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rheumatoid help

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Sorry for the slow reply, I've been busy in the garden a lot lately.

My dit da jao started out based off Chinese formulas, but I had trouble getting all the ingredients locally, so it evolved a bit into a formula with a mix of what I could get that fits the criteria for the jao. The only reason traditional jaos are based off Chinese herbs is because they originated in China, if the people who came up with the idea were in the west, they would have used western herbs.


You need three classes of herbs (or minerals & even animal products in some cases) I don't use any animal products in mine though.

1 herbs that reduce pain
2 herbs that stimulate blood/chi flow
3 herbs that break up clots and bruises

If you make one by soaking arnica flowers in vodka, that will work by itself. Add some Chinese angelica and turmeric rhizome and that will make it better again.

Mine also have Frankinsense and myrrh (which I activate by cooking in vinegar and fuck up a frying pan while I'm doing it), cloves, comfrey root, mugwort, cayenne pepper, rosemary, black pepper, ginger, krat~m, cinnamon, plantago and I few other things I can't think of offhand. I lost the recipe I used for the last one.

I'd love to get it mass spec'd and see what's in it.   


Part of the relief comes from rubbing the area and stimulating blood flow, so just massaging with something like coconut oil can help if you don't have DDJ. The rubbing is considered very important in the application of DDJ, it's the main driving force, the herbs are secondary.


@theuserformallyknownasd00d Turmeric/ curcumin doesn't do much or anything at all for me if taken as a single dose. For myself it has a cumulative effect that takes about 3 weeks before it really starts to kick in. If I stop taking (which I have done many times) it takes about 2-3 weeks to start giving me any benefit again.


I get a small jar and put it in double boiler and then just dump turmeric powder in it until it's massively over saturated, then I grind heaps of black pepper into the mix and let it infuse for 10 -15 mins over a low heat. Sometimes I use it as a cooking oil & I sometimes I just scoff a spoon of it if I get the urge.


Turmeric coffee is a bit of an acquired taste but I drink most of my coffee with half - to a full tsp of turmeric in it now too.


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On another note.


I"m almost convinced that there is a direct association with dental health and conditions like RA. Many people with RA have lost teeth and have periodontal issues.

Gum disease & RA


Weston price proved a hundred years ago that a sample of an infected tooth from a sick human implanted into healthy with transfer the same pathology to the rabbit 100% percent of the time in some types of disease and around 85- 88 % of the time in other diseases. Heart disease was one that was 100% transferable. He even identified what type of bacteria were responsible for many conditions but his work was largely ignored until Dr Meinig, Melvin Page and a few other dentists revived his work.

Weston A Price Root canal dangers

Root canals and cancer


Some of the arthritis forums have threads where people have questioned the link between teeth and arthritis as well. It doesn't prove anything except a correlation but it is not uncommon for people with RA to have dental issues.


Has anyone with here with RA or auto immune issues had any root canals or dental health issues ?


My teeth have fucked up in the last few years. I want to get them pulled but I can't afford to get it done, so I'm stuck with teeth which I think are making me sick.


The roots of disease Connecting dentistry and medicine


Edited by Sallubrious
'cause I felt like it
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Why is vitamin D necessary?

Vitamin D assists in the absorption of calcium and promotes bone mineralization, which may prevent or slow the progression of osteoporosis. It also helps to strengthen the immune system and protect against a number of serious diseases, including rickets and osteomalacia. Research suggests vitamin D may also provide protection from hypertension, psoriasis, several autoimmune diseases (including multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis), and reduce the incidence of fractured bones. In addition, growing evidence has demonstrated its important role in defending against cancer (studies link a deficiency of vitamin D to as many as 18 different cancers).

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  • 3 months later...

here is a free advertisement for ALKA V6

they use elemental silicon (not silica) and basically engineer the carrier chemicals to best aid absorption into the body. through research, my own basic understanding is that elemental silicon is used to form connections between cells for nutrient transfer. I noticed changes within the first week of ever taking it (it was a health choice, i dont have RA), some of the changes were noticeably stretchier skin, warts dying, moles turning white or reducing in size and hardness. just a kind recommendation - they are costly, and especially express postage from USA, but i wouldnt reccomend it if i didnt think it had a good chance.


