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Not a doco, but the movie 127 Hours


Just finished reading the book "Between a Rock and a Hard Place", about Aron Ralston, the bloke who amputated his own arm in order to save his life after his arm became stuck by a boulder


Impressive stuff!

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I enjoyed this when I first watched it some years ago (this is part 1/4,) but admittedly found it a bit hard to stomach when I tried to re-watch last year. It has some awesome visuals (mostly seemingly captured from Electric Sheep?) but the conclusion, about all fields of inquiry into the Nature of Reality™ amounting to the same principle being approached by different means, really grabbed me. The part that stuck with me was the section in part 3 or 4 about the depiction of haloes in religious art worldwide, including that of the indigenous Australians, and kundalini shakti... or whatever one wishes to call it. The latent, seemingly infinite source of energy within all life.




The quality's terrible on this one, but is one of my favourites. Following the adventures of an Aghori sadhu as he follows the steps necessary to become a fully-fledged member of the sect, including and not limited to acquiring his human skull begging bowl, eating the flesh of bodies being cremated at the ghat he calls home and using the ashes of said bodies to decorate himself in emulation of his beloved Shiva.


Interestingly, though not covered in the documentary, datura is one of Shiva's sacred plants, and is apparently favoured by members of this particular sect, who indulge in any number of taboo and impure actions in repudiation of the Brahmanical ideal of impurity, which has resulted in the subjugation of millions. Suddenly these shit-eating, booze-swilling mendicants are revealed to be acting in the greater interest of humanity, which I do find entertaining. Naturally, however, they are shunned by the majority.


It should be noted that I find his guru much more suspect and creepy than the subject of the documentary himself, who more than anything just seems to be incredibly devoted and almost makes the Aghori's incredibly confronting behaviour seem reasonable. (I said almost :P)

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For anyone interested in the endocannabinoid system and medical marijuana research then any talk by Raphael Mechoulam is a must.....the man is a god in cannabis research, and one of very few people worth paying attention to.

Here's one to start with -


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Watching 'Wild Country' on Netflix atm. Very well balanced and researched series, load of great VHS footage.  It's on the 'Orange people' and Bhagwan Rajneesh (Osho).  Shit gets crazy in Oregon.  Highly recommend if you have netflix.


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On 03/11/2018 at 10:21 PM, Humbolt said:

Watching 'Wild Country' on Netflix atm. Very well balanced and researched series, load of great VHS footage.  It's on the 'Orange people' and Bhagwan Rajneesh (Osho).  Shit gets crazy in Oregon.  Highly recommend if you have netflix.



Just finished watching this last night.

WOW! Seems like a work of fiction. Pretty intense even for a cult.

Tough titties

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Ma Anand Sheela, what a fascinating, bizzare person.  I thought she got off lightly for poisoning a town, plotting to poison an entire shire.  Drugging the homeless against their knowledge wasnt a good look either.  



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11 hours ago, Humbolt said:

Ma Anand Sheela, what a fascinating, bizzare person.  I thought she got off lightly for poisoning a town, plotting to poison an entire shire.  Drugging the homeless against their knowledge wasnt a good look either.  



This looks great haha. Will have to watch this! 

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