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The Corroboree

Meet up: Special SAB Camp NNSW (Memorial for andyamine) All welcome, but registration required.


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due to the server issues some folks could not get their tickets before the cut off date. Don't fret. Just go ahead and buy them by friday afternoon and then send me pm. Make sure to send pm!!

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i'll be thinking of everybody attending this weekend (hey, I already am).  Would have loved to come along, but I just have far too much happening right now.


Safe travels for those going and I hope you all have a great weekend and honour Christian appropriately (and in your own way),

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Hey guys, I won't be able to make it since another weekend of ceremony has come up that I don't want to miss. Hoping that it goes well and that you get good weather for it! 

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Really sorry i cannot make this special gathering.


I had commitments come up with university that could not be avoided.  I have been blessed with a second chance at a research project and have an amazing opportunity to do some amazing work, and had multiple deadlines arrive just prior and after the weekend.


My thoughts are with you all as you celebrate time together in memorial for Christian.


Have fun and enjoy.

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Thank you everyone. I'm sure there will be some pics up in the next few days as we all arrive back from the camp. 


Thank you everyone that attended and endured the rain. 

Edited by El Presidente Hillbillios
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Thank you all for making it what it was. 

Couldn't have been better, a wonderful tribute, location and bunch of people :)

(less nangs may have been better) 

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Lovely camp, thanks Torsten for a lot of effort and expense. 

Hillbilly feeding folks from thin air is always biblical, and worth the 12hr drive to experience, seriously thanks for the sustenance.

I got wonderfully high on the saturday, here are some pics to prove it. 

I love that my SAB mates are so staunch, and never miss an opportunity to connect.








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well done you pack of bloody legends!

I have a pretty good idea who was there. the petal and i are sorry we couldn't make it...but

to know Christian's life was celebrated with such gusto is frickn cool.

Onya @Torsten for providing the space.

Looking at those fotographias @Horus makes me feel pretty high.




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Ahh, what an awesome weekend. You guys are awesome guests and really make it happen despite weather and technical problems (projector did indeed blow from the rain).
That's a great pic Horus! (Can I use that in the FB post please?)
I'll make a more comprehensive post once I get some pics off various people.

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Well, I'm pretty speechless, or rather, I've had nothing but the weekend on my mind since i left but shall refrain from blurting out stuff.


My word for the day/week/rest of time is; inclusive


on a breathtaking scale



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It was an amazing weekend and a most memorable experience. I got to meet a lot of new people, many whose names I'm unfortunately going to forget when we meet again because my brain has a definite coding fault in the name allocation subroutines. 

I'd love to see it become an annual event! 


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15 hours ago, Torsten said:

That's a great pic Horus! (Can I use that in the FB post please?)

Yeah sure, share away.

@Freakazoid has a nice one of everybody leaving on the mountain climb.

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I just wanted to thank everyone for their generous contributions. The forum tab collected $245, Christian's mum Gail donated $250, and several people handed me $20 and $50 notes over the weekend. Tony and Karyn donated heaps of food and drink, Kevin a couple of kilos of lamb, Dylan a couple of kilos of super fresh tuna, etc. The table just kept filling with more and more food, so I've probably missed a few.
Hiring a marquee costs bout half of buying it, so i bought one. Hiring toilets costs about 1/3rd of buying them, so i bought one and Rodni bought the other one.
Kevin paid for the audio visual gear out of his own pocket! I also paid for the firewood.

Thank you everyone. You made this a breeze.


We only used about 1/4 of the firewood and have toilets and marquee, so we are already set for the next one ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I only just connected your forum ID to who you are shruman :(. Sorry, too many names and faces for my brain to cope with. Was good catching up anyway, even if i was clueless ;) 

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  • Torsten unpinned this topic
  • 5 months later...

I was just thinking about this again, it funny how little things can remind us of mates that arent with us anymore.


it really was a good weekend. Id be keen to do it again next year. 

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  • 2 months later...

Hiyall, been thinking about this as of late, too. I’m a little bit on the outer, I didn’t know Andyamine personally, but I was really touched last year and would also be interested in attending/contributing somehow if there’s a thing...?

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