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The Corroboree

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waterboy 2.0

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Was gunna keep on with the rehab thread, but I'll put it to bed.

So I got to the stage of having a gutfull a few weeks back.... so its "up your arse then.....effective immediately..."


So I am currently unemployed, financial survival mode now...lol

Something will eventuate.

So to keep me occupied at times, entertain a few of you, maybe a discussion point or two ,

and a nice change from folk being cunts to each other I am gunna throw up some random piccies.

EDIT - might stop me posting memes....lol https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif

Edited by waterboy 2.0
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Thats sux mate.

Piccys make things better for us all.

Best wishes.


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Thanks Wert ,thats life mate....not the first time https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png and life is a short thing.

lol...Mrs was not impressed https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png, but hey I am not in prison for putting hands on people https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif and I am not a bad "house bitch"

Feijoa flowers


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Thanks guys, I think obtuse has near nailed my thoughts. I think I need the time and its time for change.

Will be going hardcore with garden and plants, and other mad shit...lol... idle hands will do the devils work <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png

There is always a time to "strike"....just gotta have open eyes <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif

May even do my own thing again, that said I just like to "do the work" without all the other bullshit.

Feijoas... thats a pic off a little one, I still baby it for winter. Have another 2 mature ones, and they pump them out some years,

a bit on and off though. Not sure if its me, local climate at pollination set of just the nature of the plants.

On a good year I could never eat them all, bad year dont get enough...lol....I do love em though.

No fancy stuff....lol...straight into them with a teaspoon. If anyone knows of some fancy tricks keen to hear 'em.

Piccies tommo <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif, took a few today, was a god with the chainsaws today and broke down some sizable trees and I'm tired....

not old you bastards...lol...just tired.

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the chamo project...lol....just harvested all the seed (shitload) and tidied the plants up for winter.

Smells wicked when you run your hand over it, sit your arse on it though and the pots would stick in...lol


a bit of hot stuff, only grew 2 different chillis this year.


Its time to start laying off the water now


So i warned you that you were compost if you didnt start performing... greened up you did ya bastard https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif


And after visiting an old mate today, with 60% of his liver taken and got a few more rounds left in the fight.

FUCK YOU CANCER.... I mean it fuck you hard


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  • 2 weeks later...


Its that time again

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nailed it DS https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif

Some years I forget to look at them, and only find spent flowers...fafafafafafa...lol

Best picked when first open, and dry, then into a warm spot.

I've heard of people using ovens at low temp/door ajar,I just put them on top of the hot water cyclinder (in cupboard) for a day.

If I forget them though they are spoilt.


Edited by waterboy 2.0
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oh yes we do some weeds thunder...lol....cooler climate has saved us from the wrath of warmth loving weeds and aquatics.

We have a few unique ones about though.

Did you see my raspberry patch <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png

Thankyou Alice <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png I've got a few shockng looking pots about though to be honest...lol

Edited by waterboy 2.0
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If you dont mind me asking, where did you get the saffron wb? Yours looks nice & healthy

Its been on my plant wish list for awhile.

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Dont mind at all mate https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif Doesnt mean I will tell ya...lol

Seriously, I got the original corms off ebay from a bloke down here. I went through a few different sources before I found good stock. There might be something "off" with some stock (viral maybe? Poor corm production for propogation...about to crap on about that...lol).

As an aside, I do know there is a "goldilocks zone" in regards to mother corm depth, for optimum daughter corm size. Bigger is always better https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif well not always.....but in this case yes. The mother corm gets dragged ( actually pushed maybe the mechanics) up in th soil profile by daughter corms. If you don't "reset" the mother each year (if going for corms), then the daughters increase in number and get smaller (too close to surface). If you are only going for saffron as such, no need to be so anal.

Some push the love , and sell out some pretty damn average starting material IMO. Its where a lot of people get failures

I can do you a few corms when they go dormant again DS to kick you off...lol...I may need reminding https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png

This pot will have a few more plants popping up yet. Another flower today, and there is now about 5 flowers I can see growing through on the first plant to burst through, more to come https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png . A bit more saffy love...


gettin there again , doing the clean up and fill holes phase of the vegie patch, had a rat setback....lol....not anymore https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_uzi.gif


Edited by waterboy 2.0
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Thanks heaps for the offer wb :-)

I will have a look around the ebay and try my luck there. If i dont come up with anything, i would gratefully take you up on the offer of some corms.

P.S I do love your garden

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smashing out the scellys, its a good time of year. Todays effort.




Brownie points with the Mrs coming...lol







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I prefer to dig holes for better purposes.....but I've outlived another dog.




RIP Sam, the most hilarious, disobedient, finder of anything. Fckn good dog.

At rest now with his bitch Sophie.

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