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The Corroboree

Idea from dream

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I had a dream where i packed a garden hose with a medium then boiled the capped and coiled hose in a big drum, then a injected a spore syringe though the hose every so often, then when it had colonized it all i cut the hose up into 20cm ish chunks and used them like seed/starter colony things.

Every time i have tried to grow mushrooms from scratch i have always failed and they have become contaminated so ill likely never try out this idea but am curious from any that have done so if this idea even makes and sense or would be useful/practical?

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  • 4 months later...

Haven't tried it yet but plan to try it and a more conventional method at same time eventually. I been a bit overwhelmed recently and got a lot going on.


Really need to get on top of current things before i start adding new things. But if/when i do try it i will post back here to say how it went.

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