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"Shamanic Science" subforum drafts.

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Hey everybody :wub::wub:


I'm starting this thread as continualtion of [ Conflicting opinions on ayahuasca] in attempt to popularize the idea of a subforum "Shamanic Science" .
As plants in our gardens are teaching us more and more,the need to share the spiritual-shamanic aspects of the accumulated knowledge in a condensed space becomes obvious.

These and more topics might be discussed:


- Raw spirituality.Shamanic additions to raw spirituality.World religions as guided spirituality. 


- Developing psychic abilities/sensitivity through plant use and navigation in psychic realms.Psychic symbiosis with plant spirits /spiritual symbiosis/ as a form of self-empowerment. Spiritual and psychic exploitation of people.Psychic parasitism and energetic vampirism.Possessions by spirits.Walk-ins.


- Nurturing plants as spiritual/shamanic practice.Hybridising the plants as carriers of spirits and designing realities which plants carry with their alkaloid combinations /contents. 


- Commercial shamanism and gardener shamanism.


- Trans-personal issues and what is acceptable as intervention /ethics of intervention/.


- Shamanic techniques of personal intervention.Textbook of modern shamanism as achievable purpose for modern science.Shamanic science - future development.


- Weaponising of shamanism and unethical psychic interventions.


- Psychic attack types and defences.Mind control.Psychic greed.Intentional and unintentional harm to others.Main types of harmful energies and acts. 
- 'in love' as vibrational frequency/ILVF/.Shamanic anchoring of 'ILVF' as a base frequency in interactions.Shamanic polyamory alternative to sex magic.


- Shamanic art as communication of frequencies and shamanic art-forms.Shamanic symbols.Writing as combination of image and sound frequencies.Shamanic interventions mediated by art.


- Shamanic use of sound,smell,taste,touch,image for anchoring frquency/reality.
- Shamanic use of crystals .


- Shamanic use of fetish for anchoring frequency/reality.

- Spiritual context of fixations and addictions.Sex addiction.Food addicton.Substance addiction.Other addictions.



Please share opinions and give more ideas for topics for "Shamanic Science" subforum in this thread..







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Here are some more topics of interest:


- Shamanic dance and shamanic movements .Physical body movements as a conscious interdimensional travel technique.Extatic dance. Vibrational changes within the body and corresponding changes in the surrounding world.


- Spirituality of imagination.Boundaries of imagination and learned constructs of consensus reality.Self-empowerment through imagination.Dissolving thought structures and assembling new realities from the world at present as innate reality travelling device.


- New dimensions. Freedom of imagination functioning as freedom to create one's own structure and meanig of the world.


- Consensus realities of small groups and closed communities.Religion of knowledge as consensus reality.Creation of one's own consensus realitiy within the surrounding world.


- Public fetish and private fetish.Sharing with a group of selected people to potentiate a reality.


- Shamanic circles.

- 'Healthy reality' base frequency and current reality.Comfort of the known world as structured reality.


- Illness and spirituality.Purpose of illness.Consensus reality of illness and obsolete elements in one's own reality as anchors.


- Health dynamics as feedback in the process of exploration of new states/spaces for the body and mind.

- Divination of "first taste" for plant reality creations grown/hybridised/ in one's own garden. Sacred right of visiting a "virgin plant reality".


- Spirituality of aging and death. Spirituality of Immortality. Communication with dead ancestors.


- Anchoring reality as an act of offering from the heart.Heart communications in the process of offering.Reverse communications and returns in the heart offering communion. 





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This forum has traditionally been very science based & historically i think can claim some degree of integrity in that regard.


I kind of see what you are getting at but it seems like most of the things you list fit the category of 'science' only in the broadest possible terms.


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The name of the subforum might be different than "Shamanic Science" .

I'm only aiming towards a condensed space for the mentioned and similar topics :):)


If you have a name in mind please share..


Other names I can think of  : 


"Shamanic Nucleus" 


" Contemporary and Traditional Experiences of Shamanism " 


"Ethnobotanical Realities and  Related Spiritual Practices" 


 " Ethnobotany & Consciousness Tissue Culture "






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I am interested in shamanism and science but both terms have such diverse political connotations I tend to forego them from my vocabulary because everyone thinks the terms mean something different. Plus, as a young Australian invader without a science degree I don’t have much authority to speak about either topic.


Spiritual is a somewhat accessible term, but I don’t want the religious connotations. Psychonaut is alright, but it has some negative association via implications of drugs and psychosis. Gardener and ethnobotanist are terms more preferred by me and many other Corrobboree participants.


I feel desire for the same discussion that you want to appear in this thread, and I think ultimately what this requires to take place is an expansion of language.  


Psychedelic experiences seem to encourage this expansion. Critical perspectives of psychoactive communities upon medicine and science also seem to help. Maybe all abnormal perspectives help with language innovation.


Keep speaking to plants. Perhaps they can help with the name of this thread.

