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The Corroboree

Edible Cultures for Sale Australia


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Hi Everyone,

My foray back into mycology is chugging along nicely. 
I've managed to get my hands on a number of edibles and am now hoping to offer some for sale to anyone else keen to get into the game :)
Also open for trades for anything not on the list (I do have a few others on the way so trade isn't guaranteed if it isn't on the list but pretty likely)

The next 2 - 3 weeks are pretty good for me in regards to uni study, then there will probs be 3ish weeks that I sort of disappear. Then I will be back and pumping out even more over summer.

For orders of cultures I'd like to keep it to a minimum of 3 plates, don't have to be of the same species. 
Price is $15 per plate + postage. Happy to arrange pick up/drop off in the Hunter Area (and I pass by warnervale area of central coast frequently too).

The list is:

Swiss Brown
DFAM - Victorian Origin Wild Pearl Oyster
Monster - Victorian Origin Wild Pearl Oyster
Victorian Blue Oyster
Sordid Blewit - Lepista sordida
Black Morel (morchella importuna)
Elm Mushroom
Hon-Shimeji/Beech Mushroom(brown)
Paddy Straw
Almond Agaricus (blazeii)
Abalone Oyster (pleurotus cystidiosis)
Pink Oyster
Golden Oyster
White Ferula (pleurotus nebrodensis)
(Turkey tail currently cloning)
Milky Mushroom (calocybe indica)

I've also got some prints from wild sub, cyan and cube specimens from around the Hunter, Watagans and Bulahdelah region.


I've also got some ready to go agar nutrient media that you just soak in water for a couple hours, dissolve as normal for agar, strain to remove sediment and then sterilise and go.
Works out to be 120g of nutrient mix per 1L water. Could chuck in enough for 1L for $5.


FYI, I sometimes disappear for a few weeks at a time. I have a tendency to get into a heap of projects at once and then go AWOL to get them finished.
I will always get back in touch if we are half way through a trade/order or whatever. And if I go AWOL you are likely to get extras :P


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That's a beauty of a list, been wanting to get into mycology for a while but haven't the time to properly engage in it as of yet.

Anyhow that is a great selection indeed :  )

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Thanks mate :)
I'm hoping to end up with 2 - 3 times the number of species by the end of this summer. Finally have the space needed to set up some individual fridges and incubators to maintain such a varied library. Been a dream for a while :)

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Definitely keen for some shiitake and a couple of those oysters mate.  Once I've got some cash put aside I'll get in touch to make a purchase!  :lol:

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Nice collection ace1928. Can i entice you out of  hibernation.

i have selected a good number from your list. it should make it worthwhile


I have spare slants to trade of

Black Poplar (Agrocybe Aegerita) 

Morel (Morchella Angusticeps)

lions Mane (Hericium Coralloides)

i have a good number of others, but need to test grow these isolates

before i can offer out.


Here is my wish list.

i am after fresh plates, that have not grown to the outer edge.

a centimetre of growth is fine.  happy to pay fast post.


*Pearl Oyster

*Monster - Victorian Origin Wild Pearl Oyster

*Victorian Blue Oyster
*Sordid Blewit - Lepista sordida


*Black Morel (morchella importuna)


*Paddy Straw

*Pink Oyster

*Golden Oyster

*White Ferula (pleurotus nebrodensis)

*Milky Mushroom (calocybe indica)


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2 hours ago, obtuse said:

I am also on the hunt for some cultures.


looking to buy though as i have nothing to trade


What? PM me, you're a deadset legend

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  • 4 months later...

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