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The Corroboree

Entheogenesis Australis 2017 Art Competition


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Feeling creative and want to have some fun helping EGA at the same time? So, in good old-fashioned EGA style, in the buildup to the 2017 Symposium in December, we are going to run an art competition. EGA is looking for an original piece of art suitable to be used as the cover for the EGA Symposium 2017 journal (EGA journal 4).


The winner will receive (besides tumultuous applause and various accolades) 1 Free ticket to attend EGA 2017 which includes free camping, and of course a couple of copies of the Journal!


One design will be selected to be used for the cover and may be used in other EGA 2017 media (e.g. on the program, or printed on khaki green T'shirts that may be made available for purchase at EGA 2017 or through the EGA website). It could be of any related medium or style, i.e photography, painting, 3d render, illustration etc and can include any elements of traditional psychedelia or something unexpected but in keeping with the culture and history of the scene. However, we would like the design to be primarily focused around plants or something organic and earthy. The work can also be an older work as long as you are the copyright holder. It is completely up to your creative discretion, but keep in mind that it will be used as a book cover.


Adobe Photoshop files are preferable, but all file types should be ok.  The winning artwork will need to be provided in a high resolution format (greater than 300 dpi). Please note as a condition of entry into the competition that the winner agrees to donate their design to EGA for the purposes of the journal cover and additional fund-raising. If the judging panel feel that none of the submitted artworks are suitable then no prize will be awarded.


Submission closing date: Edit: extended to midnight Friday 27nd October 2017. No late entries will be considered.


Please post an example of your design on this thread where possible and also submit your designs to: egajournal[at]gmail.com with the subject line ‘EGA Journal Competition submission’.  We appreciate some people may not have joined this forum so the facebook thread is also appropriate:



Include your full name and address in the email so we can contact you if you are the winner.


Maximum of three entries per person.


Enjoy channelling the plants, we look forward to seeing the results.


Note to moderator - feel free to place this thread into the creative section on SAB after a week if it feels more appropriate


In Plants we trust



Edited by obtuse
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Giving this a bump.


We are really excited to see what the SAB community can come up with for what looks like is going to be an amazing publication.


If you have any queries feel free to either PM me here or email us at egajournal[at]gmail.com


cheers, Ob.

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has anyone submitted anything yet? im keep to see things. 


I do have one question though, does it have to be my art? I have a good buddie and Saber who recently died. He was a kick ass artist and i would love to maybe submit something of his 

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4 hours ago, El Presidente Hillbillios said:


I do have one question though, does it have to be my art? I have a good buddie and Saber who recently died. He was a kick ass artist and i would love to maybe submit something of his 


pm me, lets chat about that.  if its been left to you and you own it and i guess the copyright (i need to think about that) then i dont see why not.

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1 Free ticket to attend EGA 2017 up for grabs.


Looking forward to seeing some cool artwork from the SAB community.  I know there are some awesome artists out there so im excited to see what you all come up with.


cheers, Ob.

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I'm submitting these on behalf of Big Doofa (https://www.facebook.com/bigdoofaphoto/ ) as he couldn't get his account approved in time for the deadline, he has sent an email to the address listed in the first post though :).

Here are his 3 entries and one extra one at the end.



Hopefully when his account gets approved he'll post some more from this series up to the forums!

















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Nice to see some great art submitted so far.


In discussion with the Team we have decided to extend the competition to midnight Friday night 27th October.


so if you havent managed to finish your piece, no stress you have a few more days.

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