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The Corroboree

2015 Australian Perpetual Free Trade Thread

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I'd love to pick those up! @Humbolt (minus the sub print)


I can offer the following seeds:

  • morning glory (purple)
  • T.macro x peru
  • T.Knuth x peru
  • T.Macro x super pedro
  • a few acacia acinacea
  • pinch of tobbacum burley type


+ a random surprise (if I remember) lol. Send me a pm after you post! 


Thanks. <3 :) 

Edited by Caster
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  • 1 month later...

Yes please


I'll offer


Datura stramonium seed

N. Tabbacum (Kentucky no.17) seed

Dessert rose seed

Delosperma seed 

Peres cuts for grafting 

Yellow chillie seed (not sure in var.)

Edited by noshiewa
Forgot to say seed on some :)
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've got issues with ebay and intoxicated purchases so if anyone wants them I have two bulk packs (100 seeds approx) of (scop x tig) x scop I can give away as I will never have the room to grow them.  You'd have to kill me for the third pack though lol


While lurking I saw a guy once whinge about limited daily PM's until they got their post count up high enough so the person who wants them will likely have to message me if that's the case.  I'll cover postage and all that jazz though so first in gets them.

1 (2).jpg

2 (2).jpg







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45 minutes ago, Ethnoob said:

I've got issues with ebay and intoxicated purchases so if anyone wants them I have two bulk packs (100 seeds approx) of (scop x tig) x scop I can give away as I will never have the room to grow them.  You'd have to kill me for the third pack though lol


While lurking I saw a guy once whinge about limited daily PM's until they got their post count up high enough so the person who wants them will likely have to message me if that's the case.  I'll cover postage and all that jazz though so first in gets them.

1 (2).jpg

2 (2).jpg

Edit: Sorry folks but they're now gone.  Fear not though, it's unlikely ebay has seen the last of me while intoxicated lol







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Anyone want some cacti freebies and chiloensis hybrids? Refer to the pic for actual genetics.


I also have quite a few ololiuqui seeds I'm not massively keen on that someone can have too.  They're from SAB so they're legit but they just don't do it for me so I'll never put them to use.  No pic because I only just thought about them and I'm lazy.



Edit: the cacti seeds have just found a good home :)




Edited by Ethnoob
cacti seeds are gone
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1 minute ago, Glaukus said:

Ethnoob, cool offers but read the rules of this thread, it's been derailed a few times and got back on track, let's keep it on track.

You're right, I screwed up and should have reread the first post again instead of relying on my dodgy memory of it from when I was lurking before posting anything.  It won't happen again.

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It’s not clear to me what is going on in this thread at this point in time about who is getting what, so, to get this back on track I am offering:


*3 types of datura seeds - will update with their names later

*morning glory seeds

*A set of random cacti seeds (bridgesii or Peru)


To the next person. If someone is already offering items to the next person I shall stack this on top of whatever someone else is offering. It’s a bit light but hopefully it’ll get the thread going again. 


Ps. Not to sound like an asshole but please do not post under this thread unless you’re claiming and offering :) edit previous posts if required to make things clear 



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On 21/10/2018 at 11:39 PM, ace1928 said:

I'll take that offer Quasi-J


I'll offer


Selection of edible mushroom cultures incl.:

- Blue Oyster, Pink Oyster, Gold Oyster, Pearl Oyster, Hypsizygus ulmarius and probably a few others (depending what is trying to break free)


Large foil sheet of wild cube prints

50 x northern locale l williamsii seeds (mixed variety)

20 x bird of paradise seeds 

5 x cycad seeds collected fresh (unknown species)

5 x ~10cm pieces of perskiopsis (to get you started with those button seeds)

Sorry to take this off topic (Will delete at request)

Has anyone heard from Ace? We sorted out delivery which got delayed a few times but lost communication.

Hope he's doing alright

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3 hours ago, Mango said:

Hey TheMooseZues,

I'll take this lot please!!!


I will have a hunt around for what I have to offer and I'll wack up a post later tonight! 


Many Thanks,


Sorry to get your hopes up mate! Was quoting someone from a few months ago

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