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Dr Bruce Damer in Sydney


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Greetings all :) 


So as we witness 2020 unfolding already, the Australian Psychedelic Society in Sydney welcomes you to the New Year with a true 21st century Renaissance Man... Dr Bruce Damer in person !


DR BRUCE DAMER -  A Visionary Approach for Hope and Action in the Era of Climate Shock Event Banner



A Visionary Approach for Hope and Action in the Era of Climate Shock


Dr. Bruce Damer is a scientist, designer and public intellectual working on the key question of how life started on the Earth and the future of humanity as we expand into space. He holds post in Biomolecular Engineering at the University of California and also works with UNSW colleagues researching the most ancient rocks in Western Australia which contain some of the oldest evidence for life on Earth. Bruce is a well known storyteller and thought leader in the visionary community and curates the archives of Timothy Leary and Terence McKenna as well as hosting his own podcast, the Levity Zone. 


Find everything about Dr. Bruce at his personal page at: www.damer.com 

Join his Patreon community at: www.patreon.com/brucedamer 

Where: TBA

When: Saturday, 1st of February, 2020

Tickets: General admission = $25; Concession = $20

TICKET LINK (get' em here):  https://events.humanitix.com.au/dr-bruce-damer?fbclid=IwAR1Te2-CVEf6vGaBCq3j8D8klP09RnzT2QwYDar6RgGe3jDwkH8uRMbN_lY


Facebook Event Page (let us know if you're going):  https://www.facebook.com/events/2576409665926098/


Hope to see you all there for this unique event,




Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/219138845245639/

APS Website: https://www.psychedelicsociety.org.au/

APS Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQu9AB_muTJDPZkqsBDgRTg

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Yeh-  that Salon episode is a great one (I think Bruce has done a few there).

Did you here the 2-Part talk he did with James Jesso  -  I love when he gets into the Eluesinian Mysteries and shares his knowledge of these rites :)



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BUMPING THIS THREAD ...Don't miss the fascinating Bruce Damer next Sat FEB 1st 


Check him out on Joe Rogan a few years back - one of only 2 people Dennis McKenna has ever recommended for The JRE Podcast:  



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Bumping - coz, last chance to get tickets !!!


There are a few unicorns running around who’ve figured out a way to re-appropriate the dusty old construct of academia to their own terms. Both Dennis McKenna and Bruce Damer were brilliant enough, brave enough and tenacious enough to do it. If you’re familiar with them you already know, if not, you’ll hear exactly what I’m referring to in this chat. Dennis McKenna is an ethnopharmacologist, researcher lecturer and author. He has spent decades doing deep academic and personal research on consciousness and psychedelics. Dennis is also the author of Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss, a memoire chronicling his adventures with his brother, the late Terence McKenna.


In addition to being part of the same circle as Dennis and Terence McKenna, Dr. Bruce Damer, is a researcher at UC Santa Cruz focusing on origin of life theory. Bruce has also worked on projects for NASA in which he developed asteroid-capturing spacecraft.




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