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EGA: Call for Bulk Seed Donations - Seed Care Package


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Hi good SAB folks








We’re seeking donations of bulk (500+), identified seed to distribute amongst the EGA and ethnobotanical community as part of an upcoming project. We will happily accept new and older seeds, provided germination rates are 50% or better.








No seed will be resold, it will be passed on to the community via an up and coming gifting project. 








Please send donations to:




Entheogenesis Australis




PO Box 2046 Belgrave, Victoria, Australia 3160








If you’d like to receive a thank you and be listed as a donor for the project, please provide these details in the mail along with your donation. This is the same address as the EGA raffle, so if you were thinking of donating to both please feel free to post the donations together. 








If you have some special seed in a smaller quantity that you would like to donate, or if you would like to donate but would first like some more information, please send me a private message or get in touch via [email protected]. While we are happy to give donors more information, this project is not yet public knowledge and giving away the secret will ruin the surprise. Contact us to know more! 








We can take donations for this project up till around mid-November, please consider supporting this fun seed project.  








Kind regards 




Ronny and the EGA team











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Hi Freakosystem. 


Thanks for the reply, and interest in supporting the project. I am happy to come up with a more in-depth response if needed. 


The project is a seed gifting package to give some extra joy to people in isolation or just out of isolation who are a part of our extended community, some more dedicated but many newbies. At this point, we aim to send out a minimum of 300 seed packs across Australia, but more are likely. We are happy to receive seed that is legal to send and grow within Australia. The more ethnobotanical, native or food-related the seed is, the better. We hope to have a minimum of 5-10 seed typed for each pack. 


The plan is for each seed we receive and send; we will also have some growing and other info for the receiver. No seed will be pass on without information so that it is not missing, understood, and used (as best we can do). 


We understand basic ethical practice is something we will need to pass on. We plan to put together an info pack to go with all seeds passed on. So list info like the origin of the species, possibly cultural use, ideal planting locations and ideal growing conditions. We will also recommend again introducing no non-garden environments or native environments that are inappropriate. Basically, we hope to send each seed type out with info or links to support the gifted seed. 


Some seeds will be only sent to some states, and we will sort the seeds when we know what we have on hand. We are also open to ideas, recommendations and or other help people can offer on the subject of ethical seed sharing. One of the main reasons for making this seed focused is scale and affordability, we feel we can make people happy with a special surprise gift that they can grow this year or maybe next. As volunteers, we need the project to be achievable and valuable. 


Does that answer your questions Freakosystem, we aim to educate and empower with the gift of life? This might also be a useful link to get a feel where the EGA head is at EGA resources - https://gardenstates.entheogenesis.org/resources/


I hope you are still interested in supporting the project, and also I hope this might encourage others to help support. If you even only have one seed type and have it in bulk that will still help, so anything is good, as long as it's bulk and identifiable. 


Edited by RonnySimulacrum
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Hi Ronny,


I wasn't calling into question the genuine and kind motivation behind this all. I think very highly of all that EGA does. In fact, it's the strength of organisation's genuine capacity and motivation to share and build a community that could cause a simple oversight of environmental impact to occur. I'm just an environmentalist and couldn't help but feel concerned if seeds like Acacia longifolia or Acacia saligna were to be sent across the country.


Perhaps you have already thought about it and decided that the risk to the environment is worth the benefit to the people. That's fine too. Just wanted to make sure it's not overlooked.



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Hi Freakosystem, yes no worries, I may have over answered your question a little as it gave me time to explore some of what you were asking about for my own head and then also expand on it in case of others were also keen to know more about this. I'm glad you asked it, as it's good to see the questions on people's minds more and more the last couple of years. 


I cannot speak for all of EGA but I think for macro environments that have already been disturbed or are being curated it's ok to have seed from other environments grown (eg a garden), as long as it's a low risk of spreading disease or pest across the plant community and the growers understand what they are doing. But yes land with undisturbed native plants should not have seed not sourced from the area just placed out for many reasons as you know. 


The last thing I want is us to put time and energy into something that is destructive, so yes, let's not do that. We will review what seed goes to each state and make sure we identify any issues we can think of before sending and hope with the info we provide we get good outcomes. 

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Certain acacias are liable to out-perform endemic species, including other acacias. Perhaps the same could be said for some imported jungle vines?

Personally, I'd happily endorse an Acacia phlebophylla conservation project. Or peyote. Etc. Arguably, those endangered species deserve more of a global distribution, and few would decline the opportunity to participate. 

That said, seed of any plant could be responsibly distributed with a suitably worded disclaimer outlining the (legal, ecological) risks. 

The "conservation" aspect is strongly in EGA's interest, in terms of *prospective* future funding. There, I said it. 




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Fyzygy, You might be lucky around Acacia phlebophylla and peyote conservation. There seem to be a lot of discussions starting up of late. I know EGA is working on a panel around peyote conservation at the moment. More info will come out about that soon I am sure.  

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Hi, again, fantastic SAB folk that are considering supporting this EGA seed project.


All Donated seeds will be gifted to the extended community via a seed care package via the mail. 


If and when you do posts seed our way, maybe send me an MP (head-up) of what is on its way.

That way, we can start thinking about species info I will need to send out with the seeds and also get a feel for what coming our way quantity-wise.


Thank you all so much for your support :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Raffle + seed donations are closing very soon and need to be sent ASAP. Ronny has been on leave but will return in the next few days, so if you’re waiting for a reply it shouldn’t be far off.




As well as the San Pedro seed from Damascus I will be donating a cutting of a Trichocereus hybrid for the EGA raffle. This plant is not yet publicly available and so far has only been shared with sharxx and Fahim.




‘Neptune’ is from a (sso2 x sso1) x tpm cross by nitrogen. This clone has the unusual quality of exhibiting both monstrose and variegated traits.




The Neptune graft pictured is Fahim’s. I will take a cutting from the parent plant for the raffle this evening.


Neptune 2.jpg




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  • 4 weeks later...


Hi folks, sorry I had to take some time out as lockdowns and my job become just to much more. But after a little time out I getting back to my favoured community.


If any folks have seed to donate that I love to know about it. 


All going well it will for a thank you pack to folks (Aus) that attend the 5th EGA in just over a week. 


Thanks again for your support everyone ;-)


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Hi folks, sorry I had to take some time out as lockdowns and my job become just to much more. But after a little time out I getting back to my favoured community.


If any folks have seed to donate that I love to know about it. 


All going well it will for a thank you pack to folks (Aus) that attend the 5th EGA in just over a week. 


Thanks again for your support everyone ;-)

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  • 2 months later...

Just a small update that we did not end up getting many seed donations. So I have decided I will add what we have to the next EGA raffle. 


Thanks for your support, if you did send them on and they will find good homes/head in time :wink:

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