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Options for offensive vocal tics, coprolalia?

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Wondering if anyone here has TS or offensive vocal tics and has tried medications?

One Dr I spoke with suggested clonidine or haloperidol (I'm already on an antipsychotic) and I'm soon seeing a neuropsychiatrist who might be able to help. It really hurts me and my family when I constantly tell them "f* off" out of my control and as no reflection about how I feel about them. I've tried intervening psychologically but it doesn't seem to help at the moment. It really makes socialising hard :( I do seem better in socially novel environments which is helpful.

I do get good tic suppression on acute doses of alcohol and so wonder if benzodiazepines (which I was trying to avoid) or valproate or similar might be worth a try? My first direction I want to try is a magnesium supplement.

Another Dr thinks less medications is a better option.

As a favour to all those people struggling with TS, brain injuries, strokes, dementia , seizures and many other forms neurological damage which can usher the onset of coprolalia as well, please try and love us for who we are, even though it's tough for all of us.



Edited by Alchemica

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hey man, first of all im sorry you have to deal with this i can only imagine how difficult it must be for you, i myself cannot say i know what im talking about with this at all though i can give you some suggestions based on what i have some experience with , my mother is terminally ill with a plethora of shitty neuro issues and shes tried alot of medications to stop her ticks and spasms...at the moment im pretty sure she is on antenex and clonazepam which seems to be working well though she had some success with pregabalin  had to discontinue due to complications with other medications she was taking,  maybe one or a combination of these could help you, i have also read that some think clonazepam is better for ticks than clonidine but then again im not a doctor so you would have to ask..   im sorry i cant help more, ill have a chat to mum and see what she thinks would be good (she knows her medications and their actions she researches everything) i hope you get something from this man keep us updated 

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I know near nothing about TS and that article seems to indicate they don't either, I don't really like this part of the article "When the compulsion overcomes them, sufferers of the condition cannot help yelling inappropriate or culturally taboo remarks or phrases." the word compulsion meaning

the action or state of forcing or being forced to do something; constraint
an irresistible urge to behave in a certain way         
The word helps solidify the idea of no control, and the wording "CANNOT HELP yelling ....." with the little facts they seem to know and all the hypothesis and theories it seems a little strong to use such solidifying words as those above, perhaps they/we should say something along the lines of it seems that ..... and replace the word sufferers for experiencers  etc, small changes like this in use of language could possibly help change perceptions and attitudes ?   I don't know it just seems that the way many compose language is compounding and not very liberating. 
No one would know you,  your mind and body better than you I would imagine tho I do wonder if it is possible to identify a precursor or something which occurs prior to the undesirable action, maybe there at that time and place exist other options, new routes could possibly be identified or realized and over time a new chosen direction take place ? working on learning yourself and not 100% listening to someone who is not you may be ignorant advice for this topic but maybe not ?  I do think it is a good idea tho to seek advice, help and answers from a range of people and specialist to help formulate possible solutions and outcomes. 
Maybe before trying benzodiazepines some natural relaxants may be a safer option such as valerian root and skull cap etc  I feel I should mention practicing meditation, if you do not already it surely would be beneficial even just to find peace : )
I am pretty ignorant on this topic so please do ignore if it is in no way helpful, I wish you all the best and hope you are not to hard on yourself, I am sure those who know you know you and wouldn't want you to be hating or putting yourself down because of it.  
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Thanks for the excellent replies.

@saylor twift Thanks for that. Sorry to hear your mum is also struggling neurologically. Pass on my best wishes to her. I recently came off pregabalin and think it might have been helping, even if it was just making me less anxious and analytical about the situation.

@bardo I almost feel like I've got a lot of repressed anger about life just being a bit of a cruel joke at the moment and it's overwhelming me, particularly when I let it. Another part of it is almost an angry reply to being haunted by auditory hallucinations and things just not working out socially. Maybe more in the way of physical exercise would help vent it? I had a chance to work with a support worker today and get out socially and managed to avoid any harsh words but the motor tics still manifested somewhat. Gives me hope that I can interact with society normally to some extent and I don't need to be so worried. It's when I'm at home or in non-social environments and not on guard that they really fly floridly. Almost like I can exert control over them, it just becomes too taxing to do it all the time...I really feel that rekindling a more loving heart-space kind of living would take me away from fighting my mind and my situation so aggressively and be one way forward. My psychologist is working with me to do 'tic replacement' but that involves noticing the urge to tic and intervening with a less awkward thing like a stomp or a clap but I'm really struggling to pinpoint the moment before I tic. I notice it afterwards but hopefully with practice I can get to that stage.

I had another whirl to see if alcohol helped and thankfully I can say it doesn't seem to be as great as I was thinking it was. No need to slide into alcoholism! Giving the chelated magnesium a whirl, see how that goes. Considering adding reasonable doses of vitamin B1 and B6 to my B-complex and methyl B12 intake. Otherwise I'll try out some tetrahydropalmatine out of interest.

Thanks again!

Edited by Alchemica
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thanks for the kind words man i really hope this situation improves for you, if i come across anything i find that might be usefull ill shoot u a msg :) 

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