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Personal Choice/Community Impacts senate inquiry: have your say


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Some one flicked this by me this evening through my site. I copy and paste it for your consideration...

There is a very interesting new Senate Committee championed by David Leyonhjelm (LibDems) that covers a range of issues that infringe on the personal freedom of citizens.

- e-cigarettes ban/tax
- bar lockout laws
- recreational cannabis
- bike helmet laws
- video game censorship

This link is his press release on the subject…

The committee is accepting submissions until the 24th August – at the below link

Probably a rare opportunity to have our voices heard on this subject that I think we all feel pretty strongly about (or at least should feel strongly about)
This only opened for submissions yesterday and by last night about 90% of the 34 submissions made are by the bike helmet crowd - lets make sure that the cannabis aspect is well represented and get some submissions in!

Edited by Responsible Choice
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Lots of aspects that are worth raising, not just from the cannabis angle - although the LDP are (on paper at least) committed to legalisation, something they need to be reminded of. I'll be making a submission, and I strongly encourage others to do so as well.

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People might soon get sick of me bumping this <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_innocent_n.gif , but I'm going to, at least once a week, until submissions close. If I'm the only member here who makes puts something in, I will be disappointed.

I do have a question though, how else, and where else, could we spread the word of this? I'm doing what I can, but I'm not that well connected on the other forums that have members who might (or should) be interested.

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remember when the plant laws were coming in? somebody or other made a kind of go-to website which had some of the basic information and i think there was also a form where you could make a general submission even without writing your own unique submission... or you could just modify the one provided, throwing your weight behind the effort without the actual use of effort.

somebody here also made a basic flyer pointing to said website which people could print and put on noticeboards, at nurseries etc

that kind of thing i think yeti. i'm afraid i can't point you to cannabis-oriented forums or possible communities which might be organising an effort already, but there is bound to be one somewhere??

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