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The Corroboree

Caapi vine plus Anadenanthera culubrina bark


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They really are a beautiful tree. One of my favorites .

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Does colubrina bark contain alkaloids? I thought seeds were the vessel for them, and then, mostly bufotenine.

Bufo changa is certainly an intense and powerful experience, I'm not sure if want the head pressure sensation to go for much longer than it does and I'd say a brew would extend it. It's a really oppressive feeling at first. I think they call it an ordeal medicine for this reason. The visuals are truly astounding though.

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5-Methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine, Bark[1]









5-Methoxy-N-methyltryptamine, Bark[1]



Bufotenin, Seeds, bark[1]



Bufotenine N-oxide, Seeds[1]



N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, Seeds, pods, bark[1]



N,N-Dimethyltryptamine-N-oxide, Seeds[1]



N-Methyltryptamine, Bark[1]


















Sourced from Wikipedia 



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On 18/11/2020 at 6:33 AM, Glaukus said:

Does colubrina bark contain alkaloids? I thought seeds were the vessel for them, and then, mostly bufotenine.

Bufo changa is certainly an intense and powerful experience, I'm not sure if want the head pressure sensation to go for much longer than it does and I'd say a brew would extend it. It's a really oppressive feeling at first. I think they call it an ordeal medicine for this reason. The visuals are truly astounding though.

i ditto above, it's possible i know of somebody, who tried the bark, but nothing was in it.

but than the above , says differently, lets say not appreciatable ammounts in the bark...


traditionaly, peregrina seeds get powdered and insuflated.



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  • 1 year later...

Years ago I confirmed there was 100% activity in extract from colubrina root, I’m dragging up a very old and vague memory, but I seem to remember that there was a layer of hard pale material within the root at some layer that I’m almost certain I didn’t use. I do remember 100% that I used the pale musky pink layer which had the unmistakeable smell of peanuts. The whole root had swollen up which is what precipitated me to want to use it, since I’d thought I’d killed the plant. 

anyway I remember there was one fundamental difference between extracting NN and 5meo which IIRC is 5meo doesn’t need non-polar solvent?? I never got around to doing NN extract because of a privacy/safety issue with the basification step and I couldn’t get a non-polar. So I figured there was something in the roots and guessed 5meo since it was somewhere else, and while I would’ve written down what I did I have NFI where that is, I DO remember using acetone because that’s what I had available. I’m guessing prob sodium carbonate since that would’ve been the strongest alkali I’d have had. 

the result was a very tiny amount of crystal scraped up. Pretty sure I remember sandwiching it with very noticeable effects from such a tiny amount. It wasn’t half a cone of changa noticeable, or freebasing crystal NN noticeable, and I wish I could remember what the actual effects were. It’s possible it could’ve been NN and I just burnt off most of it, or… it was 5meo. I’m not even sure I’d even had NN in any form when I did that. It was only around a year after I’d had any illicit for the first time, less than a year since I’d had acid the first time, and I was doing it all by myself and the wonderful info online. 

Problem with this as a source of 5meo? Not particularly sustainable! I’m looking up a bunch of shit now because I want to see what’s possible with peregrina twigs/phyllodes

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  • 2 weeks later...

very good info, if a colubrina gets to big and cut down, the roots ought not to get wasted....

there are only a few reports of peregrina, growing in oz, some people doubt it's peregrina.

it could be partly my own fault because, at times my dyslexia, make me mix up the two, haha.

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  • 3 months later...
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  • 1 month later...
On 10/5/2023 at 10:42 PM, kadakuda said:

Beautiful plants!  I have no help for your question, but may I ask if you have ever seen seeds from your plants?


My Pere is just a small wee thing at the moment. 

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