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Rehab is making me crazy (crazier....)

waterboy 2.0

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I had some enforced downtime last year too - initially it was driving me crazy, then I started treating it as one long "rainy day" project... great opportunity to sit down & learn stuff I don't normally have time for. So maybe you've always wanted to learn how to cook kormas or use Photoshop or whatever, here's your chance.

Also learning some yoga (from youtube, so you can do it at home in your pajamas) stopped me from climbing the walls & eventually got me back on my feet. Good combination of calm breathing/meditation and listening to your body - when you're recovering from something major it can be really hard to believe how weak you currently are, you keep thinking "no, that can't be right, I feel ok, I must be able to walk to the bathroom on my own" - but if you're spending an hour or so each day focused solely on awareness of your body, then it's much harder to overdo it & injure yourself. There are plenty of other similar disciplines which I know nothing about (like tai chi, qi gong, etc), but if you don't already do one then I'd get onto it. I know it's such a hippy cliche, but I really couldn't recommend it highly enough. At worse it'll keep you amused. At its best it can take the place of your physio & half your meds.

Great to see you back, I'm so jealous of that asparagus patch! How do you reach the spears in the middle without crushing the outer ones?

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nuthn wrong with a lil salt n pepper <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif

dang nuthn wrong with that awesome wattle either! <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_worship.gif<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_wub.png

all power to ya mate and defo 2nded @Bullit

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You place is really beautiful, i do really envy your farm. Some more pics of it would kick ass bullit is spot on there.

I feel for you mate, i really do. Is there anything we could do to help? I guess you could sew seeds. How about we all send you some seeds? We could have a community drive and flood you with seeds. Fk know what youd do once they all grow, maybe start a nursery and retire from your propper job LOL?

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not a bad idea hillbilly! Your farm looks sweet man, heaps keen for some pics.

so you know, just getting on with my normal life right now is making me batshit crazy. fucked if i know where my head is right now.. so for what you're going through i reckon you're doin alright bro.

hang in there man, keep it up! & post some more farm porn when you can!

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Get yourself some baoding balls WB, it's pronounced bow-ding.

They're the only thing that's kept me from going around the twist when I've been bedridden or incapacitated many times in the past.

They use them in China for therapy for almost everything, they reckon they stimulate the acupuncture/acupressure points in your hands. Even if that's BS they take your mind off things and they're a good meditation tool.


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^look promising Sally after lookin at a few youtube vids https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif

at worst it makes me look all grey ninja...lol

Todays wander down to the dams...




I am now thinking I can drown a few worms https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif

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The asparagus is still in a block/row Anodyne. When they really fire up you can pick a path across to cut them, a few get squashed at times though https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif This bed thumps out enough to not make me stress about a few though.


A.verticillata is also starting to flower


Globe Artichokes need a feed for big buds



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Daffodils and such are out....remnants from an old homestead.


Future project - Fire Bunker https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif . Old water cistern, plate steel, excellent reinforcing. Hatch already fabricated into it.

Might put some work into it this summer. Need to get a 20T machine out for the job though.

Got another one but have it on high ground as a header tank.


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Awesome place!

Do you mind if I ask approximately how big is the property, what a place like that would be worth, and roughly how far a drive to the nearest decent size shopping area (say a supermarket and department store etc). You are living on my dream property, I'd love to be able to sell up and move somewhere like that one day

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I'm with you Alice, that place looks great! (Though I might go for something slightly warmer.)

Daffodils make me homesick for the farm I grew up on. I'm pretty jealous.

I reckon you might you have a snared yourself a few extra road-trippers as guests sometime (when you are feeling better, of course).

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havent really got into the gardens yet...lol....

Different things will keep appearing....its the time of year when shit happens

Greveilleas have started to flower up as well. I grow a heap of natives.


Seed grown Hakea in fill bloom.


This is some older seed I put through when it was easy...lol

The maca seed still might throw a few, licquorice as well.

The tree lucerne/tagasaste I reckon thats all I am getting (tubestock). The more desirable maca seed (really rich red)although also looks a no go. A bit more patience on these yet...... still getting some tiny maca's germinating now I am keeping check on the moisture levels again.

Makes me look like an amateur...lol


Alice I am on approx 18ha, marginal land farming wise. Land that has character https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif Pretty basic "cottage"

Diverse vegetation assemblages and geology. Just over 100K purchase 15 years or so ago, last state land value was around 280K (not a market price that can be higher or lower) plus 'additions' = buildings/sheds

A lot of wildlife lives about me here.

Prices went up when we purchased because all the "mainlanders" (yeah,yeah thats racist) were buying up down here...lol...seriously a lot of folk "invested" and are retiring to here.

Really only 30 mins to a big chain supermarket for me. 40 get you into a city. In 30 minutes I can get to several different towns in different directions. That said know the roads https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif

A fair call would be 350K as an entry be about right for some rural areas (basic 3 bed) (some gone through the roof price wise). Haven't really watched real estate for a while though. I get cheap council rates (because they do nothing for me...lol...) but have other expenditures like roads and "shit" that needs to be done. Cheaper can be found still for sure.

Its my climate...its in my bones....a lotta folk cant adjust. Warmer climate folk do better in the north-east on the coast.

Its a bastard of a climate for attempting vines...lol

lol....there is trout, redfin perch, blackfish and eels swimming about nut, and a few crustaceans.

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lol....yeah they are fun as puppies for 4-5 years.....male is 13yo and stuffed from running around 24/7 and years of bush work, he still runs around 24/7 even though it hurting him. I can find just about anything with Sam <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

Love their determination.

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wish i was in rehab nar i dont . i just love your surroundings which makes the real rehabs look like jail lol, the beauty of the bush will amend any fork . good to c u post pics m8 its 1 of the reasons i joined to c heavenly home/garden pics and grow logs from the best , not to biatch like skool gurls hahahah

Edited by bullit
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So its the weekend ....Which is good........ 'cause I found an old T5 I have in the "spare space" had given up....

RIP many years of service.

Mrs WB told me she was bundle me up in the car and take me anywhere....lol...."where you want to go?"....."Bunnings..."......

"you are joking?"....."nuh".... Ok did a bit more than that https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif Been the first day in a week I've been near "people", yeah I am getting crazier....rofl

lol ...rehab sucks...gotta get someone to drive me to Bunnnings (WBs sponsor of the day....lol).

Goodbye single T5 , hello twin 18w T8.....must have given up a few weeks back.

Might have to go full production in here now.


Todays wander was to the "Belanglo Forest"....lol

A few fly agarics have come up in here before.


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Lol if this is your crazy WB, I love it. Pics of flowers, trees and scenery...yeah! Awesome brother, keep it up and get well-er soon <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_wub.png

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