Edited by Wile E. Peyote
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Having lived with a yuwipi medicine man for a few years, sundancing, vision questing, etc. in the Lakota tradition... I can see how you might be drawn to form room so to speak for just that topic. Whether one wants to talk about more traditional cultural practices of shamanism, core shamanism, neo-shamanism, or anything else along those lines I'm sure there are many here who would not mind participating in such a dialogue. I'm sure much could be learned along the way by all participants in such a discussion. I've already seen some terms I'm unfamiliar with just in this short thread... so I'm already learning new things.



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If you are looking for a more scientific approach, to ways to expand conciseness a good place to start is Huxley's Doors of perception, Heaven and Hell. While he's not a scientist as such, he is an academic and a fine writer. The appendices in Heaven and Hell contain some interesting experiments. Like how he uses repetitive music, strobe lights and carbon dioxide as psychedelics. It's a shame most modern raves have moved away from dry-ice smoke machines in favour of liquid chemical, missing out on the full mind bending effects of this trifecta.

The Doors of Perception & Heave - Huxley, Aldous, 1894-1963.epub

The Doors of Perception & Heave - Huxley, Aldous, 1894-1963.epub

The Doors of Perception & Heave - Huxley, Aldous, 1894-1963.epub

The Doors of Perception & Heave - Huxley, Aldous, 1894-1963.epub

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On 06/03/2018 at 3:11 PM, mysubtleascention said:

Weaponising of shamanism and unethical psychic interventions.

Discussions around this topic is a bit problematic. Here it is called Mamajinga, and is unfortunately something we need to deal with the victims of, all too often. Yet talking about it, is taboo, I suspect it will be similar in most cultures. Besides discussions around specifics, on a public forum, could spread its use.

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4 hours ago, Crop said:

Discussions around this topic is a bit problematic. Here it is called Mamajinga, and is unfortunately something we need to deal with the victims of, all too often. Yet talking about it, is taboo, I suspect it will be similar in most cultures. Besides discussions around specifics, on a public forum, could spread its use.


There is probably a proper way to talk about these things, raising awareness and avoiding harm..

I'm sure no one with a good sense of right and wrong will post specifics on the forum how to harm someone, though a person with the right kind of knowledge and understanding might be somewhat helpful to people .

It is one of the more delicate subjects indeed..:blush:





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Mischief is usually done by people who need to drain energy from the proper donor and it is a learned human interaction reality dynamics..

It is also possible to learn how to avoid engaging with this reality ,being at any one of the two sides involved in this interaction, once the appropriate methods of preserving one's own energy are developed..

Weaponizing shamanism is when people know how to preserve their own energy and still have the desire to drain other people of it .. an act of conscious personal choice, exercising greed.. which injects more greed in their own reality and human interactions .A being is a constant dynamic that exists in it's own creation of a world and involves a balance of energy exchange, called karma.. and the next moment a being incarnates is that being's next incarnation.Every single moment in the sequence of time is a separate instant incarnation of consciousness dynamics, a choice made separately and independently, by the self..



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The idea was initiation of a space where people can share their self-observations on consciousness dynamics related to plant use, but not exclusively.. Shamanism is a broad term, enveloping the application of consciousness to everything ..

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  • 2 months later...

Rather than 'science', how about 'practices' or 'studies'?
I don't even like the fact the word pseudoscience has the word science in it ;)
Other than that I think it is a good idea. It was originally part of the spirituality subforum. Why do you think it needs a separate one?

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On 28.05.2018 г. at 5:10 PM, Torsten said:

Rather than 'science', how about 'practices' or 'studies'?

I don't even like the fact the word pseudoscience has the word science in it ;)

Other than that I think it is a good idea. It was originally part of the spirituality subforum. Why do you think it needs a separate one?


'Studies' instead of 'science' is realistic .. and separate subspace seemed like an idea that might prompt more specific discussion..


I hope one day the actual science on the matters of consciousness dynamics and how shamanic practices fit into these dynamics will be written as well .. and university diplomas will be given to shamans for being trained in certain set of shamnic techniques :wub::wub:


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Have studied Druidry, Witchcraft, the occult, and Shamanism for 35years. Shamanism is a knowing not a science, you are never taught in a physical way it is either a guide or familiar that starts you on the crooked path.   

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8 hours ago, greenechidna said:

 you are never taught in a physical way it is either a guide or familiar that starts you on the crooked path.   


Always happening in a certain way means repetitive occurances .. which means repetitive cause and effect relationships, connecting these occurances. Describing the natural laws engaged there will costitute a science which is yet to be written in contemporary terms and the only possibility is developed by shamans - practicing and tutoring .


All shamans interact with energy and reality in their unique way - as people are qnique in their place in the world. The energy dynamics involved in their daily lives are unique as well. The people with the proper capacity to describe the natural laws behind shamanism and make them a consensus reality for others are ought to be unique in their ability of doing exactly that. As in other known sciences - a physicist or a mathematician for example, might be considered 'a genius' for being able to describe a new law in their field of work and same applies in shamanic science development. 


Non-existing amongst other contemporary science works does not mean it was not described in ancient texts for example - hidden or lost ..


