Sallubrious Posted August 11, 2020 Author Share Posted August 11, 2020 (edited) 5 hours ago, SayN said: I don't know what i'm more appalled about. Your disappointment that the death rate in Australia is so low? Perhaps its your lack of empathy for the aged, health care workers or those with a comorbidity (like, why should they even matter?). Maybe it's the need to blame one's alcoholism on the wife and her snoring. Seriously, are the hardships you've been forced to endure really that demanding? You're not even in Victoria FFS. I prescribe 220mg MDMA + 16 inches of Eileen and less bitchute and vodka. PM me your address. Chill Space. Yeah. If this is how SABers chill now, I think I want out. Wow that was deep and full of unfounded assumption, full marks for the cognitive dissonance and lack of comprehension! I know a guy in his late 70's ( a respected friend of the family) who was living in a nursing home, he got really sick in March and was taken to a local hospital, they slapped a suspected COVID diagnosis on him without even testing him and put a DNR order on his chart. Then they left him in a corridor on a stretcher for 2 days and no-one went near him, they didn't even give him water. Then someone decided they should test him for COVID and he tested negative so they decided to put him on an IV and he recovered. As it turned out the nursing home staff had miscalculated his heart medication. I went to see to see him in hospital and they wouldn't let me in. Why should co-morbidities matter because that's where the deaths are, they aren't dying from COVID, it's people on their deathbed dying from other things who are dying with COVID and the test is bogus, they can show a fucking paw paw has COVID with the TC-PCR test and anti body tests aren't specific to SARS-COV2 they will show a positive for any corona virus (the common cold). It's worse in VIC, they send nursing home patients to hospital and Daniels has implemented a policy where they refuse them admittance to the hospital, so they take them back to the nursing home and they get zero treatment in most cases (just like Coumo did en masse in New York). So they get locked in a room alone and can't see their family or friends while the staff are too scared to go into their room and just they check out. Social isolation is one of the worst forms of torture in existence. How dare you insinuate that I don't care about old people and human rights, that's why I posted this thread, if fuckwits like you don't wake up and smell the shit now we'll all be living a communist dystopia and our future generations will all be living in a technocratic prison where our elders will have a use by date (that includes you when you get older if you aren't intelligent enough to understand the inference) Disappointed about the low death toll my arse, that figure is representative of how non lethal this virus is and how it's being used to manipulate idiots like you who don't understand statistical relevance. The figures prove there is no pandemic but you think it's worthwhile to virtue signal in a pathetic attempt to score points. Go to the world economic forum website and see how this has been planned for 50 years and has more layers than an onion the size of a baseball. My Mrs has lost her job because of this scam and the way it looks we'll be on the street in less than a month, so there's another bullshit assumption on your part. Keep watching your TV, keep listening to the radio and keep buying into the fear. If this were a real pandemic lots of people you know would be dead. Come on tell me about the masses of people you know who have died from this BS. Edited August 11, 2020 by Sallubrious 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-RC- Posted August 11, 2020 Share Posted August 11, 2020 I find it quite strange that in this forum of all places people are getting cut up about other long time members expressing their opinion that is different from the mainstream narrative. This whole fucking forum is outside of the mainstream narrative. What do you expect, and also why would you expect different? (not an opportunity to get all moral here) Express on I say. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and this place of all places should be able to tolerate divergent views, surely? We don't all have to agree, in fact, I think it is a good thing we don't, and at the end of the day we are all trying to figure out what is real and what is not. It isn't a competition. As the title of this subforum says "Chill". 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strontium Dawg Posted August 12, 2020 Share Posted August 12, 2020 To be fair, Sallubrious came in with all guns blazing, and quite a hostile aggressive tone, calling anyone who doesn't subscribe to his point of view a lot of names. That's not usually a very good way to start a discussion, unless you're looking for similarly defensive responses. We are not your enemies. As far as this all being one big coordinated scheme to usher in draconian measures, I would ask one question. Have you ever been involved in project management before? Have you experienced how fucking difficult it is to get anyone to agree on anything? Let alone actually make it happen? I am sorry to hear your situation is so dire Sallubrious. I wish there was more support for families who are hurting right now. Let us know if there is a go fund me or something that people can contribute to to assist. 