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Does someone legally have to have an identity?


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Lately Ive been fantasizing about just removing myself from society.  Ill probably never do it but it prompted me to wonder, do i legally have to have a name, an identity? If I just walked and had no ID, never told anyone my name would i be breaking the law?  Is it illegal to be a missing person?

Just curious

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12 hours ago, Average Joe said:

It's all relevant to your own perspective i guess.


Not sure what you mean Joe?  I guess i was wondering from a legal perspective what is a persons right to be identity free vs a responsibilty towards society to be accountable, ect.  

Personally if i was a vagrant i wouldnt give a shit about whats legal or not.  But I was curious if its illegal to be nameless, without ID.

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Do you wish to drive or use the banking system? Because if you do then you will need an identity and relevant documentation etc etc... If you wanna live in the hills (or wherever remote you wish) and not do these things or any other form of engagement in society then possibly not..

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We were fined $1500 for taking too long to register our son's name. So I suppose it is illegal. I do know several people who have never had a bank account, licence or any other id, but it's getting hard to live like this. I helped one old fella get a licence last year. He was in his sixties, was born under a tree, so no record of birth and was outraged that after all these years police have now started to pull him over and demand he conform.

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Yeah you legally have to register births (so they know if you're sending the kids to school or not), and I think that goes for deaths as well (because if people were just allowed to bury grandma in the backyard without telling anyone, that could lead to some problems...), but I don't think the gubmint care too much about about what happens in between. So long as you don't have any undeclared taxable income, at least. Not really sure how you'd go about erasing your identity though - presumably you're already in the system, not having ID documents doesn't really change that... And it does mean that you can't legally do certain things like drive a car, get on a plane, or leave the country - and may run into hassles if you need medical care, get stopped by cops, etc.


Side note: if anyone does need to get back into the system after a period of living offgrid without ID, gov't departments (Centrelink, Medicare, Dept. of Housing, etc) have supposedly gotten a lot better about this than they used to be. I know a few folks who needed to get ID papers after being "without fixed abode" for awhiles, and it wasn't the complete Kafkaesque nightmare I was expecting it to be. The social worker types were pretty good about it & helped out with stuff like applying for jobs or rental properties which would normally ask for your previous address, work history, etc.



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The thing is that you are not your name, your name is fictitious made up entity for legal purpose , I think the controllers don't won't people to be entertaining thoughts or thinking the way your thinking, if you go to court and they call your name I wonder if you can just ignore it or just approach with the  birth certificate and say there you go lol, I am not that name that is something my parents made up without my permission, I am not that name or paper and don't belong to the crown, I am of the earth, I am an earth dweller and claim right to my own spiritual and physical experience 

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On 27/10/2018 at 1:00 AM, Humbolt said:

Lately Ive been fantasizing about just removing myself from society.  Ill probably never do it but it prompted me to wonder, do i legally have to have a name, an identity? If I just walked and had no ID, never told anyone my name would i be breaking the law?  Is it illegal to be a missing person?

Just curious


All i meant was if you wanna bail from society it's your choice. There is obviously a life to be lived without a name, id, bank account and all the rest of it, if you choose that path. The law, whether you take that into account or not is geared to bring you back from any of your fantasies. You have to have a name, Yes, but if your living isolated in the bush somewere what does it matter. 


I live in a fantasy world everyday in my own mind and breifly check in to society for just long enough that i'm not reported a missing person :lol:

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This shit's a tad concerning. Sleepwalking into something Orwellian. Cradle to grave tracking, is there an opt out?


https://amp-abc-net-au.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/amp.abc.net.au/article/9015484?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQECAFYAQ==#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.abc.net.au%2Fnews%2F2018-01-15%2Falarm-raised-as-drivers-licences-added-to-government-database%2F9015484


China is using survelliance to create a program of ' social credit'.  Where if citizens have a good rating or bad will affect there life opportunities.  


https://amp-abc-net-au.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/amp.abc.net.au/article/10200278?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQECAFYAQ==#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.abc.net.au%2Fnews%2F2018-09-18%2Fchina-social-credit-a-model-citizen-in-a-digital-dictatorship%2F10200278


On 29/10/2018 at 5:38 PM, Average Joe said:


I live in a fantasy world everyday in my own mind and breifly check in to society for just long enough that i'm not reported a missing person :lol:

Sounds like a plan AJoe.



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  • 2 months later...

I was fascinated by this awhile ago after watching some videos of "soverign citizens" in the US on YouTube, my resserch led me to the conclusion that it was possible there (legally) but basically unachievable within the australian legal framework. There is a movement though and some aussies giving it a go, good luck!

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I feel that your owned by the government as soon as you have a birth certificate. Your in the matrix, lol. I hate being part of the system and would love to just drop out. 


I saw a video on Facebook the other day where a guy was pulled over by the police, he refused to blow into the breathalyser, he admited he didn’t have a drivers licence and the car wasn’t registered. He seemed to know his rights and had a spiel .  The things  he said....I couldn’t believe he was getting away with it. It looked like it was in a country town and the police seemed to be familiar with this man and his spouse. The police just let him go! . If it was in suburbia and the event wasn’t being filmed, they probably would have pulled him from the car and gave him what for. 

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