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The Corroboree

P. viridis legal restrictions


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Hi Guys,

I grew too many P.viridis for myself and have been selling the leaves on Ebay. I cannot find any evidence that it is illegal to do so. One customer cam back forcefully warning me that it is illegal and that I should delete my entry. He has provided no evidence that it is illegal. Does anyone know if the leaves separated from the plant sold for propagation purposes is illegal please? I see Herbalistics sells these leaves for sale in Australia.


John S

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If they're alive, and you listed them for propagation purposes only, I can't see the problem. If they're dried, might be a problem. But that's not actual legal advice. Better reach out to T if you can.

I suppose Leo can decide to make an example even if you're technically in the clear, and that can be an expensive burden to prove your innocence.


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No problems with Ebay just one guy who wanted a refund which he got.

Thanks Gluakus.

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