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sallubrious Posted August 13, 2020 Author Share Posted August 13, 2020 (edited) You think that's a fair assumption that I came came in with all guns blazing and calling people names (sure I had the guns blazing but I didn't call people names) I did go on a rant about the government response but I wasn't directing anything at anyone here. I was just trying to express how urgent this situation is and I was attacked for it. I was vilified and belittled and took the first few hits on the chin and even tried to make concessions with Cubism because I felt we had unsettled issues that resulted from my attitudes in days gone by. When SayN joined in and attacked me for the second timeI, I flew off the handle and it was over the top, so sorry for that mate. That's genuine mate, I'm really sorry I wrote that shit. Can you guys see that our federation is on the verge of collapse here? Victoria is now a separate entity from the rest of the commonwealth and they've basically trashed our constitution, breached our human rights and contravened the national biosecurity act with the draconian statutes they've decided to enforce (unlawfully) and WA has been implementing statutes designed to destroy our Commonwealth for years. None of the acts have been through parliamentary process and in effect they are just edicts implemented by by a rogue premier (dictator) funded by China. Federal politicians have basically abandoned all parliamentary process and they just issue edicts as well - they're acting outside the boundaries of our constitution and have total contempt for it. They swear an oath to Queen of Australia FFS (as do our all our police), If anyone can show me the Queen of Australia I'll take my hat off to you because she doesn't exist. Hawke created that fictitious entity when he introduced the Australia act so he could sell us all out (all without the referendum he was required to carry out under our constitution), but he lied to the real Queen & told her we'd had the referendum to deceive her into giving it Royal ascent and then implemented his own re-written constitution. Hawke was a Fabian socialist and publicly declared he wanted to do away with private ownership of everything, cars, land & houses. This exact scenario has played out in every eastern European nation where a communist takeover has ensued and now it's happening here and no-one gives a fuck. Most Aussies just aren't capable of putting history into context and seeing the parallels that are happening here right now. I'm sure most people assume it's just going to go back to the laid back care free lifestyle we had before all this shit blew up but if you don't wake up soon and unite we'll all be living in a technocratic hell where we have the same control system as China. And it's mot China pulling the strings they're just the ones we can see bringing all the the surveillance tech in and and acting as a conduit for the money that's driving it all. This is a full scale Bankster/corporate takeover - the same families who funded the Bolshevik revolution and installed communism all around the world are playing the same game again. Australia and New Zealand are the testing ground for the incoming shitstorm (look at what's going on in NZ) they're going to put people in detention camps and allow the army to enter houses and use any level of force they deem fit soon.. Learn your world history guys. I know all of this is really hard to accept but just because you don't like it, it doesn't mean it isn't true. Shoot me down on the facts that I bring to the table but character assassination based on you not agreeing with me without checking the facts is really a waste of precious time. Read some of the work from Charlotte Iserbyt and see how we've all been programmed to accept what's coming and not have the capacity to understand what's coming. We've been trained to submit from the day we entered pre-school and most people will defend the new order because they've been trained to support the system with techniques such as as operant conditioning for their whole life. I love you guys and I loved living in free country for over 50 years but what's coming is going to be the rudest awakening anyone can imagine if people don't wake up now. Edited August 13, 2020 by Sallubrious 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Black Rainbow Posted August 14, 2020 Share Posted August 14, 2020 (edited) I agree that wealthy people are the most likely to benefit and least likely to be negatively impacted by covid, but I don’t think government and other institutional responses are as strategic or organised as you suggest. Reduced individual freedoms seems like a fair price for increased collective safety, but I can understand that this might trigger memories of political trauma. Edited August 14, 2020 by Wile E. Peyote Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cubism Posted August 14, 2020 Share Posted August 14, 2020 Cmon Sally, if you made 'concessions' for me for whatever reason I'd hate to see what an unconstrained