji waka can drink 100g without side effects.

You can do an acetone test to check that your kava is a noble variety not a tudei, mix about 10g of powder with 30ml of acetone. Good noble will make the solution turn yellow, whereas tudei will be a much redder colour. Not sure how you'd test for other adulterants though.

I've been noticing even at 40g I feel aftereffects the next day, I'm a bit sluggish. You must have a stronger stomach than me, I'd be feeling ill if I had 100g!



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The funny thing is a 1/4 of the staff are drug/alcohol dependent and we have had two suicides in the last 4 years. Several staff members use cannabis/MDMA/LSD/heroin regularly. But they hide their problems well so fly under the department’s radar.


Interesting to hear the sort of rhetoric I hear from the "drugs are bad" lobby...

Does using drugs like cannabis/MDMA/LSD regularly mean you have a "problem"? I agree that regular Heroin use is likely to lead to problems, yet I do know people who have managed their use for 30+ years and led productive lives but that's probably an exception to the rule. However, I myself have used the other substances mentioned for 30+ years and I certainly don't consider it to be a problem.

Language is a trap, words can form realities. Be careful of the language you use...


Edited by Glaukus
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"You can do an acetone test to check that your kava is a noble variety not a tudei, mix about 10g of powder with 30ml of acetone. Good noble will make the solution turn yellow, whereas tudei will be a much redder colour. "


Thanks for the tip. Don't suppose you know a test for Piper auritum ? I bought some kava plants that I am suspicious may be P. auritum.


I believe p.  auritum leaves smell of saffrole when crushed however I have no sense of smell.

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On 17/7/2022 at 5:12 PM, Glaukus said:

I certainly don't consider it to be a problem.

Language is a trap, words can form realities. Be careful of the language you use...



The problem is not the drug use the problem is their mental health - they use drugs to cope with their mental health - however, as far as the department is concerned both are "problems" - hey a few years ago the department wanted to institute a heterosexuality test. But could not get it past the discrimination laws.

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2 hours ago, Ishmael Fleishman said:


The problem is not the drug use the problem is their mental health - they use drugs to cope with their mental health - however, as far as the department is concerned both are "problems" - hey a few years ago the department wanted to institute a heterosexuality test. But could not get it past the discrimination laws.

What the actual fuck?  Heterosexual test?

I feel like I've slipped into an alternative 1950s red peril paranoia timeline somewhere along this thread!

I can see why you have anxiety if that's the kind of workplace you're in!

Holy shit, I used to work at a company where it was an exception to be hetero and nobody batted an eyelid when someone turned up to work in full drag regalia! And that was 25 years ago!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Based on this thread I opted to make a hops alcohol tincture - It has been infusing for two plus weeks.


The taste is great if you enjoy extra hoppy IPA's - it's like the aftertaste of a good bitter beer with all those yummy hoppy terpenes quickly followed by the abrasive bitterness.


I have been playing with dosing. I am taking about 1 tablespoon of the tincture and the effects are described as the body sensations of cannabis without the high. I feel slightly physically sedated, the sensation of floating. A heavy feeling, my breathing feels heavier and slower. Cognitively there seems to be a reduction in processing however it is not stupifying. I would describe the sensation as being akin to a wet blanket weighing me down. Not unlike the sedation of Kava.


An hour after administration I feel the sedation increasing becoming a more encompassing experience. However, it seems unable to put me to sleep. The sensation is akin to being drunk without the negative side effects.


Now this made me think about the relationship between cannabis and Humulus. It turns out Humulus contains CBD and I would hazard a guess that I am getting CBD from my hops tincture.


This makes me wonder if a more concentrated CBD source may be more effective for me. I am tempted to reduce the tincture volume by heating the alcohol thereby increasing the potency of the THC or whatever active compounds are affecting me.


The journey continues.


Edited by Ishmael Fleishman
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