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The Corroboree

Broken galleries?


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In an upgrade a few years ago a whole lot of galleries got screwed up and all we would see is grey thumbnails and grey images. As I am doing a bit of work to upgrade the forums at the moment I was looking for these broken galleries but can no longer find them. I am quietly hoping that they fixed themselves as I was advised by tech support that the only remedy is to delete them. There was lots of them, but I can't find ANY now.

If you find any can you please link them here so I can investigate.

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i have sent an e mail regarding this, and started a thread.

i will look for it and post a link, it at least gives you a time frame of when it happend...


so a few years ago i uploaded a pic, and the forum software must have thought it was a video.

i clicked stop, because the uploading took, far longer than usally.


my post count shot up by a 1000 or more, because every dark image, appearing at the top of the page, was counted like i posted a gallery pic.


so those black pics, i can't find because, pressing just the left symbol at the gallery pics doesn't get you back all the way to what was uploaded in june 2020.

but they are still there because my post count is still to high.

another thing is, that if one clicks gallery, it always features the pics of bullit, and this page used to change randomly, and give other members a chance to have ther pics promoted.

tort, here it is. took me a while to find...


Edited by withdrawl clinic
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That's probably not the issue I am referring to. This seem to be an upload error by the forum. The issue that concerns me is that many pics that were previously there suddenly weren't.

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