response would be. I simply attempted to fact check your pcr claim. If this is a discussion forum, and you start a discussion, you really have to be ready to consider alternative opinions. Otherwise its not a discussion. What I would like to ask though, all in good spirit of course, is if you could elaborate on these statistics. All statistics are meaningless when used with no context. Are we talking probabilistic, bayesian, or some other form? We use somewhat more abstract models in our lab such as permutation tests and latent factor analysis, w are often far more robust. This isn't a challenge though mate, it's a legit que from a stats nerd. In medicine perhaps the most relevant indicator is 'clinically meaningful outcomes' as in if an intervention stops someone dying that would be clinically meaningful. There's often far more important factors than simple significance testing. Again, this is a legit question, I honestly don't care about the theme of this thread, I just like to understand things better, which is what discussion is all about. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sallubrious Posted August 14, 2020 Author Share Posted August 14, 2020 (edited) C'mon Cubism, Andrews is spouting statistics about cases and not telling anyone how many have been tested, how they've been treated or what co-morbidities they have, the overwhelming majority of deaths are geriatrics who were on their deathbed anyway, his fear mongering is completely baseless without the rest of the information to put it into perspective. look into how many people die each year from the flu and compare that to covid moralities we've never shut the country down for the flu and the death toll from the flu is several magnitudes of order higher every year than this scam. Any mass diagnosis for anything is political and the statistics are meaningless without context, you have to look at all cause mortality rates and that hasn't changed (to any statistical meaningful level) to see what's going on. If it is a pandemic those numbers should have skyrocketed, but they haven't. You mentioned clinically meaningful outcomes which is pertinent to this situation but you didn't give any examples to exemplify your point.In the US the clinical treatment has bypassed all normal intervention protocols and covid patients are put straight on to a ventilator (which doesn't work because the haemoglobin's oxygen carrying capacity is compromised and no amount of forced air will alleviate that situation), so they anaesthetise the patients which creates stasis and they check out from a malady of problems caused by the intervention. They also get a cash bonanza when anyone is diagnosed (by a bogus antibody or TC-PCR test, some states are paying over $400 000 for each patient they put on a ventilator. What's even worse is that there are proven treatments with a high efficacy rate that have been prevented for physicians to prescribe and their use has been controlled through the government restrictions mandated to pharmacies. Sure, death rates are very low here but in the US where all this nonsense is emanating from they are fudging the figures every way they can just like they are here. If anyone tests positive once they test them every two weeks and each time they test positive they are counted as a new case, some people have had 5 positive tests and they're all registered as new cases. Anyone who dies from anything can be listed as a covid death and the AMA has changed its guidelines to instruct doctors to implicate everyone as covid deaths even if they die from a heart attack, car accident or old age. One guy in the US died in a motorcycle accident and he was counted as a covid death. So this is just my opinion but it's also the shared opinion of a group of MD's, virologists and epidemiologists in Germany who have initiated an extra parliamentary inquiry into the misuse of statistics by politicians to undermine all our freedoms and basic human rights. There is growing number of medical experts rejecting the official narrative all around the world (but not in Oz, here it seems anyone in the medical industry just blindly accepts the narrative because they are on the payroll) they still have their jobs while many many others have lost their ability to make a living. It seems anyone in the medical industry in Oz (who still has a well paid job) is more than willing to let this forced tyranny perpetuate while the rest of the country is having their lives destroyed and they'll defend this tyranny to the death because they have a financial interest in the situation (their pay cheque) This guy is a borderline moron but even he can see what's going on, skip his ads and watch the rest of the vid. The same bullshit is happening here in Victoria. In the words of Benjamin Franklin. Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. This scenario has played out many times in history over the last 400 years, each time with a different catalyst for change. This time it's global. Edited August 14, 2020 by Sallubrious 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amazonian Posted August 14, 2020 Share Posted August 14, 2020 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
