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Hi EG,

Is it too late to enter the grafting competition?

I got some world class grounded Jumbo peres that are 1 5/8 inch thick at the base. I also got plenty jumbo selenicereus about an inch thick which has been my recent favorite stock due to the maturity the scions seem to be endowed with once linked up good. If you have a seriously important seed that you wanna see take off, my bet is with jumbos of the 2 previously mentioned.

I was just gonna save the huge rooted jumbos for newly emerging pups from recently acquired field cuts, but i could also compete with all those good blokes out there since the jumbos are indeed jumbo. You could have a consolation prize for biggest girth, Lol..................

Ive never pm'd anyone on the forum, but solar tea and zelly know me. Id love to sacrifice a huge jumbo for the cause, plus im curious as to who has a more bad ass stock than myself out there.


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Got mine!! Thanks so much EG. They are awesome varieties, I'm very excited to get to grow them,

I'm about to move so ill have to wait a week or two before sowing but thankfully I'm moving to a warmer climate so that should make up for lost time.

Thank you for the opportunity to grow these seeds <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just had a look Eg and these were sown on the evening of the 20th of october.

Sorry mate I missed taking a photo of the Huancavelia but they had popped as well.


Echinopsis Tarmaensis




Trichocereus Peruvianus - Matucana,


Trichocereus Peruvianus Rio Lurin














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Hi B, thanks for the update. I am done with my germination tests too now. The Huancavelica has a great germination rate and I was actually surprised how good it was. The Rio Lurin has a great viability as well, same as the Matucana. Knuthianus and Tarmaensis need a lot of heat but come up fine if confronted with light and heat during the first 2-3 weeks. They are the most difficult ones and I had a viability around 50%. I used sand as a medium and I can recommend to use the same as it decreases the chance of getting some rot. Well yeah, thanks for the updates and I am really looking forward to this. Already waiting for new seeds for another seed competition at the beginning of 2016.

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Hey EG, I'll try to get some pics of the seedlings up at some point. I had very similar results. I think the Tarma gave me the most trouble but honestly I didn't use any heat mat and it's fall now so it's been cooling off and slowly getting gloomy.

My substrate was mainly coco coir with a bit of perlite for drainage. Starting to get some spines on the tops of the seedlings so grafting isn't far behind!

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My seeds finally arrived, disappointingly customs has open up the package and damaged the paper that kept the seeds separate, so now they are all mixed together.

Hopefully once i get them grafted, they can be compared to the rest of the plants here for ID purposes

Thanks for sharing the seeds with me EG

Let the grafting begin

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Hi Change, nice to hear they´ve arrived and shocked customs mixed them up. Are all seeds mixed or just some of them? It will be kinda hard to pin down the types later on. The first to germinate should be the Matucana, the Huancavelica and the Rio Lurin. The others germinate slower and need more heat. Maybe that helps you somehow.

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I got my seeds yesterday! Thanks EG!

Mine was also opened by customs and had a little form saying nothing had been removed.

Most of the seeds are still in their little paper envelopes so can be identified but there's probably about 30 - 50 seeds that somehow escaped and are floating in the main envelope that I won't know what they are, so I'll sow those separately as a mystery tub.

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I only just got my seeds today. The delay was customs peeking at my mail, it had been 'opened for inspection'. Luckily, no mixups and they all seem to be in their original packets.

Simce I'm late to this party, whats the youngest i can safely graft these seedlings. I've only just started grafting and I have 100% success with pereskiopsis and only 60% success on Hylocereus. 0% on some unidentified epiphytic cacti.

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Hey guys, don´t get paranoid because it makes a fun seed giveaway look bad. It´s normal quarantine inspections and all seeds were perfectly legal and according to the Quarantine import conditions. It would be a pretty long list if they´d blacklist everyone who ever had a letter opened. It´s actually quite common that letters are opened and as long as you don´t import anything illegal, it´s totally okay. All good.

Edited by Evil Genius
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