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The Corroboree

PGR experiments

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So curiosity got the better of me and I ordered a few plant growth regulators off ebay. I'm going to feed them to things in my garden and post up the results here. The PGRs I ordered are brassinolide, triacontanol and paclobutrazol. 


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  • 3 months later...

I use canna boost it contains Tricontanal but for the price it is cheaper just to run a extra light with co2 and to be honest i only saw a reduced flower period not the claim of  a 30% increase in yields 


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I thought PGRs, particularly in cannabis, lowered potency and reduced trichome production, besides the obvious dangers inherent in combusting plant material with said PGRs in their chemistry, especially unflushed examples. :huh:

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2 hours ago, Responsible Choice said:

I thought PGRs, particularly in cannabis, lowered potency and reduced trichome production, besides the obvious dangers inherent in combusting plant material with said PGRs in their chemistry, especially unflushed examples. :huh:

Triacontanol can be supplied by alfalfa meal or mulch, and a little is ok. I don't like adding anything that's not organicfor the reasons you state though.

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So my cacti seem to really love these PGRs. I feel kinda stupid feeding them pactobutrazol because I know it's toxic and I will inevitably eat them. But seriously they have grown 10 % in their size in 2 days since feeding. I fed this mix to a garden bed with what I think is pumpkin in it and the thing has become monstrous. It's climbed over a bush, over a pond and into an adjacent garden bed - where it is producing poor quality pumpkins. It's got mold on the leafs at the base. This isn't anything to do with PGRs though, these plants are prone to rot. I'll post some pics tomorrow. 

I didn't keep any controls when I started this experiment sadly. But I do have some near identical seedlings of the same t. pachanoi genetic that I can separate and experiment on. I'll start feeding one of them the PGR mix tomorrow and we can compare the growth.

Stay tuned.

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