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Beekeeper Managed to Get His Bees to Make Honey with Cannabis Resin

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  • 7 months later...

Since the cannabis actives are in the resin, shouldn't they be eating the propolis, rather than the honey?



The photographs that he publishes speak for themselves; in them it is possible to see not only the plants accompanied by the bees, but also, for example, crepes created by him and served with his honey

Oh well say no more then! If he has pictures of bees crawling on buds then of course his honey must be magical! Shit, and he can pick locks and make pancakes as well? He is clearly a multi-talented polymath genius!


Someone correct me if I'm wrong about this, but I didn't think that cannabis pollen had anything psychoactive in it - so how exactly are the cannabinoids getting from the plant into the honey?


It's a cool idea, but I feel like he probably could've made a better product just by stirring some hash oil into his honey...

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11 hours ago, Anodyne said:

It's a cool idea, but I feel like he probably could've made a better product just by stirring some hash oil into his honey...


 Maybe that's all he is doing, it would explain the cheeky smile he had on his face in this pic


It would complicate things for anyone trying to prosecute him for manufacturing hash, first they'd have to prove that he made it and not the bees.


The are some contradictions in the linked article, early on he said


However, he modestly says that he has not created honey, “but rather a training technique whereby the bees collect the resin and use it in the beehive”. Afterwards, the final substance is the sole work of the little insects.

Which would suggest it is in the propolis, but then later on they talk about honey oil and show a pic with a spoonful of something that doesn't look like honey to me.



Who knows, it could all be smoke and mirrors.




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This all got me thinking, what is pollen, is it made from sugar, if so how is it transformed into honey, all adding to my current fascination with bees :)

anyways, after a brief search around it appears that bees use nectar as a source of carbohydrates, and pollen as a source of proteins and fats, however it should be noted i read this in a blog and dont have a peer reviewed citation. 


I think its only the male mj plants that produce pollen, and the female produces nectar/resin, above pictures appear to be female flower



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3 hours ago, Slocombe said:

Wonder if you could just lock a beehive in a largish greenhouse with only flowering Cannabis and no other food source. 

My thoughts exactly.


As a soon-to-bee :P beekeeper I would've  thought you would've had to make it so the bees have absolutely no choice.


As far as the propolis, honey and wax containing cannabioids I can't see how that could be avoided, because their lipid nature would surely provide some adhesion, which means they would be covered in trichs when they return to the hive. I guess it depends on whether the bees decide they will tolerate the presence of the trichomes in the hive then?


If they do, then you would definitely find them in said products, but as far as guaranteeing potency, surely that's another thing altogether more difficult. :huh:

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There are sugars in trichomes in general (acylsugars and probably others).... I presume cannabis trichs are the same?.


Most commercial honeys are "clarified"(dunno the full process), I've seen a few cloudy/creamy honeys from some specific flowering plants straight from the beekeepers.


When they collect pollen they "comb" themselves in the hive to shed the polen and make themselves more efficient at picking it up "next run", dunno maybe they are combing resin off?


as for honey all I know is its kinda nectar and bee spit...lol


EDIT - also think the colour of different honeys comes from the pollen type, I can be corrected there though. I'll ask the beekeepers that do crop pollination round here next time I catch them.



Edited by waterboy 2.0
cause I'm offtap
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Raw honey can crystallise faster than regular heated honey (they heat it to make it runny - easier to extract outta the comb that way I think? I don't know if this is the same as the "clarification" process you mentioned WB), which can give it a cloudy/opaque look like the stuff in the picture. You also just get alot of variation in the appearance of honeys from different plant sources as well.


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