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The Corroboree

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Just when you think the federal government has sunk to its lowest form with there illogical hard-line political approach, they never miss the opportunity to seize the moment and screw the most vulnerable people in society by sinking even further, with there draconian illogical policies!

So now there forcing everyone on newstart allowance to participate in a 'work for the dole' program. Sounds progressive & productive at the surface, right? The logic is its supposed to give dole bludgers new skills, connections and the confidence to gain genuine employment.

Well guess what? The reality is, it will just destroy any confidence long term job seekers have left by making them feel like all there good for is free labour. It will also cause greedy businesses and local governments to exploit the situation by using loopholes to obtain free labour, at the expense of creating genuine jobs.

It also inhibits long-term job seekers from actually obtaining genuine minimum wage employment. Since the time & money there expected to waste on 'work for the dole' programs, causes there prospect of being willfully employed to go from unlikely to an impossibility.

atm, I'm unemployed and getting $521 a fortnight from newstart, plus $129 a fortnight rent assistance. That works out to a total of $650 a fortnight. Then I pay $200 a week for my current accommodation.

That leaves me with $125 a week for food, gas water and electriciticy, laundry detergent, body soap & shampoo, toothpaste, clothes, hair cuts and every other fucking vital cost you need to survive in society.

You don't need to do much basic math to realize that unless your living with your parents rent & food cost free, that anyone doomed to live on this is potentially fucked, in the long run. No one who's paying there own way on the dole is living any kind of quality of life, despite the popular & ignorant conservative opinion.

Anyway... now there telling me that to keep getting my newstart allowance, I have to drive to a site 40km away twice a week. That's 320km a fortnight, or damn nearly $80 dollars a fortnight worth of fuel.

So out of the $250 a fortnight I can't even survive off, I've apparently got to find an extra $80 to go and do slave labour, 4 days a fortnight. As it stands, I can only afford phone & internet access at the expense of vital calories. So how the fuck is it even possible to pay an extra $80 dollars a fortnight well also utilizing a phone and the internet to look for work?

Not to mention that if I even did some how magically manage to obtain employment under these impossible circumstances, I wouldn't have enough fuel to get there, since my fuel tank would have been drained from doing the 'work for the dole' walk of shame.

These lowlife miserable excuses for life forms, have no interest whatsoever in lowering the unemployment rate. There only motive is to shame and put more pressure on people who are having are hard time of it.

There a bunch of rat faced dogs, every single one of them. They all deserve to rot away, slowly & painfully, then die a horribly gruesome death. They are cancers on society and should all be executed in the most painfully way imaginable... All this policy will achieve is a higher crime rate, from people who are being put into an impossible position and need to do whatever they can to survive

So instead of tax payers forking out 16k a year to support the most disadvantaged in society, they'll be forced to fork out 50 to 100k to imprison people who were simply trying to survive, after having there newstart allowance taken from them... Bunch of fuckin geniuses we have ruling over us!!! RIGHT?!?

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I got a job out of the work for the dole program doing hospital sanitisation. (basically steralising med equipment..scary really) this was back in the mid 90's. its actually gave me a break from the copious amounts of weed I was smoking and selling. I can see method in the madness. I think if your receivbing newstart, and able to work, contributing back to the society that supports aint that bad of an idea. I like the idea of work for the dole actually being about assisting people in need, hospital work, meals on wheels etc

Edited by incognito
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I too have got a job from "work for the dole" way back. I can see your points though, and it's valid.

Also i feel your stress, more than you might know. I was used as a political puppet for decades. these "work for the dole" idea's are (at least were) simply to manipulate unemployment figures for election times etc. Unemployed people tied up in "work for the dole" "programs" means (looks like) we have less unemployed people. Thus, making polly-x look like an god-send angel.

it's a shame honesty seems to be worth nothing to so many these days.

Still, there are many ways to gain some extra cash here and there. that are honorable, non-destructive, and highly acceptable. It's good, i think, that you are venting this stress. It will allow you to free yourself to a point, and re-think your options (you always have them dont forget). yeah its tough though hey... especially when you have to pay 7-14 times the actual retail price for EVERYTHING you must buy!

Your title sucks. But i get how stressed you are. keep in mind though, it could be worse..

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You've kind of proved my entire point.

Medical equipment needs to be sterilized, so they where exploiting you as slave labour at the expense of creating genuine employment.

Plus, I doubt you'd be so found of 'work for the dole' if they forced you to do a 80km round trip twice a week, when you have the utility companies threatening to cut off your supply because you can't even afford to pay your bills.

I don't have the connections to deal erb.... so for me, its a major concern, lol.

Edited by Subaeruginosin
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oh well, if ya gotta do it, be presentable, and do a good job, for your own satisfaction. You never know what might come from it.

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well, if i lived in VIC i would buy shit all for food..

that place is loaded with rabbits! rabbits taste great! and naturally you have plants too. I mean, wow, so much food down there. aint shit up here brisbane, jusy a few old turkeys that are not legal to eat, few weeds, and the odd toad. In short, at least you live in an area that can more than acceptably feed you.

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from what I remember of my sitcho, if I didn't take on the work for the dole, my payment was to be cut completely. I think I got an extra 30 buks a fortnight to do it. It actually was a blessing, it got me out of the self inflicted rut I was in, and got me out of the house talking to people, in a work like environment. I got a job (which I left to be a garbage man- best job I ever had, however the hospital gave me a glowing reference which helped land a few jobs after that.

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How is it free labour if they get paid?

