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Psychedelic Lichen

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It's crazy how south america has such a range of psychedelics.  Hamilton's gonna be all over this like a rash I bet.

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Far out. I was watching some clip the other day about how there is this technique for cultivating mushrooms whereby fruiting is suppressed in some way so that psilocybin production begins to dramatically increase within the mycelial network and sort of congeals into what they referred to as 'Philosopher's Stones'. :o


Anyone? :huh:

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4 hours ago, Responsible Choice said:

Far out. I was watching some clip the other day about how there is this technique for cultivating mushrooms whereby fruiting is suppressed in some way so that psilocybin production begins to dramatically increase within the mycelial network and sort of congeals into what they referred to as 'Philosopher's Stones'. :o


Anyone? :huh:


^Fkn oath RC,   Philosophers Stones   are the only thing sold legally in Amsterdam present day. Cubensis, Pan Cyan (any mushroom containing psilocybin) are outlawed over there.

They get around the law by selling truffles aka psilosophers stones. Species like tampanensis and mexicana are sclerotia(stones) producing fungi.

I don't think you can leave a grain jar of cube myc for 4 months and expect it to grow stones as its not a sclerotia (phillosopher stone) producing species.


These stones are essentially truffles of the psychadelic world. When the climate is too cold and harsh for a mushroom fruit body to sprout above ground... they sort of sprout internally beneath the ground and this is what the truffle is. A sort of preserved time capsule of condensed mycellium, designed to sprout and colonize and fruit into mushrooms when the weather is right (a survival mechanism for mycellium). But humans intervene before the weather improves and harvest these condensed masses known as Phillosophers Stones (aka truffles) before they have a chance to wake back up, recolonize a substrate & fruit.


They take monthhssss to form. I hear 12 month stones are twice as potent as 4 month stones.... sounds like a fascinating new facet of psychadelic fungus. Wish it were legal in this country :wink:.



12 hours ago, 87_botanist said:



Not sure if this is ok in this thread but this is an interesting read.




If only you could get this to grow with your shrooms in stead of the normal lichen.


These kind of finds are not only 'ok' in this thread, they are promoted. As long as we're not talking about cultivation or self incriminating, any talk of new and interesting psychedelic fungi is fantastic!


Excellent find @87_botanist  -  I think I've welcomed you already mate, but WELCOME again  :P  keep these juicy pieces coming bro, very interesting.

Edited by Skellum
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3 minutes ago, Skellum said:

They take monthhssss to form. I hear 12 month stones are twice as potent as 4 month stones.... sounds like a fascinating new facet of psychadelic fungus. Wish it were legal in this country :wink:.

even though they take so long to form, they form invitro in the jar, you dont have to spawn to a tub and wait a year... and from a quart jar they pull like an ounce.

so even home growers overseas get like 20 quart jars and leave em in a quiet cupboard somewhere and harvest after bout 6 to 9 months for strong ones... 12+ months for cosmic ones.


I think dosage is higher than standard fungi though... bout 12g's a trip... but with cosmic ones they come in somewhere close to standard mushies.


I hear they are far easier to consume than traditional fungi... almost delicious to eat, described as a cross between a watercress and walnut kind of... easy, reallly easy on the stomach and body.

a clean euphoric crystalline experience.    apparently the sclerotia producing fungi 'tampanensis' is also an easy fungi to spawn in trays and fruit as mushroom bodys too.

They say the fruit is about as strong as a cube, with a lighter experience.


There is a whole world of medicinal fungi out there it seems, just waiting to be tapped into. I hope laws reform for cannabis soon, and the world follows suit with fungi.

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amazing colours man - no wonder the tribesmen were attracted to it once upon a time.

what a strange little crew of Indians too - they thought the use of psychedelics was antisocial/malice so they are apparently one of the only tribes that does not partake.
sounds like they are one of the only ones with access to this lichen too. it must of fucked them up hard 4 generations ago when they were experimenting with it.

nice finds mate, interesting stuff  :)

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