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The Corroboree

Calluna vulgaris (Heather) in Australia?


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So l was wondering if Calluna vulgaris / Scottish Highland Heather is in australia? I'm interested in making Wild Heather Mead. 


As far as l know there are warnings that it has the potential to be a serious weed. So its not something l might expect to be sold at a nursery, as far as l know.


Another interesting thought is this, heather is said to have a white coating known as "fogg". I think its a type of fungi though l could be wrong. Would anyone know if the heather (if its in the country) also have this Fogg? Or its strictly limited to Highland Scottish Heather? Main reason for asking this is so l might wash my heather well before use, as recommended. Plus its a brew l plan to share with friends, so want to avoid unintentionally brewing fogg also.


If its a weed l shouldnt need to grow it (and spread a weed). Instead if l can l would love to collect it in the wild if possible. Making the brew semmi wild crafted and reducing the weeds numbers (in a small way).


Thanks for anyones informations and insight. Im in the Upper Hunter Valley, NSW.

Edited by Drake1337
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 Plus its a brew l plan to share with friends, so want to avoid unintentionally brewing fogg also.


If you intentionally do a brew with the fogg, I'll stand in for any friends that don't have what it takes.

Edited by Sallubrious
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I did skim over that pdf (where l noted the weed potential). I should of read fully though. So l can import heather, just not seeds? I rather not import seeds and grow it, just for the risk l suppose. Though if l found out some growing wild... 


Noooo wont brew the fogg, l shall follow the rules ;). Thank god NSW does not have the " one Law to Rule them all" like in QLD. But no, washed heather for me.


Looks like l might hunt through a few nurseries then.


If anyone has extra info shoot me a message. Happy to share mead made (though l plan to let it sit min 12 months).

Edited by Drake1337
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