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☽Footsteps along the Acacial avenue..⚡The Amazing AustralAcacian highway path to WattleB Grove☾

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ok so in this thread I will try to pool all the data I go through whilst swattling up..

and add all the links I found useful to it so that they are readily accessible over the years-long path I am currently on.

-and hopefully be of use to other beings with an interest in these amazing beings too..

in either entertainment, knowledge or passion..

but here's how the story goes...

About 4 r 5 years[ish] ago, after I tripped into a mine of vast peaks and troughs in a forest of healing and spiritual awareness with freedom long sought to ride on the backs of large cats therever after...:-

I had my first hot water tek success B) with mimosa tenuiflora.

I then went on to hunt more hot water tek plant seed; full of the joys and novelty of boiling something to wake it up.... And just how fascinating, yet again, nature was ...

I discovered that Acacias were right up my avenue , really pretty and had historical importance to my own childhood pre- age 4.. and the fragrances are deliciously immaculate!

and that it would be really special to be able to grow some..

...and that the Robinia and Gleditsia I had grown up around were the trees I had been trying to ID for years with no tools or help or much clue back then.. and were the false "Acacias"

...at the same time I discovered Acacias were responsible for my favourite fragrances that only appeared in january february time [and colourful sprays of sunshine in season at my ex's florists all those years ago] for myself through sniffing all the flowers whenever nobody was looking :-

I also learned of mimosa scabrella from their resources too.

And probably because of florists and their calling acacia flower: mimosa, and often calling mimosa flower; acacia - I had already seen the riddle tying the tongues of the unwitting but thunk nothing of it back then.

So I managed to procure a pack of 20 or 30 Acacia podalyriifolia and Acacia mearnsii seeds from uk and some smalls of Acacia maidenii and very smalls of Acacia confusa and Acacia simplex seeds from the states,...

So I set to work ... and cracked the Acacious nut with podalyriifolia first x3!!

mearnsii had zero ... so i kept trying whilst hunting a diff supplier , ended up finding one in india..

so I bought 100

they still havent worked yet for me though even now but I'm going to try to source Aus ones to see if I can get em going..

but then scabrella fell into my hands from europe, which added a new dimension/twist and taught me deeper..

I finally sprouted scabrella after a 3rd attempt depleting the seed packet and lost it at 1.5 inches..

..so later armed with some fresh scabrella nuts from another european.. I managed to get them germinating every try !

but they didnt like transferring out of the home built propogator I made for them.

The largest scab I got one to, was 2 foot.. and didn't like the switch to the conservatory...

unlike podalyriifolia and tenuiflora -

podalyriifolia were lost a lot later in hardiness tests outdoors.. tenui's when I tried to bonsai them.

but it was mid winter and i hadn't attuned into natures rythms here until about a year or two later.

So it was at that point that I learned that there is a right time for everything , and that wasn't one of them x]

..next to sprout was maidenii and simplex which really made my whole year!

and shortly after; confusa... thanks to priceless advice from the seed supplier in the states (WSS)

so I started hunting more and finally hit gold in Aus' with some obtusifolia, acuminata(both kinds), and some floribunda!!

I managed to get acuminata germinated first time I think , 3 of them again :) i forgot which phyllode type now but guessing narrow from how they got on.

They loved uk outdoors all last year (2014) from spring until winter/something else thrashed them.

This is where I learned that conservatories and greenhouses were not necessarily just for tomatoes and globuose cacti :3 and could be heated cheaply.

so I put the Acacia path on hold because I really needed to study more ..

and take more acacia and mimosa into my system of workings

-especially about the possibility of using peanut or butterbean inoculants if I can't get ahold of any


..and I went on to enjoy the temporary retirement in the joys of cactical ops and specimen hunting.

So for now I only have limited access to the tropic of horsia until I can create a new one -

since "the olde one" is definitely not conducive to growing mimosoids from seed again.

or I would've dove in by now.

And she stuck the beautiful bailyana purpurea I bought her out in winter in feb and I think it's a gonner

perhaps my maidenii and dealbata subalpina have made it though which is awesome.

I am planning and envisaging a lot of indoor/inhouse growing in smaller spaces with artificial growing conditions for the foreseeable, - my fave subject !!

until i can get a garden again and start plans on a tunnel :PB)

In my net-scourings I learned of phlebophylla and how it needs to flower and seed to become un-rare

and that my current natural climate here may actually benefit it in some way..

sowing them and obtusifolia are on hold for now until I get back into the swing of things.

but still hunting down things ready for them like granite sand and granite gravel, and of course - seed.

Then the cactaceous period began with an invasion of trichosaurs...

And then the previously sought permission promise rug was spitefully pulled out from underneath the tropic of horsia because it was getting too many compliments and about to take off as a small orchid and bonsai/ tropicals supply store...


so not that I'm going to let dragons stand in my path... I decide to up the tempo whilst moving on to greener pastures and draw up a list of Acacia species that I will be having a bash at ,

that I'm aiming to collect 100 [or more] of each species' seed to have banked at all times ...

-so as to have ample chance at success and backup if ever necessary...

