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The Corroboree

The quintessential Australian ethnobotanic garden.


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Budding ethnobotonist here. Besides a few Cacti and some Acacia Accuminatas, I don't have much. Will obviously include Caapi eventually. 

Assuming one lives in a non-tropical part of Australia, What should the ideal ethno -botanic garden include?  With or without a greenhouse?
Keen to hear the collective wisdom! 


Edited by stjimi
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Australia has a massive range of climates, and as such its difficult to be all inclusive.  I have lost so many caapi's and other plants to winters and the wrong climate.


Quintessential australian ethno garden, some good suggestions above, but i think if you keep it to Trichocereus of some sort, and Acacia of some sort, catha edulis, brugmansia, datura, artemisia, salvia, and other herbs. lophophora is pretty quintessential.

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