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The Corroboree

Should I give up on Caapi seeds?


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I ordered and planted five Caapi seeds ~6 weeks ago from herbalistics. The website says 21 days max.

I emailed the people who work there and they said

"yes generally if they are going to germinate it will be in 3 weeks"

Should i give up or is there still hope? Has anyone germinated herbalistics caapi seeds with success

Makes me worry about my P. Viridis seeds from them too


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Keep them but try source seed elsewhere.


P viridis takes up to 6 months I believe. Better off with cuttings if you can. Or rooting leaves if desperate


Note to self: never buy from Herbalistics.  

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5 hours ago, Gimli said:

Note to self: never buy from Herbalistics.  

Nahnahnah, I would just be weary! They offered to send me fresh P Viridis seeds and they have replied to all my queries.

They do sell all year round which isn't great for the customer.

Thanks for the reply too!

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I had no luck with the 10  caapi seeds that I bought from herbalistics.


I tried different things - some in a takeaway container, some breathing fresh air, cutting the wings off so they wouldn't grow mold, etc.


Nothing worked :(


The plants that I got from herbalistics are doing excellently so I'm planning to just propagate from cuttings when they're big enough to handle it.

Edited by aguacolla
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On 3/13/2018 at 7:24 PM, aguacolla said:

I had no luck with the 10  caapi seeds that I bought from herbalistics.


They really aren't cheap either.

I think as a last resort i'm going to try scarifying a few with sand paper...

None of them seem to be swelling up with water 

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  • 5 months later...

Yup I had good success with seeds from herbalistics.. was 100% germination rate if I remember right. 

I had them in one of those little trays with a plastic lid on a heat mat under fluro's on a 18/6 cycle.

Way too late for you zuess but just wanna say they work.. tried seed from other vendors with zero luck.

P.S. I lost 80% of my seedlings trying to acclimatize them to regular conditions outside the bubble.
Lost the other 20% to cats walking in seedling trays and user error. :/ 

Edited by Lorax
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Hey, thanks for the reply!

A friend of mine ordered me some fresh seeds not long ago even though it was out of season. I planted them and am still waiting for the weather to warm up a bit.

I'll keep trying when i get the opportunity, i just love growing things from seed hahaha

I use the same plastic trays with the lids i just dont have them under lights, they're outdoors  

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