" In the case of rheumatoid arthritis, the immune system targets the lining of the joints, called the synovial membrane, causing inflammation and joint damage. The characteristic swelling happens when the joint produces too much lubricating (synovial) fluid in response to the inflammation. Sometimes other parts of the body such as the lungs and eyes may also be affected." --- perhaps the TRIGGER might be poorly functioning cells? (being mistreated as foreign growth) if you are interested head over to orizon research and read a bit about their current trials on all sorts of things (its great for supplementing glutathione too). it was developed in a texas university, and the postage is a bit ridiculous, but if your in perth i might have a bottle i can sell to you at cost, or i could give you the rest of my travel bottle (dropper bottle, weaker strength)




My uncle has RA and also has pretty bad teeth, alot of his top teeth have been replaced by good quality fakies, and hes in his early-mid 60's

my dads good friend who has RA also had pretty bad teeth (same age-ish), but people who get RA are usually older ppl anyway, so is it a correlation between teeth or just age?

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^Google maps, street veiw 


4820 E. University Blvd
Odessa TX 79762  


Does that look like the kinda place where real medical research happens? 

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That Orizon page is a great collection of language which avoids any direct medical claims which might get them in trouble with regulatory types. I'm in awe. I also loved this:


Properties of Alka V-6

ALKA-V6™ has been widely researched and tested by independent laboratories as well as major research universities. These recent findings are significant. (For a more complete listing of research findings, see the Research tab.)


...ALKA-V6 was effective in reducing the ability of HIV virus to assemble and replicate, according to University Scientists testing the Anti-HIV effects of ALKA-V6 in the laboratory.


I enjoy how this unnamed university nevertheless deserves capital letters, because Science is Good! Also great is how, if you actually do click on "Research", you get a page of these:


No such file or directory in /home/healt169/public_html/www.orizoninternational.com/web/content/index.php on line 125


Seems legit to me!


Their avoidance of bullshit medical claims is starting to fall down by the time they get to this bit:


In a recent University Study ALKA-V6 was shown to significantly reduce harmful free radical damage by dramatically increasing levels of important antioxidants like glutathione, catalase, and SOD in different cells. Glutathione is the most powerful naturally-occurring antioxidant in the body, and few natural compounds have shown the ability to increase glutathione. It prevents conditions that lead to disease, including Cancer, Cataracts, and HIV.


Aside from "referencing" an unspecified, unnamed study (presumably also conducted by Real University Scientists at a Major Totally-Not-Made-Up University), this bit also ignores, or is unaware of, the research suggesting that antioxidants may in fact be great for cancer. Not great at preventing cancer - I mean, that they may actually help cancer cells to thrive. Seems that when they discovered a link between free radicals & cancer, no one thought to ask "hang on, are we sure it's the free radicals causing the cancer, and not just being increased in cancer patients because their body is sending them to fight the cancer cells? Because if it's that second one, then reducing the free radicals with antioxidants could be a really bad idea hey"


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  • 2 months later...

I've been looking into this again lately Dood, both of my knees have fucked up & it looks like I'm going to need to have both of them replaced & my hip as well.


I was looking into arthritis treatments and read about the work of an Aussie soil scientist - Rex Newnham . He developed arthritis himself after he started eating food grown on boron deficient soils and he cured himself with supplemental boron after the drugs his GP gave him didn't work. He found a correlation to boron levels in soil and regional instances of arthritis. He developed a treatment that consisted of supplementing boron and he had a lot of success. He did a clinical trial at Royal Melbourne Hospital and found it worked much better than could be expected from placebo and not long after the government shut him down. His treatment worked for many cases of RA as well. It's well worth a read.

Boron: Major Cause and Cure for Arthritis


And possibly more interesting is something else I found.


In 1975 ) Roger Wybum-Mason made a presentation to the International Chemotherapy Congress in London where he identified a protozoon as the cause of Rheumatoid disease. He named the protozoon - Amoeba chromatosa and he had also cured many people of the disease. For some reason his presentation was cloaked in secrecy and only came to light after his death when his wife released some of his work. Some have tried to discredit his work because it wasn't done as double blind studies but from what I can make out they didn't exist back then and no-one has proven his hypothesis incorrect. It was actually one of his students that designed the first double blind study (apparently)


Supplement to the The-Roger-Wyburn-Mason Hypothesis


Some sites are suggesting that boron also is an effective treatment for the amobea discovered by Wyburn-Mason and the symptoms during treatment seem very similar to the symptoms many of Newnhans' patient with RA experienced while undergoing boron supplementation. This is a tenuous link but I think it deserves some consideration.






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following links any good to ya mate?

i knew i was pretty sure I'd come across something arthiritis related whilst tryna swat up on a new found love ;

the genus ~Ephedra




just found this too


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