etherealdrifter Posted August 17, 2020 Share Posted August 17, 2020 Yes extremely polarizing but everyone needs to remember that we upon ourselves is not the enemy. Government has been slowly eroding our freedoms for yonks. Stay on the path and be true to yourself. Love..........................(yes love, is that such a foreign concept or is it something we've been forced to forget) yourself and others. Sometimes it's hard because it rubs you up the wrong way but its a concept i'm holding on too. Do not be fooled by smoke and mirrors, hold true and steadfast. Lockdown is a test(im a mexican) so don't fool yourself into a double double psych out about our future. Our liberties have been eroded yes, but don't let propaganda throw you down a rabbit hole of convenient lies. I won;'t be drawn into negativity, leave that for dumb, naive, uneducated fools. I believe in science and facts. Let's keep discussion vibrant but respect each other - remember to respect and love each other here because 'out there' it's a nasty place of intolerance. 6 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sallubrious Posted August 18, 2020 Author Share Posted August 18, 2020 (edited) Non consentual Covid vaccine testing on nursing home patients in Victoria. Child removal legislation in several states. Not sure how to include a timestamp for bitchute, skip to about 11:40 for specific details about the child snatching legislation but the entire vid is very poignant. No offence intended to the Marxist proletariat/submissives who still watch TV & agree with the covert takeover and all it's incantations. Now that we've been de-industrialised the modern proletariat has morphed into the new class of scientific and medical (professionals) who still have well paid jobs to a certain extent. 2020 Marxism for a paycheck while your countrymen languish. Edited August 18, 2020 by Sallubrious Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cubism Posted August 23, 2020 Share Posted August 23, 2020 On 14/08/2020 at 10:19 PM, Sallubrious said: ...Andrews is spouting statistics about cases and not telling anyone how many have been tested... the statistics are meaningless without context, you have to look at all cause mortality rates and that hasn't changed (to any statistical meaningful level) to see what's going on. This isn't elaborating on the statistics. I just want to know what you're talking about. Maybe your talking about descriptive statistics???? How do they test all cause mortality rates versus now vs before covid? What statistical test??? And yes all statistics are meaningless out of context. That's exactly what I already said to you (I do appreciate you reinforcing my point though, as it is a very important one). For ease of reading I quoted myself below for you. On 14/08/2020 at 2:09 PM, Cubism said: ...All statistics are meaningless when used with no context... I've quoted myself again for you too, to answer you statement about me not stating what a 'clinically meaningful outcome is. Apologies for not making it clearer though as I often forget that not everyone understands abstract terms I hear or read almost every day. On 14/08/2020 at 2:09 PM, Cubism said: ...'clinically meaningful outcomes' as in if an intervention stops someone dying that would be clinically meaningful... So, that is an example of clinically meaningful outcomes, albeit a pretty basic (and vague and crappy) one. Try this, a group of patients with 'physical disorder B' report that their quality of life is extremely poor and they can no longer deal with their symptoms without serious psychological distress. They are given 'intervention X' and following 'N' amount of weeks of treatment they report that their symptoms are still extreme, but psychologically they have improved and they now have an improved quality of life. Depression ratings have improved and all patients report a reduction in suicidal ideation. The assessment of this improvement fails to meet statistical significance, but as they are experiencing a much reduced level of distress, they report their life is now a much better experience, hence a clinically meaningful outcome. On 14/08/2020 at 10:19 PM, Sallubrious said: ...You mentioned clinically meaningful outcomes which is pertinent to this situation but you didn't give any examples to exemplify your point.In the US the clinical treatment has bypassed all normal intervention protocols and covid patients are put straight on to a ventilator (which doesn't work because the haemoglobin's oxygen carrying capacity is compromised and no amount of forced air will alleviate that situation), so they anaesthetise the patients which creates stasis and they check out from a malady of problems caused by the intervention... What you have said here has absolutely nothing to do with clinically meaningful outcomes. It's ok to admit you don't understand something. I don't understand a lot of the stuff you post, so I ask for you to explain it, because I'm happy to admit I don't understand. An example being asking you about the statistics you keep mentioning. I don't understand what your referring to with all the 'statistically meaningless' statements, so I asked. It would be really awesome if you could explain it for me though, as it certainly interests me, but I just don't understand what you're referring