....and all the other stuff I can do/collect in prep for now..

but any helpful input is gladly welcomed...,

-as are folk who want to sell seeds to me or trade them with me -PM me by all means.


-and anyone wanting to post cool things to help or ask questions if I or another SAB'er can help them,

-or their pics and stuffs if they don't want to make a thread on it themselves...,

-or anyone elses' experiences whilst learning from growing with the Mimosoid plants...,

-and any input on inoculation and perhaps if soil from olde Robinias would be good?,


Here's the planned list so far for seeds not live plants (that'll come when she's right too)

I've managed to score so far..

Acacia acuminata broad phyllode -landed

Acacia acuminata narrow phyllode -landed
Acacia acuminata small seed -landed

Acacia alpina -hunting
Acacia auriculiformis -landed

Acacia baileyana -hunting
Acacia baileyana purpurea -landed

Acacia boormanii -hunting

Acacia burkittii -landed

Acacia concurrens - hunting
Acacia confusa -landed
Acacia courtii -landed
Acacia cyclops -landed

Acacia cyanophylla -hunting

Acacia dealbata subsp alpina -hunting
Acacia doratoxylon -landed
Acacia floribunda -landed
Acacia genistifolia -landed

Acacia jonesii -20 landed
Acacia linifolia -landed
Acacia maidenii -landed
Acacia mearnsii -landed

Acacia minuta -hunting
Acacia mucronata var. longifolia -landed
Acacia neriifolia -30 -on way

Acacia neurophylla -landed
Acacia obtusifolia -landed
Acacia phlebophylla -4 -hunting
Acacia podalyriifolia -landed

Acacia pravissima -hunting

Acacia pycnantha -landed
Acacia retinodes -landed
Acacia suaveolans -30 -hunting
Acacia terminalis -landed

Acacia saligna -landed
Acacia seyal -landed
Acacia simplex -landed
Acacia sophorae -landed
Acacia spirorbis -hunting
Acacia terminalis -landed
Acacia victoriae -landed

Mimosa arenosa -10 - only trying 10

Mimosa ophthalmocentra -15 -hunting

Mimosa scabrella -60 -hunting

Mimosa tenuiflora -20 -hunting

Mimosa pudica -landed

Anadenanthera peregrina - if I ever get there - 3 seeds for to have close possibly non viable for now

Desmanthus Illinoensis -14 -banked for a while

Desmanthus leptolobus - 100 - landed

I plan on taking plenty of photes..

and some funky pics of my take on the hot water tek and scratch art tool for seed coat removal

...and "tail pooping" tek.

in the meantime here's a cool wattle vid I found



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http://www.cabi.org/isc/datasheet/2157 auriculiformis info

http://keyserver.lucidcentral.org/weeds/data/03030800-0b07-490a-8d04-0605030c0f01/media/Html/Acacia_retinodes_var._retinodes.htm weeds of Aus

http://anpsa.org.au/APOL2008/jun08-1.html propogation

http://keyserver.lucidcentral.org/weeds/data/03030800-0b07-490a-8d04-0605030c0f01/media/Html/Index.htm#A fact sheet list

https://www.rhs.org.uk/advice/profile?pid=64 pruning

http://www.worldagroforestry.org/treedb2/speciesprofile.php?Spid=109 A' seyal or V' seyal now?

http://www.smgrowers.com/products/plants/plantdisplay.asp?plant_id=3128 linifolia info

http://www.bonsaitree.co.za/knowledge/tree-care-guides/53-acacia bonsai acacia

http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=30553 SABaddasserie

http://www.worldwidewattle.com/infogallery/distribution.php World wide wattle

http://waynesword.palomar.edu/plaug99.htm wayne's world

http://herbalistics.com.au/plantblog/acacia-phlebophylla-cultivation-from-seed/ herbalistix

http://keyserver.lucidcentral.org/weeds/data/080c0106-040c-4508-8300-0b0a06060e01/media/Html/Acacia_podalyriifolia.htm podalyriifolia

http://www.lycaeum.org/~mulga/acacia/cult2.html growing obtusi with phleb

http://anpsa.org.au/a-gen.html small on genistifolia

http://growingontheedge.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2150&view=next random forum thread on subalpina

http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11877 maintenance advice on obtusi

http://www.worldwidewattle.com/infogallery/cultivation/ cultivation of acacias

http://www.australianplants.org/fsheight.htm acacias for central coast gardens

http://www.ext.colostate.edu/pubs/crops/00305.html legume seed inoculants

http://www.cpbr.gov.au/cpbr/projects/wattle-grow/index.html wattle gro

http://www.kentuckyamerican.com/kyamerican/products/inoculants.htm cross reference for inoculants

cool vid




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http://www.worldseedsupply.com/tag/the-hot-water-technique/ hot water tek

http://www.flora.sa.gov.au/id_tool/acacias_sa.html Key to Acacias of South Australia

http://www.ceres.org.au/nursery/bushfoodcatalogue.html Ceres bushfood catalogue

http://www.sgapqld.org.au/bushtucker18.html QLD bush tucker site

http://bushcraftoz.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-2960.html?s=bb8de36e1260f7bbaa54c857cd2e2bae random forum edible thread