Newstart isn't being paid, its compensation for the government being to incompetent to supply enough jobs for everyone. Its basically the only reason the middle class don't need 10 foot security fencing around there property and don't have a 50% chance of being car jacked every time they leave there house.

The hungry don't stay hungry for long.

Can you do a tafe course in stead?

Yeah, but then you have to find the funds to pay for it. Besides, I simply can't afford (or desire) to stay on the dole. So just going back to school isn't really an option for me. What I need is a goddamn 38 hour a week payed job.

But living in a region which has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country and being to broke to relocate... its unfortunately just not as easy as it sounds.

That's what infuriates me the most... just pay me minimum wage and I'll work my hands to the bone, day in and day out, I'll always be on time and won't leave til the jobs done.... But force me to do it for free (or under minimum wage), then we are gonna have problems!

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Another thread bitching about how the world owes you everything and it's anyone's fault except your own. FFS, this shit is getting OLD QUICKLY.

Show us some of your goddamn plants, or your garden, or contribute to part of this site in some kind of meaningful way rather than just another self serving bitch-fest about how smart you are but apparently still downtrodden by everyone. And no, re-posting another fucking eminem track from youtube does not count as adding meaningful content.

Don't like where you live due to rent pressure and low employment prospects? Do what other people do, move to a city for a while, live in a share house to drastically reduce your expenses whilst on government benefits until you find a paying job and can set yourself up properly for a better life.

Or just stay where you are and fucking whinge.

BTW - there are plenty of people out there who are having to live off of $125 per week "spending money" or less and often they're caring for other people, looking after children or at least giving back to society in a meaningful way.

Yes, I'm coming across as a cunt, but goddamn your constant "woe is me" whinging is getting damn old.

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do you know how many jobs I've got within 24 hours by NOT leaving till i feel i have been listened to.

thats what i say when they say to me "I'm sorry i don't know how i can help you, we don't have any work right now. I'm very busy." I just tell straight, I'm not leaving until i feel that you have listened to me. well, I got a job the next day EVERY time i did this.

They will say they dont have anything, i say you must know someone that can help me. LOL they do, every time. BE more dominant! If you know your an asset to where ever you can work then use it! It's the same reason i almost never show my resume (when i had one) I'd ask for a chance to prove myself. After all, as far as im concerned those who wont offer me a "chance" based on my words, is no person / company that id want to work for anyhow. stand strong mate.

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i love dogs and i pick fruit

Yeah, plan b... abandon all my furniture and white goods (within the next 2 weeks), then just rock up to Mildura and just go crazy picking fruit for the summer, well living outta my truck. Make as much coin as I can.

You can't even get a fruit picking job in this town, unless your a foreign backpacker, or you were born here.

All alone on these streets... boy!


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just tough times calls for toughness =)

I actually felt (at the time) like a bit of a c*nt. I guess though i must admit, I've never ever been one to back down. I've never been one to not speak my mind or stand up for what i believe in. No matter the cost. Because for me personally, the cost of not doing so, would be higher.

My favortue question i get asked re work interview is "hmm, so you havent worked for a while, why s that?" LOL love it!

my answer "because i didnt realy want to. I'm not out to waste my time, or anyone elses. I'm here now because I'm ready to work, hard". you know, what would you like to hear as an employer? I have emplyed friends over the years. I'm good as a boss. sure, i expect hard work. I also expect my workers to have a break when THEY feel they need one. not when i say it's time. a happy worker with a sense of working for themselves keeps me, the worker happy, and quality very high =)


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$650 a fortnight is actually really good how can you complain about that seriously

back in the day when I was on newstart I got 320 a fortnight

shit was hard but I survived

maybe dont buy so much crack man

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$650 a fortnight is actually really good how can you complain about that seriously

back in the day when I was on newstart I got 320 a fortnight

shit was hard but I survived

maybe dont buy so much crack man

I have to say that even though you.struggled through hardship it doesnt make it right. $650 a fortnight is below the poverty line as far as i can tell, and social services in this country are up to shit.! Especially when we see how unbalance our system is...

I have never been on the dole and have paid an exorbitant amount of tax in my working life and have to say i would much rather see that money spent on social services than multinational corporations best interests....

Whatever you personally think of sub, he's right

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make 23 babys. that should pay well. thats what they do in logan, beenleigh, redcliff, cabulture, morayfield, springwood, woodridge, err, most of brisbane.

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lol....have a mortgage and go on Sickness Benefit

Oh with a family.

Aren't sickness benefits like $880 a fortnight, per person? Plus $100 per child?

From my understanding a family is beneficial when relying on government benefits. Its the single non aboriginal white male who really gets the ankle grab, when they're forced to resort to relying on government benefits to survive.

My dad was telling me the other day about a family at his church who has 6 adult non working children, and apparently the family clears over 8 grand a month in government benefits.

That's the problem... the government decides there getting screwed. But instead of going after people like the family I mentioned, who are clearly living far to comfortably on benefits. They just go after people like me who genuinely want to work but can't find any and need assistance.

The bureaucracy just hunts out the single white males like me who genuinely can't find work, then bends us over the desk and says you better not scream, or else!!!

Fuckin Government!!!

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the gov pays for u to have children so USA have more for war lol . but for real the dogs [gov] might pay a little bit of coin for kids but raising the ferals are a lot more than a dog eats...

Edited by bullit
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^ men without dependants and the women who don't shoot out babies they are barely equipped to cope with

I agree with you on this point subby. Our pollies reason that babies equals population growth equals economic growth. They aren't too worried that said economy will have to be shared among more, or that incentives to shoot out babies leads us toward a trailer trash idiocracy (nothing against trailers)

Edited by ThunderIdeal
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