to, and your replies have not explained it. It's just that saying 'all cause mortality rates', 'Daniel Andrews is spouting...' really is meaningless in terms of what I was asking, and doesn't actually say anything about statistics in itself. To be honest, I know nothing about almost everything, but I do know about medical research. BTW, for full transparency, yes I am in medical research, and I am based in a hospital. I have no money, no assets, no preferrential treatment by governments, big pharma etc, and have no idea how I can exploit my knowledge for personal gain. Neither do any of the academics or physicians I know, outside of their paychecks. Yes, physicians often get approached by big pharma about getting incentives, conference trips, pushing drugs on them etc. Outside of GPs, I have not met an academic or physician that is not disgusted by this. My experience is with public health though, not private practice, so whatever happens in the private medical sector I can't comment on. In fact academics and public health physicians (and nurses of course, I definitely shouldn't forget to mention nurses), they all work ridiculous hours, far more than they are paid for, and get little to know recognition or even a 'thank you' for that work. They all have lives, family, children, bills, health problems, mortgages etc., the same problems every 1st world person has to deal with, but how often is this recognised in the public forum. I also know about how to critically assess claims of statistical significance, appropriate use of statistical tests in different settings and appropriate forms of data cleansing and analysis, and how to elucidate statements about statistics clearly without misdirection. On 14/08/2020 at 10:19 PM, Sallubrious said: ...Anyone who dies from anything can be listed as a covid death and the AMA has changed its guidelines to instruct doctors to implicate everyone as covid deaths even if they die from a heart attack, car accident or old age... Finally, can you please provide some further, hard evidence of this? If I understood it correctly, the document Amazonion posted suggests the opposite. If you're indeed correct, this is really serious and certainly warrants concern and further investigation, but it's hard to accept without some evidence (such as Amazonions post). It would be really helpful, and I'd be extremely thankful, if you could provide documented evidence for me to support your claim. However, I don't watch youtube, bitchute or any other of the internet video platforms. It's just not my cup of tea, so documented evidence would be awesome if you can supply it. This is an just attempt to understand that which I clearly don't, I'm not trying to start a shit fight with you. After all, I completely agree with what you said about both sides of the story. That's what I am aiming for, understanding your side. All the best mate. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cimi Posted August 23, 2020 Share Posted August 23, 2020 (edited) Stay safe. Stay home. You all have good points and this clashing of brilliant minds will certainly unearth some geodes of knowledge and wisdom but I cbf sifting through it all right now you guys are all awesome <3 Edited August 26, 2020 by Cimi 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sallubrious Posted August 26, 2020 Author Share Posted August 26, 2020 (edited) Harry Vox exposed the Lockstep documents about 10 years ago but everyone thought it was too far fetched to believe. The president Ghana came across them a few months ago & exposed the plan again. See any similarities to what's happened all around the world recently. Edited August 26, 2020 by Sallubrious Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sallubrious Posted August 26, 2020 Author Share Posted August 26, 2020 Sorry I didn't reply to you earlier Cubism, I had a quick look at your post and went searching for the sky vid where the do the daily briefing (you know the ones with the double speak phrase written in the background of the set - staying apart keeps us together) but it had disappeared from my history. It's become quite common for anything relating to Australia to disappear lately. In the briefing some woman from the Vic department of health basically stated that any death where covid was implicated or suspected was recorded as a covid death even if covid was not the cause of death. This is happening globally. Feel free to call BS on that as I can't support that statement with any evidence. I could link footage of the statements being read out in the USA but it's not really relevant to this discussion. This one came up today by a respiratory specialist sitting on a Sydney hospitals covid commitee where he explains how the whole thing is a scam (not in those exact words) but he explains how the hospitals have been empty and there's been almost no-one in the ICU's and he believes the government's reaction has been out of scale to the extent of the problem. He also states that the government response is going to cost many people their lives. Sorry for the way I approached this and my responses to some members here but by the time I posted the OP I was totally frustrated in my efforts to wake people up to this scam. The programming on the TV seems almost impossible to overcome and anyone who still watches that crap won't listen to any alternative perspective, I've been verbally attacked about 30 times and actually been physically attacked on one occasion as well (that didn't turn out too well for that guy) just for giving them an alternative perspective to the TV. