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The Corroboree

Trich seeds for sale to raise some money for SAB

Master B

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Gday ladies and gents :wink:

I am donating 5 x sets of some of my tricho hybrids for the year.

The seeds were either grown and crossed or picked by me personally over the last 15/16 flowering season.

Some are unique others not so much but are all fresh and i have had no problems germinating any of them... and all have been tested.

The way this is going to work is that i will donate the seeds to SAB and hopefully you will bid on them.

All of the proceeds will be donated to the SAB fund for running the site.

You will have to send me a screen shot of the remittance or some other confirmation that that comes via Moderators or Torsten.

I will cover the postage.

This is most definitely open world wide.

The top bidder will also get a bottle of my fermented chilli and paw paw sauce, some of my home made sauerkraut and a grafted variegated scop x red grandi seedling from zelly seeds( please note this will be sent at your own risk and will be declared in truth so you can choose to donate this to someone else if you think you wont receive it in your country but if you have questions discuss it with me though pm please).I have a few so i will provide the amount of variegation that is desired by your heart? i.e You get to choose whether it is fully variegated, 50/50 or just partially.  

All 5 sets of seeds are around the same amount with seeds ranging from 5-50 but on average there should be about 20-40 of most( i just had very little of some).

Anyway here is the list of seeds

Please note some like the whiora x have a relatively high chance of variegation. 


·         Bb Scop x Tarenna Scop (pure spineless scop)

·         Cactus Country Candicans x Open

·         Cactus Country Short Spine bridgeii x Open

·         Dawsons Knuthianus/ Hybrid x Open

·         Dawsons Pasacana x Open

·         Dawsons Single Spine Bridgeii Ben (front garden) X Open

·         Dawsons Terscheckii x Open

·         J2 Open

·         J2 x Mb Scop

·         J3 x Open

·         Jims Special x Anakie 

·         Jims Special x Hahn

·         Jims Special x Roseii1

·         Master b Scop x Anakie

·         Mb Scop x Bb Scop (pure spineless scop)

·         Mb Scop x J2

·         Mb Scop x Norma

·         Mb Scop x Tipz Macro

·         Roseii #1 x Jims Special

·         Whoria x  Mb scop

Here is a typical seed batch ( note some seeds may be behind the label etc)




The mb scop is my biggest scop at 14+ft and super fat( master b, bb and tarenna scop is just a way of me tracking so i know that im not crossing with the same clone).

Bb scop is a 25-30 year old very hard grown spineless scop owned by a mate of mine that lives in bondi who’s nickname is bird.


The only clone you should not be able to find through searching is Jims Special...

Jims Special is a clone from cactus country that i got by mistake as Jim supposedly wasn't giving any out yet. Jim explained that is was one of his favorite plants and it only pups from the base, it is nice and fat and has a very glaucous bloom on it. Hes son gave me the clone but it wasn't until the next time i went down there and tried to get another one that i found out Jim didn't want to give it out yet.

Anyway i love it!!!

It is without doubt a hybrid but i would put it in the pachanoi/short spined peru category myself. Very much the same consistently stumpy spination as boultwood or super pedro and the unmistakable felty/hairy areoles of a peru with a bit of blue splashed on.



Jims Special in my garden and mother plant....





By all means ask any questions that need to be asked and lets raise some money for SAB

Top five bidders will get the five packs and the top bidder will take out the single extra prize plus seeds.

Bidding will close Sunday the 8th of may at 8pm SAB time.

Chilli sauce  and sauerkraut( note you will get a jam jar full of sauerkraut not this master jar as shown



Typical Variegated  Seedlings ( See zellys seed thread for other shots)





Cheers b






























Edited by Master B
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There are a few people that have  pm’d me with the question... Do they get all 5 sets of seeds. 

The intent is to give 1 set of seeds to each of the top 5 bidders( one set contains 20 seed packs per set, but keeping in mind some only have around 10 seeds in them)

The person who bids the highest bid will get a variegated graft and fermented stuff as well. 


I put this as an incentive to big higher and make it a strategy game. The way i see it you want to be first or last as bidders 2nd-5th will get the same seeds but 2nd will pay more than 5th.


If i have made this convoluted and people think this is unfair!! please let me know and i will change the terms if people agree??

My only intent was to raise a bit of coin sab and make it a bit of a game... all in good fun.:wink:




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 Just cant guarantee the variegated plant will get there is all.

dont let him kid you hcc, theres a damn good reason why he's called Master B :)


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I cant tell if smithy made it or not???

I count back the 10 hours and it seems not. 

I am just waiting on EG to confirm the exact time for me? 

I will send out pms after that.

Thanks everybody for bidding.:wink::wink::wink:

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I cant tell if smithy made it or not???

I count back the 10 hours and it seems not. 

I am just waiting on EG to confirm the exact time for me? 

I will send out pms after that.

Thanks everybody for bidding.:wink::wink::wink:


Hey,  Did doublebenno  bid or just comment ?  


Edited by smithy
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