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'CBD-Therapy' new cannabis strain with 20:1 ratio CBD:THC


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Forum : http://www.mrnice.nl/forum/4-talk-shantibaba-mrnice/13789-therapy-high-5-8%25-cbd-0-35%25-thc-new-world-first-seed-strain-available-soon-cbd-crew.html

CBD Therapy cannabis strain

THC: 0,35%

CBD: 8,32%

CBG: 0,27%

"CBD crew have a world first in releasing this long awaited low THC and high CBD strain in a stable seed form. While there are rumors of seed varieties originating out of hemp strains, the CBD Therapy is solely derived from recreational high THC cannabis strains and has taken some 4 years to stabilize and find with the use of science. Full lab tested in both USA (The WercShop) and Europe (Fundación CANNA, Spain ) the CBD Therapy will be revolutionary in treating people who do not wish to have high THC like those suffering with Dravets syndrome or Epilepsy or those who are susceptible to the psychotic effects of THC Cannabis. While it will not be something to cure cancer on its own, it provides a seed strain that can be controlled in one’s own grow room and further in one’s extraction making to mix together to create a best suited medicine for all types of illnesses and conditions. A master piece of scientific breeding that will allow the individual to take back control of his or hers life, supplement a person need for cannabinoids, and generally improve the welfare of those seeking to use it."

Edited by mysubtleascention
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I didn't expect to be taken to a website selling seeds of cannabis strains with that first like, in fact I thought this thread was going to informative rather than an advertisement. Heads up to anyone trying/needing to be careful which sites they visit.

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