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fyzygy Posted August 26, 2020 Share Posted August 26, 2020 On 11/08/2020 at 8:34 PM, SayN said: Chill Space. Yeah. If this is how SABers chill now, I think I want out. Please don't go. Best post of this thread, so far. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sallubrious Posted August 26, 2020 Author Share Posted August 26, 2020 The yanks are torn between laughing at us, feeling sorry for us and the more intelligent ones are just flat out confused, they can't understand our collective psychology. How a nation like us would just bend over and hold their ankles while our politicians give it to us, without vaseline is incomprehensible to them. I've come to a similar standpoint why do Aussies just cuck to corrupt politicians committing treasonous acts? Maybe it's all the rainbow unicorns and submissive porn vids people subject themselves to. Fanos/Thanos (I've seen it written both ways numerous times) did a recent zoom conference with a Yank who articulated this point better than I ever could. He also explained how palliative care patients who were dying are are being counted as covid deaths. I don't expect fzzygy to have the mental capacity to even consider this for contemplation, just keep cucking bro. Listen to Sasha explain this from an outside perspective. If you're still in alignment with government edicts and illegal mandates at this point you obviously haven't investigated any of of this beyond what the MSM programming has instilled in you and you'll happily drag us all into the abyss with your mindless compliance.. The girl in this vid has more balls than you ever will. And no I'm not a vegan like her but at least she can find her own truth. What you did with that comment was an insult by proxy, you're too gutless to make a direct confrontation like the other guys with testicles did, good one mate. At least Cubism and SayN had the balls to to make a direct (manly) confrontation and express their point directly. I'm still not in accord with their their perspectives but I do respect them as men of conviction and integrity who are willing to stand by their statements.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Northerner Posted August 27, 2020 Share Posted August 27, 2020 The reason people here take it so blindly here is we've got it so good. If there was significant hardship civil unrest would develop and it would be much harder to pull off. Not that it wouldn't still happen though, look at the US. For all the screaming about rights and stuff in the US it turns out they really get shafted at every turn. Straight up bribery in the form of "lobbying" holds the whole country in thrall, but at least they can shoot each other with guns and stuff, get the longest prison sentences in the 1st world with the worst incarceration rates. Ya know, because that's what free people do. But they laugh at us while crying constantly over their corrupt medical, corrupt schooling, corrupt policing, corrupt politics, corrupt infrastructure... ironic really. Sure Australia is overreacting to some extent with the policing of covid, but we do that with everything. It's going to take a generational change to phase out these sort of laws before they become truly Draconian. I think it's important to maintain perspective before engaging outrage. Better trade with Europe is the key to our emancipation from the war shackles of the US and the financial shackles of China. The party that gets this right will lead the emancipation of our young nation. I'm unsure how to wean people people off the corporate duopoly that is our political system, but more and more people are becoming aware of it especially the younger generations. As the old voting base dies off new ideas will come the fore. I smell the winds of change, the calm before the storm if you will. Rational people don't see the advantage of oppressing people in a wealthy nation. Oppressed people are not as productive and you can't tax them as much. Bad business really. I'm sure pollies with their personal businesses taking it to the knees can't wait for this whole thing to be over. They want people to spend, spend, spend. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
