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So many plant medicines have an agenda and lessons to teach about itself or the outside world. There is a guiding presence that is quite obvious!

I just don't get it with Hawaiian baby woodrose. There is no ancient voice or guidance of the plant. No real agenda on openness and compassion for our planet and each other.

For a plant medicine it seems very unguided. I want to help myself and hopefully others to understand the force behind this flower.


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I've found HBWR quite ruthless and toxic.


The only way the plant has been useful for me is by using low doses and being quiet in my mind. There's more in there than many realise, it's not at all like other lysergamides I've experienced. Less is more.

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Depends on the seeds you have, they are variable like everything in nature.


Fresh from the garden, 3 or 4 individual seeds crushed to powder with a mortar and pestle and soaked for 24+ hours in cold water is enough for me. Though years ago I bought some and needed about 8. More than that and the vasoconstriction and general unwellness would set it. Most unpleasant. We all have a different tolerance for these things, so I can't say what will work for others.


Traditionally people added nicotiana rustica to dream brews as well, people have a lot of crazy ideas. Tradition isn't always logical/safe.

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I did a fair amount of these seeds in the past and gut rot was common, the best method in my experience is to thoroughly scrape the outside of the seeds, then place them on the edge of ya mortar than wave a lighter flame over them a couple of times then crush thoroughly and place in a gel cap,  3-6 seeds was my prefered dosage range, most often i used 4 seeds.


Once consumed i found it best to try not to do to much of anything physical and have a nice spot to sit or lay down, i found it best to not move around to much. I have had some not so great times with them but i have had some pretty nice experiences as well, like seeing hieroglyphics streaming across the ground, seeing guitar notes as different coloured laser beems shooting out from the strings, closed eye visuals are usually pretty good and often cartoony for me, like seeing trumpet flowers bloom/open and a new flower emerge from the stigma in a continuing pattern with a back ground kinda like this pic below , more plain and drawn looking and not as intricate as Dimitri visuals for example.


Image result for hippy pattern



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Incrementally dosing an a/b extract of ~5 or so seeds produced only some threshold effects. Putting a few drops of peppermint essential oil on my tongue seemed to result in an almost immediate change; strong feelings of sedation, nausea (which receded with purge), and some very memorable CEVs. For a good portion of the night I was not sure if I was asleep or awake, but it was a very relaxing, almost opiate reminiscent experience. Woke up feeling great.


Edited by Wile E. Peyote
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I found the days diet played a huge role in outcome of effects. Empty stomach with small feasting of fruit was the best. But as Bardo says, scrape and burn is the way to go unless you want to spend more time prepping. Never had much visual effect for me - even at 18 seeds. But the body load was intense. Trying to move was not an easy experience either. 


I tend to agree with DualWieldRake in that you teach yourself. Plant teachers just help you listen to what’s already there. Although I can relate to the absence of lessons being presented - other than stomach aches hurt lol. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

HBWR has been an ephemeral medicine for me too.  About 10 years ago I took a really large dose (~13 seeds crushed in water with lemon juice).  It was one of the most intense psychedelic experiences I have ever had, with very overt hallucinations and profound thoughts - including, interestingly enough and related to this discussion, that this plant must have been utilised by humans in the past.  The trip coincident with me getting a bad flu, which all combined to make it a really difficult experience, but one that I always remember.


Now I find myself only taking HBWR when other more preferable medicines such as cactus and mushrooms are not available.  One very useful quality of HBWR is that it seems to readily allow sleep.  Just one or two seeds seems to be sufficient.  


A beautiful but complex plant.


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  • 1 month later...

Mine has about 60+ seed pods on it this year, which is probably double on last year. Filled out more this year as I tend to bend it back on itself as a trellis. :wink:

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Hmmm, well I reckon I got it around 4 years or so ago as a potted cutting from another SAB'er at a Brissy meet.


It was quite slow in the pot, but once I put it into the ground and actually fed and watered it, it took off over the top of our swing set. Probs a year after it flowered and seeded, but only 10 or so. From then on it has flowered more and more every year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

someone (I won't say who) sent me some HWBR pods in the post that got delayed. Fortunately this had the creations of a great experiement in formation, because they were packed in a plastic bag, and the fungus that grows on them had filled most of the bag into a beautiful mycelium.

I took the seeds out and tried them without scraping, and ate the mycelium. It is this that needs investigating, I have been waiting years for somebody else to start reporting on growing HWBR mycelium - I look forward to your results. And yes, It is a teacher, and I sucks if you smoke, because the lysergines produced act on 5ht2b and 5ht2c which affect lung and heart valves and function.

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40 minutes ago, Thelema said:

lung and heart valves and function.

Sounds really dangerous... Is it more so than LSD or other meds?

I assumed it was just a rumour that Ergot fungus lived inside the seed... Weird.

Surely its then possible to get ergot poisoning from the fungus?

What was it like?

Is the outside husk the fungus? Is this why its removed?

These are some weird fucking seeds man

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O yes, these seeds were in the round pod, nice and greeny, not dried so much. Yes, very possible to get ergot poisoning I'd say - very similar to what I imagine ergotamine to be like. (St. vitus)

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Can the poisoning be prevented by drying and avoiding mycelium growth?

What would you think the safest method of consumption is?

I wouldn't want the Salem witch trials 2.0

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