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Mycology Research Assistant Job


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Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria (RBGV)

  • South Yarra Location
  • Part-time role – 3 days a week
  • 12 month fixed term role

Melbourne Gardens is a world-renowned heritage landscape, much cherished by Melburnians, comprising a diverse and important collection of plants from across the globe.  Cranbourne Gardens is dedicated to the display and appreciation of Australian flora and includes the award-winning Australian Garden.  Together, the two sites provide opportunities for recreation, education, research, tourism, cultural expression, and the increased scientific understanding of the world’s remarkable plant life.

We are seeking an experienced Research Assistant who can assist with DNA sampling and extractions, conducting preliminary phylogenetic analyses, and examination of morphological characters using compound microscopes.

In order to be successful in this role you will need previous experience and knowledge of molecular protocols and procedures for DNA extraction, PCR and sequencing.  Some knowledge of phylogenetic analysis software and conducting analyses would also be beneficial, as would experience in the use of compound microscopes .

Apply by: by COB Monday 8 May 2017.

Full ad: https://jobs.careers.vic.gov.au/jobs/VG-421509?in_site=Indeed


Thought it might be of interest to some people here...

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Even if it's $62-69k pro rata, which is about $37-41k - that's OK for a year of 5 day weekends - plenty of time to work on your own projects or further studies and all that. Not so good if you want to get a mortgage - but no fixed-term contract is. No, I think the value in this is the experience, networking and publication opportunities. The full pdf of the position has some hidden gems - like listing disappointment with failed experiments as an inherent challenge of the job (written by a mycologist for sure!)

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