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The Corroboree

Introducing Fat Bottom Girl


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I might have named this one fat bottom girl as she was the fattest fastest grower out of this particular cross for me. And now she will be Fat Bottom Girl. Thanks to Evil Genius and his quick suggestion.









Edited by Inyan
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By all means, if it offends even one person on this forum please take my post down. I do not wish to offend anyone. 

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18 hours ago, Inyan said:

By all means, if it offends even one person on this forum please take my post down. I do not wish to offend anyone. 

Let's not get caught up in the offense culture nor pander to it. :wink:


It's a fallacy of power. A righteous scream from a place of emotional weakness.

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Lets keep this nice fellows.


With that said, I actually think I like Fat Bottom Girl better. As it stand, I will soon have a yard full of Fat Bottom Girls as she is my most  prized specimen from my seedling bed so far. I am very happy we have hybridizers like Zelly making crosses like this. Without his hard work this seedling would not have come into being.

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She's a fat-bottom 'Lady' OK, (show some respect) :P  -just kidding...


  FBG, -awesome name man! :) Is it one of your scop x tersch grafts from zelly seed? 


Wonderful genetics if so :)

Edited by Halcyon Daze
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3 hours ago, Halcyon Daze said:

She's a fat-bottom 'Lady' OK, (show some respect) :P  -just kidding...


  FBG, -awesome name man! :) Is it one of your scop x tersch grafts from zelly seed? 


Wonderful genetics if so :)

No, she is not a scop x tersch... I have several of those though and they are indeed very nice. I have to admit, I have a few of those going out in each of the packages I sent out if memory serves me right... albeit I don't always post what freebies or extra's I am putting in an auction are... I think it makes for a more happy recipient that way as they will either be pleasantly surprised with the addition or if they aren't into the same kind of cacti I am... then they can be gifted to another. Suffice it to say, I rarely send out a box that is less than 75% full of cacti and I generally have trouble finding enough space to add in paper to wrap the cacti sufficiently rather than skimp on the cacti.


Fat Bottom Lady is my favorite huarazensis x scopulicola hybrid. No, that is not right. She is my favorite period. I would give up my brand new crested specimens I have grown from seed for this girl. I would give up every variegate I have grown from seed for her.  I think she is that special. So, again, my thanks go to Zelly for making this cross and so many other wonderful crosses. I'm just happy I got lucky enough not only to grow a few variegates and crested out of his seed, but to grow this one out as well. I truly feel like I won the lottery with Zelly's seeds.


Lets just say I'm going to keep this as clean as possible when I describe why I like her and thus... I will only tell you that she is indeed a hefty little lady just the way I like them. No skin and bones thin princesses for me thank you very much.


I like em round and chunky.

I like them chunky

Cause my Trichocereus don’t want none unless she’s a Fat Bottom Girl Hun. 

She has that girth that fills you with mirth.


Fat Bottom Girl is going to make me swoon.


Cause I like em chunky, chunky and 

plumpy, plumpy, 

I like her Trichs, 

Her skin so green and smooth

I like her attitude, I like her style

Fat Bottom Girl 

The way she walk, walk, the way she talk


No, I just can’t get right till I’ve had my Fat Bottom Girl tonight.


I don’t want none unless she’s a Fat Bottom Girl Hun. 

She has that girth that fills you with warm mirth.


Fat Bottom Girl makes my cacti world go round.






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21 hours ago, zelly said:

hz x scop last yr


If you didn't have the best Zelly, I wouldn't be getting so many seed from you. 

However, I am not trying to compare this girl with your specimen by any means. I can't do that as I don't have her. Not that I don't wish I could. It must get tiresome creating so many works of art.


I will say that Fat Bottom Girl was the best out of everything I have personally grown based on characteristics I personally like... 


The 7 runners up next to her were of different crosses actually... These are her runners up...7of8.thumb.jpg.afa024045c13e5587ca80e1ac5bae26b.jpg and while those 7 are the best next to Fat Bottom Girl in my collection, they do not compare to her in the slightest which is why I am not releasing these 7 to be named at this time. Fat Bottom Girl simply excels in too many areas that these 7 do not excel in.


I have a rule of thumb, if I can't compare a plant to at least 30 and preferably a few hundred other specimens I don't think I can effectively evaluate those plants for any traits. Now, the sad truth is that perhaps these 8 were someone else's first picks to be culled if they were found in that person's garden. We all have our own goals and desires and for me... Fat Bottom Girl is as perfect as a cacti as I have ever had in my collection based on my own personal tastes or preferences if you will.






Edited by Inyan
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