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The Corroboree

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This forum is NOT for members to start threads in, this forum is ONLY for mods to move threads that have degenerated to the point that they do not fit any other forums (at their discression)

The Same forum rules apply here as anywhere else.

1) Do not incriminate yourself or others.

2) Please be friendly and supportive (no insults).

3) Racism, homophobia, or any other bigotry will not be tolerated.

4) Commercial postings are permitted as long as they are relevant and not obtrusive.

5) Trading and advertising items for sale is welcome and encouraged!!

6) Provide a valid and accurate climate, or a location from which climate can be deduced.

7) Do no abuse the ratings systems.

If you have any questions of comments please do not hesitate to PM me or any of the moderation team

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