waterboy 2.0 Posted August 27, 2020 Share Posted August 27, 2020 (edited) To many people looking to blame someone or some mysterious thng/group for things out of their control. Disempowered and afraid. Scared as Fuck. It's like a Fckn Pete Evans fan group here. It's gone beyond opinion and become preaching to join the deep hole. Joining all the dots doesn't always give a straight line. ReAd ThE fAcTs, Do YoUr OwN rEsEaRCH Add in Qanon and it's bingo. FFS the yanks are still taking it up the arse, honestly... Let alone taking a yanks opinion... A Fckn Australian taking on American eyes.. And that's the shit that got us here. How do half you fucks fall for this shit, planned peons. Fallen for it... Edited August 27, 2020 by waterboy 2.0 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sallubrious Posted August 27, 2020 Author Share Posted August 27, 2020 Not sure what to make of that post WB on one level it's mindless cliche driven populist group think and on another level it's a veiled swipe. I've never seen that sort of commentary from you before. Have some testicles and nail your colours to the mast, do you believe it's a genuine pandemic and the unlawful political over reach is justified? Can you see the parallels to what happened in Germany when the country was divided. As Sasha stated in the vid I linked, these restrictions are much worse than Hitler imposed in the early stages of his regime. Do you believe this is just a temporary imposition and life in Oz will just go back to how it was before this plandemic/casedemic kicked off? Do you support a cashless society where all your transactions are monitored and the social credit system that comes with it, or do you believe humans should be free to live their lives on their own terms - what was enshrined by our forefathers when the constitution was penned? Try as I may I just can't understand the endemic psychology of submission to people who write words on pieces of paper and I'm perplexed by those who do. This has nothing to do with a virus, this is all about submission to self imposed authority and anyone who submits is a traitor to the rest of humanity who places freedom above mindless compliance. So are you aligned with the corporate government or are you aligned with humanity, freedom and basic human rights? 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
waterboy 2.0 Posted August 28, 2020 Share Posted August 28, 2020 Yeah...yeah Sal.ive got balls mate... Group think... Lol.. Get a grip... The moment its not fitting your perception tunnel you are on the attack. You must have missed my attitude on such crap whilst having a sook, it's not fresh. Surprised you didn't jab my mental capacity and go cuck crazy... Yeah I'm in with the secret organisation that deliberately disseminated a virus, to take control and enslave you under communist rule and poison all with jabs, and can't wait to social score folks, whilst scrubbing legal tender out. The fact you'll even frame I'm with the government or your make believe utopia is just stupid. They have you mate,rent free, you are appearing manic with it IMO and the piss ain't helping. You starting to read like a seppo I'll note... Of course it's a pandemic by definition, fuck deaths don't even equate into it.... The rest of the shit is heresay and to be tested. Let's see how sasha goes.... You'll find my rant about cashless a while back when the liberals first chased it way before this shit. The rest of that is close to the bone patriotic cloned material. Near Facebook ready. I'm doing what I was doing before lockdown down here. I don't even submit to death... Until it's stronger than me,it can try. Submit to government.. Lol... You sure as hell don't know me or poisoned those points out of your grey matter. There's a lot of folk doing it tough, I'm not even gunna go into mine, but I wish you and yours the best getting through it. And to all of you I know have been laid off or on the cusp. Pretty sure I got round your framed shit, done with itat least until the bottle goes down, and that'll need to be extended. On 27/08/2020 at 2:18 PM, waterboy 2.0 said: To many people looking to blame someone or some mysterious thng/group for things out of their control. Disempowered and afraid. Scared as Fuck. What a fucking waste of time.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Northerner Posted December 19, 2020 Share Posted December 19, 2020 Just wanted to revive this chestnut so the reality of what is playing out and the comparison to people's fears and projections can be looked at with hindsight. Vic is out of the critical lockdown and tracking and tracing is working very well around the country. We're actually winning the war against covid. Andrews has been vindicated on the lockdowns, there still remains questions about Vic ties with China though as a country our relationship with them is staling. In fact cracks are showing in the PRC's government in general. Power shortages, food shortages, protests (being quickly smashed down) are now becoming common for them. Yet they also manage to contain covid still. New Zealand is covid free. Go Kiwis! Now in the US covid is the #1 cause of death, outstripping cancer and heart disease, with more than 3000 deaths daily and more than 250,000 new cases every day. There are no ICU beds left in some states. This is what I was warning about 4 months ago. It's the critical turning point where shit starts getting bad. Dutton is still a piece of shit and is constantly trying to push through freedom and privacy eroding laws. He's starting to be targetted by community groups for his unethical practices. Our single entity corporate media in Australia is up for parliamentary enquiry. The stains on the sheets are starting to smell badly. People aren't happy. Interesting times indeed, but it does appear to be moving in the right direction for us. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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