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Is herd immunity possible?


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1 hour ago, Change said:

Is herd immunity possible? seems like an important question to answer....


Five reasons why COVID herd immunity is probably impossible







Looks like camp planning will be last minute from here on essentially...

I get the impression (from my layman's perspective) that we will live with it like chicken pox, and mutations will occur that mean booster shots are required from time to time to prevent the worst of symptoms. But it's not looking great for it to disappear. 

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Yeah its rather bizzar that our political leadership are setting these 80% vaccination targets which will allow for life to return to normal, before the worlds leading scientific publication can confirm herd immunity is a viable goal. I guess its reflects the fact that our elected leaders are qualified in the feilds of law and commerce rather then science. 



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2 hours ago, Change said:

Yeah its rather bizzar that our political leadership are setting these 80% vaccination targets which will allow for life to return to normal, before the worlds leading scientific publication can confirm herd immunity is a viable goal. I guess its reflects the fact that our elected leaders are qualified in the feilds of law and commerce rather then science. 



They're qualified in the field of saying things to make it seem, to the herd, that they have things under control, and therefore we should continue to vote for them...they rarely look past electoral cycles.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Its mind blowing how long the media takes to catch up to what scientist have been suggesting and Its very sad people respect media and polititcans more than published researchers who dedicate their lives to understanding complex phenomena in order to benefit humanity.




No suprised though, the latest religious psychosis is governement, and money is their god. We have been living in a world where 9 million people die from starvation every year. If we couldnt get together to solve the starvation crisis, how are we going to unite to solve the covid crisis. 



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