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Kratom Withdrawals

False Peyote

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Curious to hear at what dosage and dose frequency that people start to notice withdrawals when they stop consuming Kratom.


In my research I have noted 1.5g dry leaf twice daily for three weeks produced no obvious withdrawal effects upon abstinence. 

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i got too little experiance with this tree, to weight in, but in the countries where it's used a lot, most users take it daily.


fresh leaves are much more effective than dry, when chewed, but taste is bitter...


i might add another question, how effective is it as a pain killer? 

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i have no experience with kratom, but i would treat it like any other opioid to be on the safe side. i would never advise daily usage for more than a month. As someone with a serious opioid addiction, I can tell you that it is something that you do not want to risk messing with. Please take a few days off every week or two.

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Thanks for your replies! 


Its a better pain killer than cannabis but not as effective as morphine IMO.


I agree tolerance breaks are always smart with any opioid receptor agonist, but I'm still curious about how withdrawals play out. 


I heard on one of Hamilton's podcasts that in some research the alkaloid profile of dried and imported kratom was quite different from fresh  material. If I recall correctly there was much more 7-hydroxymitragynine in the dried samples. I do wonder how this influences subjective effects and if it plays into withdrawl and/or the stimulation/sedation low/high dose issue. 

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was there anything about different stages of leaf growth? ie newly sprouted leaves from tips that didnt exist a week ago, vs leaves that have been on the tree for weeks or months vs leaves that fall off the tree naturally in winter when they go dormant?

also does anyone know what the major bulk producers do for their international exports to the US etc? do they have people picking leaves like the tea industry does for tea leaves which are then dried and ground into a powder? do they remove the leaf vein/stem, or just grind everything to save time? i am interested as i believe they export thousands of kg of dried powdered leaf to the US and around the world.

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3 hours ago, SirLSD said:

was there anything about different stages of leaf growth? ie newly sprouted leaves from tips that didnt exist a week ago, vs leaves that have been on the tree for weeks or months vs leaves that fall off the tree naturally in winter when they go dormant?

also does anyone know what the major bulk producers do for their international exports to the US etc? do they have people picking leaves like the tea industry does for tea leaves which are then dried and ground into a powder? do they remove the leaf vein/stem, or just grind everything to save time? i am interested as i believe they export thousands of kg of dried powdered leaf to the US and around the world.

Older more mature leaves  > younger leaves. I dont know about how picking is done in places like indo and Thailand, Rev would know but hes banned i think... id assume because labour is so cheap in these countries it would be done by hand.

There are various drying and processing methods to produce different end products, such as sun curing, but it shouldn't make any major difference to the strength.

Removing the central vein and petiole makes a big difference to how fine you can get your powder, unless you want to grind with a mortar and pestle or something. Its much easier to whizz in something like a magic bullet then sift through a screen to remove any fibrous stuff, and repeat until you really get nothing but fibrous stems etc.

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On 28/06/2022 at 4:31 PM, SirLSD said:

was there anything about different stages of leaf growth? ie newly sprouted leaves from tips that didnt exist a week ago, vs leaves that have been on the tree for weeks or months vs leaves that fall off the tree naturally in winter when they go dormant?

also does anyone know what the major bulk producers do for their international exports to the US etc? do they have people picking leaves like the tea industry does for tea leaves which are then dried and ground into a powder? do they remove the leaf vein/stem, or just grind everything to save time? i am interested as i believe they export thousands of kg of dried powdered leaf to the US and around the world.

yep, i would like to know more details regarding this as well. which leaf type is said to be the most potent. or say, stored for months old leaves, are better at night time.

which leaves are the best to pick, would be cool to know, because the rifat clone, does feature many different seasons at the very same time. it produces, flowers, mature seed pods, young small leaves, and big leaves at the same time. this makes me think, it's an advantage to have a tree, which doesn't obey the seasons.


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"In my research I have noted 1.5g dry leaf twice daily for three weeks produced no obvious withdrawal effects upon abstinence. "


That's a fairly low dose, but your still playing with fire using for more than 72 hours without a 7 day break. That is the only way to use long-term without physical dependence developing.


Just because you can use for a period and stop once does not mean it will be like that again. The body memory is now there. This is purely from a dependence point of view.


Besides dependence, the psychological aspect must also be considered. The compulsion to use can become very strong, with depression and lethargy becoming the norm for days when you do not use.


Very difficult to taper due to its 4-5hr effects window.


That being said its a wonderful medicinal herb with many amazing benefits. But be warned it should be treated with the respect you would give any other powerful painkiller or antidepressant.


My advise, take a break now for a month but keep some in the medicine chest for when you really need it.

Save it for when you have Covid, cold or flu, when you need a special boost for a special occasion, an alternative to alcohol perhaps for special events, when you are injured and in pain or when you need that little bit more to complete that special project.





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