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Caine Barlow - Australian Psilocybe and their Lookalikes - Video


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Entheogenesis Australis presents Garden States Microdose Livestream - From Sunday 5th July 11 am- 6:30 pm 2020


We are releasing the first talk in a new series taken from our recent Garden States Microdose Livestream. Caine Barlow's talk titled 'Australian Psilocybe and their Lookalikes' received a great deal of positive feedback. If you are a lover of mushrooms and the Psilocybe genus then this talk is for you.


Title - Australian Psilocybe and their Lookalikes Synopsis


While the Genus Psilocybe in Australia, is represented by few formally defined species, there are comparatively many more look-alike species. Many of them are poisonous, some can cause liver or kidney damage, some deadly. Being able to identify the lookalikes as well as the desired mushroom goes a long way to increasing your own safety and being able to help friends identify theirs. Foragers should know how to identify Galerina sp., Hypholoma sp., and those from the genus Cortinarius. Talk Slide Link http://www.entheogenesis.org/wp-conte...



Bio - Caine Barlow

Caine Barlow is a fungi educator who has been cultivating and studying fungi for 13 years. In 2019 he completed a Master's degree where his research project was to predict a preliminary conservation status for many Australian fungi.


As a fungi educator, he is passionate about encouraging people to see fungi in a new light by demonstrating how easy they are to grow in kitchen and garden environments.


He likes to inspire a sense of creativity in the cloning and propagation of mycelium, experimentation with different substrates, and how to hack together equipment.


Through exploring the forests of Far South Tasmania, Caine's interest in fungi evolved from foraging to learning how to culture native species for conservation, and on to cultivating a variety of culinary and medicinal species. Then to further studies into mycorrhizal fungi, mycoremediation, and mycorestoration.


When not growing fungi, Caine volunteers his time with MYCOmmunity applied mycology, and Fungimap. He is also a regular contributor, “trusted identifier” and administrator on a variety of fungi oriented website forums and facebook groups. Caine has an Instagram account "Guerrilla Mycology” where he blogs about his cultivation techniques and the ethnomycology of fungi he finds in the field.


You can find Caine on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/guerrillamy...



We're immensely grateful for your support of our botanical initiative. Entheogenesis Australis (EGA) pronominally a volunteer-run charitable, educational organisation that is in however in need of economic support. EGA is a registered charity, If your able we urge you to consider supporting our work via our web page- https://www.entheogenesis.org

Edited by RonnySimulacrum
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Hi Mods


I invite you to pin this Video to this thread, keep it around as a good reference?


Good to see this SAB friend in action :lol:


Thanks, everyone for your support of EGA over the years and we hope to give back the community also with gems like this video. 

Edited by RonnySimulacrum
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Heh. Caine always manages to get the balance right between giving out quality information and not dumbing it down at all.


I has envy of this skill, it means his work is always worth watching doesn't matter whether you're an expert or a noob- you'll learn something

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