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[ENDED][GIVEAWAY] Fresh Kratom Seeds From Malaysia (Mitragyna speciosa)


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10 hours ago, MeanGreen said:

Anyways, enough rambling, put a number between 1 - 100 down and I'll randomly pick 10 winners in a week or two.





Most generous of you- thank you!



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Thank you so much for this awesome story Darklight, you guys really did an amazing job and I will forever be grateful as I'm sure you played a big part in popularising this miracle plant.


Especially when you consider that big "false kratom" debacle back in the early 2000's where my compatriots Bruno & friends at ebotashop flooded the market with false kratom (M. parvifolia I believe). This could have caused everyone to just brush off kratom as ineffective and killed the market in the egg...


I think it's extremely unfortunate that Australia decided to ban it, especially during an opiate epidemic. How can you consider an opioid which doesn't cause lethal respiratory depression as not having any medicinal potential is beyond me...


I really hope this will change in the future and you guys will be able to pick back up on the micropropagation op.

With your climate and proximity to Indonesia you could have those kratom forests I dream of over there in Oz hahaha.


Could you share a bit about what the selection process was for the Rifat clone? Was it simply the most vigorous sprout of the batch of seeds?


If you do a talk about this at EGA I might just have to fly my ass over there haha :)

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3 minutes ago, MeanGreen said:

Especially when you consider that big "false kratom" debacle back in the early 2000's where my compatriots Bruno & friends at ebotashop flooded the market with false kratom (M. parvifolia I believe). This could have caused everyone to just brush off kratom as ineffective and killed the market in the egg...


There were vendor pages online back then which incorrectly ( and possibly knowingly ) pushed the psychedelic properties of M. speciosa and those most definitely contributed to the TGA scheduling. Mitragyna speciosa is not psychedelic, had never been touted as psychedelic prior to the existence of those few web pages, and the incorrect publicity was not scientifically evaluated, but was used directly as evidence nonetheless during the TGA scheduling


By the time Jon Hanna's expose on false kratom came out it was too late to do anything


Flawed data met lack of oversight and flawed process and produced poor outcomes



3 minutes ago, MeanGreen said:


I think it's extremely unfortunate that Australia decided to ban it, especially during an opiate epidemic. How can you consider an opioid which doesn't cause lethal respiratory depression as not having any medicinal potential is beyond me...


It also has potential as an anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour etc. It was a cruel and irrational scheduling, and because of the bureaucratic specifics of the scheduling process back then we were not permitted to respond or object to the scheduling. I believe that's changed for all new introductions, T would know better than I, but it's not retrospective


If we'd not been hamstrung by the scheduling we were on track to do so much more good research


In practical terms a helluva lot of good science gets proven wrong over time ( which is entirely the point ) and so many claims made back then could have been fortified by extra research or dropped as spurious


Our facility, our towns and region really lost out on this. Research programs and commercial opportunities all happened off shore. Quite a few overseas companies have done seriously well out of it and should continue to do so for some time. Good on 'em. We were uniquely placed to do all that here, in a region of high biodiversity, appropriate climate, high unemployment and fair access to some first rate research facilities. But hey, no.


I still want that small, private research lab where we can rigorously train citizen scientists in the love and practice of quality empirical data generation and never be de-funded by any bastard government again. I want it so bad I can taste it. So much talent going to waste.



3 minutes ago, MeanGreen said:


Could you share a bit about what the selection process was for the Rifat clone? Was it simply the most vigorous sprout of the batch of seeds?


Erk. It was the only one which survived. We bit our nails for a year or so until it was proven both stable in micropropagation and active. Long story snipped


3 minutes ago, MeanGreen said:


If you do a talk about this at EGA I might just have to fly my ass over there haha :)


Seriously, you should come to an EGA anyhow. They're deadset brilliant. Best crew ever. And if we are accepted for an EGA presentation on this and T agrees to co-present with me again I may hold you to that statement :D

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