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Another Petition for Cannabis Reform to QLD Government


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Remember the petition you signed regarding changing cannabis laws in QLD? The one that ended up with almost 15 000 sigs? :huh:


If you don't that's probably because the QLD government basically said "Cool story bro, now fuck off. That's a hard no!" :wave-finger:


Sounds legit? Perhaps not, which is why there is another petition underway, this time instigated by Debra Lynch of the LCQ party (Legalise Cannabis Queensland). 


You can sign the petition here: https://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/work-of-assembly/petitions/petition-details?id=3411


It states:

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House: The objective of the Drugs Misuse Acts is to target drug-traffickers, however over 90% of cannabis arrests are patients, carers and other consumers, adversely impacting their wellbeing, employment, education and travel; and that "medicinal cannabis" laws have failed patients, as witnessed in Senate inquiry into the Barriers to Medical Cannabis. The inquiry recommendations directed toward the States, have not yet been acknowledged or actioned by the Queensland Parliament.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to address these injustices by amending laws to ensure consumers have safe access to cannabis via:

  • an immediate moratorium on arrests for personal use;
  • the removal of restrictions on the cultivation/production, possession and supply of cannabis plants, cannabis, cannabinoids via amendments to Drugs Misuse Regulations 1987, Schedules 2 and 3; and the Health {Drugs and Poisons) Regulation 1996, 270A;
  • the making of new regulations to allow consumers to cultivate six plants in flower at any one time and possess cannabis, upon the person accepting all risks and responsibilities for usage and storage of their cannabis;
  • a two year trial, to be undertaken to assess the outcomes of decriminalising cannabis including harms or benefits of a licensed, taxed supply chain with home grow option; and
  • the establishment of an independent body inclusive of all stakeholders, responsible for overseeing all aspects of regulating cannabis and hemp, including issuing licences for microbusinesses and non-profit organisations to produce affordable cannabis for local supply within Queensland.


Get into it! :lol:

Edited by -RC-
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In Victoria, meanwhile, the state parliament is currently accepting public submissions -- beyond an official cutoff date of 31 August 2020 -- to its Inquiry into Cannabis Use:


By default, submissions are not confidential. 

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18 hours ago, fyzygy said:

In Victoria, meanwhile, the state parliament is currently accepting public submissions -- beyond an official cutoff date of 31 August 2020 -- to its Inquiry into Cannabis Use:


By default, submissions are not confidential. 


Great! Yeah, all submissions are protected by parliamentary privilege, so you can't be prosecuted for anything you say.


I know a few peeps around here who have presented to similar Inquiries, with no dramas, but with their voices heard :wink:

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

12611 sigs. Get in there and put yours down before it ends on Thursday! :excl:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Somehow ended up being 11460. :huh: Regardless the people of QLD have spoken again, and I fully expect a quiet yet absolute refusal to even consider it by the dickheads who somehow get the say.

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