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The Corroboree

Rehab is making me crazy (crazier....)

waterboy 2.0

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lol....its gunna be a slippery slope boggy https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif

can he cart firewood and dig garden beds at0m...lol https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

Todays research for the hell of it....."Nanny" Dogs......lol ...

My boy is gunna need a little mate soon. These old pics are just facinating.







Excercise time.... lol...just had argy bargy 'cause my keys have gone missing.....and I am apparently not

allowed to back the car out of the carport.....cause thats a gateway drug https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png

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lol..fckn echidnas....every year at least one breaks into the fortified garden and digs around in the garlic.

I still can't work out how they are gettin in.


you are coming out wether you like it or not... dont you piss on me...lol


No echidnas were harmed during the filming of this


first loph flower I've noticed


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Isnt that what masstives were for too? I think i remember reading about them bonding to the princes incase of big wars. The dogs were bonded and didnt need any training, theyd just protect the kids till the end

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A lot of mastiffs were - dunno if all made good "guardian breeds", I know Neopolitan Mastiffs will protect without hesitation and training, they were also a "nanny" dog in Italy.

Good dog also if you like big ones that sneak up within range, rather than bark...lol


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there was this guy i met a few times. He trained dogs for a living after he retired from the israeli army as a dog handler and trainer. One time he had this masssive blue neo mastive he had attack and protection trained for this guy that couldnt pay in the end. He wanted to trade him to me, was honestly the most intimidating dog i ever met. My dog ellie is just under 60 kg but this dog i think would have to be close to 100. He was a scary guy and trained them dogs to do bad things if they needed too. Kinda dog you'd have if you were a some kind of drug baron and had to kill james bond every now and then.

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Todays episode of Sesame Street is brought to you by the Genus Callitris.

Callitris oblonga - South Esk Pine

The orange hue is from the covering in male cones. Female cones get held tight, should get some seed of these for the interested.

Listed Vulnerable Species in Tas, endemic to oz

Basically its habitat is getting smashed, its also not so keen on repeated fires.


Callitris rhomboidea - Oyster Bay Pine


Don't see tulips on this forum much...lol


Holds promise




jack jumper ants reminded me its spring today...lol....bitey bastards.

"....which can lead to death on rare occasions. Between 1980 and 2000, there were four deaths due to anaphylaxis from jack jumper stings, all of which were in Tasmania"

".The ant has also been a major cause of anaphylaxis outside Tasmania, notably around Adelaide and the outskirts of Melbourne, while cases in New South Wales and Western Australia have been more distributed" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_jumper_ant

lol...welcome to Australia


Edited by waterboy 2.0
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I used to wage war against those big red ones when I was a lad. We would try to blow up their nests, but they were hard to get close to. They would have sentries posted on branches around the nest and they would hit you from the ground and from above at the same time. I have the utmost respect for them, they're not to be messed with.

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lol...its funny what a little animal can do to humans.

This little fella is tellin me this scratch is going to be permanent...lol https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif



Jostaberry (Blackcurrent x gooseberry) has pumped out new shoots, gunna need a feed. Jerusalem artichokes are going to errupt along the fenceline soon.


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^lol https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif

Its taken a while for this to pup for me....well I think they are pups



Comfreys up...seasons about to get serious (and more garlic...)


and Horseraddish....need to move it or protect it, possums love the new leaves


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Time to get somewhat serious with the top veggie patch...... its gettin to me...lol.....

Tidy up a few projects and get on with it, usually its all sown out to green manures for winter up here.


Bit of cactus....




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its an ear cropped attack rabbit , that scratch on my arm is from that one <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png

Tis the little mans lop ear rabbit, its doing well. That said its basically my pet, I should eat it....lol.

(Should I eat "Billy" the rabbit?)

I'll plant out a few vegie seedlings today and start a few seeds off today.

Still thinking of starting a BF Pumpkin Amz, the bed is good to go and fed during winter.

Dunno may just use the space for some nice eating/keepin pumpkins or maybe mini rockmelons.

About my danger period now, "feel" competent to do stuff, but if I push it I'll know I am not....lol

Physical healings great, mental healing...well thought I'd have been more advanced by now.

More garden therapy <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif

Edited by waterboy 2.0
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