Indeed I'd like to see the science written about the reasons behind what you call "shamanic knowing" - how and why the information is reaching the shaman; why that exact informational construct is utilized in the specific occurance, happening in time and space; what are the connections between cuse and effect and all the rest of the natural laws involved :wub::wub:



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To me it should not be written down, it stops it from being fluid, growth stops and it becomes stuck in a time and place.  

Being a shaman in a modern world is hard and often wonder if all the crap you go through is worth it, the worst for me has been someone throwing chemicals on me because of my beliefs, still not healed after 15 years.

There are lots of hidden shamanic hints and ways in old texts, probably the most in old Irish texts, as st patrick took over Ireland with trickery and not war most of the druids ended up in monasteries as scribes they hid a lot of their secrets in the old tales, sometime over the weekend will look them up and tell you which ones to look at.

There was a genius at describing magikal systems we was into traditional whytchcraft but a lot of it relates to shamanism, we all draw from the same well. Andrew Chumbley his books are expensive, here is pdf link for one.

I have spent hours talking with people trying to explain and understand the knowing, and it is the difference between being a druid or witch, and a shaman. I am doing a listening ritual tomorrow never know what answers will come through.

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Shamanism will be considered a belief system untill the consiousness dynamics involved are understood along with the processes occuring - correlating with the nature of human reality. 

Religions are belief systems, because they're based on belief, not knowing .. Shamanism is based on knowing and thus is not a belief system but a personal reality, involving the engagment of tangible cause and effect relationships between the elements of that reality.

The world is in constant flow and shamanism is as well - nothing being static. The same natural laws behind 'shamanic knowing' are there all along, making shamanism possible as a phenomenon.

Once the shamanic science is developed and among other contemporary scientific fields of research, the contributions for humankind will be as significant as with any other science. 


Sience is about integrating information and knowledge into new realities.

Developing the shamanic science as co-creation of new consensus reality goes with the karmic attributes of the consciousness dynamics involved. Whatever reality for the world you're placing yourself into, you're in the center of that same creation, thus your heart is receiving the same quality as the quality others are receiving, incarnating and co-creating there. It is the responsibility of the shaman to recognise the energy dynamics involved in possible realities and discern what is appropriate to engage with and enourage as a consensus reality in co-creation.

Gradually developing muscles by training is gradually incarnating intentionally into desired realities, willingly ..
Gradually developing shamanic science might happen in а similar fashion :wub:




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Shamanism goes beyond natural laws, the connections that need to be made are ancestral, dimensional, universal, and nature. Of the few people I have meet that I call shamans(have meet 100's that call themselves a shaman) have had ADHD and all but one is on the autism spectrum as well.

The ancestral connection is the most important for understanding the knowing and is where most of the flow of information comes from, not talking grandparents talking the tribes your family came from. My family is from Ireland around Tyrone it took a lot of practice and reading to find out about the area, and the legends connected to it, with a lot more practice i could astral travel there, and after a while started connecting with the myths, legends and gods and goddesses from that area. I feel this is close to or is the akashic records.

The best book I have found for training the shamanic mind is Franz Bardon Initiation Into Hermetics.   

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Myths and legends, gods and goddesses - all are beings or entities of live information. Connecting to any entity is an exchange of information or reality that can be visited and experienced, along with the energy exchange dynamic attributes or karmic characteristics.

Celestial bodies being living entities is the foundation of astrotheology and 'music of the spheres' phenomenon makes the explanation.


Experiencing "higher" beings as personal states of mind is part of the initiation and being in these altered staes gives conscious admission to valued information.
 Western culture is lacking the tradition of properly integrating many of these altered states and psychiatric assistence often aims towards erasing access to these realities in order to help people to fit society, feeling no different than surrounding majority.


Spiritual guidance leading ancestral-tribal energy exchange dynamics of bliss, serves a strong affirmation towards being of steady and positive self evaluation - in oneness and love received from the universe.


The leading quality of a shaman is the ability to alter personal reality or other people's reality and anchor a reality that is different - a new vibrational state of being or a new timeline.


The shaman's ability to interpret vibrations received directly from natural non-human elements of reality, such as plants or animals or crystals is developed by training the mind, some people being more susceptible.

Surfing realities and the beings affiliated - realizing only what is supposed to be there as a product of culture and education can be altered by initiation into "higher" states of being - the new consciouness and information access developes the mind, leading to new abilities of interacting with reality.


Sharing our personal traditions of shamnic lore and interacting in these premises, outside competition - the opportunity to integrate the similarities and the differences is amazing:wub::wub:



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Shamanism is a method of exploring consciousness, which is multidimensional. Reductive science can explain and interpret "reality" up to a fourth dimension, but even then it struggles. Viewing from a dimension you are enmeshed in poses problems as you can't take an outside or overall view. 

Shamanism is the exploration of dimensions higher than the fourth, which must be internal. The apparent law is that each successive dimension is perpendicular to the previous. Our language fails at describing these experiences as it is part of the physical dimensions. I'm not sure there is a way around this problem.

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