http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?app=gallery&album=733 hoss's gallery acacia

http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?app=gallery&album=732 hoss's gallery mimosa

http://www.amateurgardening.com/how-to/grow/how-to-grow-acacia-mimosa-3778 uk snippet

http://www.blueram.net/eucalyptus/indepthguide/acacia.asp info at a uk euc' shop

http://www.independent.co.uk/property/gardening/on-the-trail-of-hardy-mimosas-1304587.html newspaper clip on uk acacia

http://www.florabank.org.au/lucid/key/species%20navigator/media/html/Acacia_victoriae.htm victoriae info

https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=4CfGOqnN39AC&pg=PA305&lpg=PA305&dq=can+you+inoculate+acacia+with+soil+from+robinia&source=bl&ots=G4g3FglLp2&sig=K0W3G9netIdNWXWYtXKuASgiylE&hl=en&sa=X&ei=7Q92VeWVGMSr7AbZgoCQDQ&ved=0CDYQ6AEwBA#v=onepage& q=can%20you%20inoculate%20acacia%20with%20soil%20from%20robinia&f=false nodule and rhizobium info

http://www.calyxflowers.com/floral-library/content/acacia.aspx cut flowers floribunda info

http://www.plantthis.com.au/plant-information.asp?gardener=7819&tabview=photos&plantSpot= Plant this Aus

http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=41485 Wattle porn thread

http://www.worldwidewattle.com/infogallery/nameissue/index.php Acacia naming issue WWW





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<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_innocent_n.gif back online for all of 5 seconds and ...

bought 2 acacias ...

Acacia dealbata in a 2 l pot ... hopefully will have some nice rhizo and bradyrhizo if I'm a lucky thing..

and a wee small Acacia verticillata :3

*excited!* x]

another cool wattle vid



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Hi thunder horse, you might want to check out Nindethana seed service.

They have a heap of acacias on their seed list. They're in Western Australia but I'm sure they'd mail to the UK. You're gonna have an awesome garden.

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Thank you you guys!

yay some acacia inoculant finally arrived from usa yesterday

its called post-14443-0-77397800-1434717369_thumb.j

and another cool wattle vid



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finally got Acacias' verticillata and dealbata https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_wub.png potted up at my pad

found some nice root nodules on verticillata


but couldnt see any on dealbata ...

so I inoculated them both anyway https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png



plonked onto some ericaceous mix [till I can start blending soils again]

keeping the same surface level as the pot it came in...

added a tray beneath...

and onto the windowsill with some distilled water to water them in https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png


mm that felt really good too :3

got some more acacia seeds arrive also.. https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_cool.png

A terminalis , A doratoxylon and A linifolia

and bought some A jonesii, A pycnantha and A saligna seeds :3

checking out Aus tubes for growing ... they look awesome


got a quote for shipping a pack at 56 bucks though... still is competitive with befs and I'm sure they'll arrive a darn site farster an' all... and probably recycle down to better small loph/terbo pots too...

mmmm authentic Aus Wattles in authentic Ozpots,,, https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_wub.png le sigh https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_cool.png

aaand another cool acacia vid



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Im gna have to get some tubes i can tell already

Ty Upside I've been particularly adoring your last phleb shot in a tube for a while now :wub:

...figured I'd add my survivors from the first germination attempts early in the thread:

Acacia maideniipost-14443-0-38340600-1435096395_thumb.j

and the "bought as a live plant" that survived outdoors all last winter

Acacia dealbata subsp' subalpina post-14443-0-03196700-1435096453_thumb.j

and another quick wattle vid



Acacia maidenii.JPG

Acacia dealbata subsp subalpina (3).JPG

Acacia maidenii.JPG

Acacia dealbata subsp subalpina (3).JPG

Acacia maidenii.JPG

Acacia dealbata subsp subalpina (3).JPG

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mmm yeah these Wattles :wub: really compliment the fun of growing cool plants and the feeling they give ya when ya look attem...

even got compliments from staff where im at who couldn't take their eyes offem this morning too B)post-14443-0-27633100-1435158695_thumb.j

shame they came with a whole bunch of free silk caterpillars though...

last 2 (i hope) just found a new home outside..

another watlle vid but confused over the ID thinking prickly moses was the verticillata but cool vid



oh yeah... added 2 more Wattles to the list thanks to a super SABer :

Acacia burkittii


Acacia neurophylla

aand a wattle vid



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windowsill garden.JPG

windowsill garden.JPG

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mmm and another wattle vid



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Hi thunder horse, you might want to check out Nindethana seed service.

They have a heap of acacias on their seed list. They're in Western Australia but I'm sure they'd mail to the UK. You're gonna have an awesome garden.

they do mail to uk but its a minimum 200Ozbucks order unfortunately or I'd've just bought some now

and can you imagine the shipping on kilos of seeds lol

at least Acacia seeds are non-perishable though...

I recall not too long ago being quoted minimum 200Usbucks just to be able to get a viridis leaf finally and some peregrina seeds from Kada

...so obviously I'm very shy of big spends to unknown-to-me folk but Nindethana seems more viable for such a whopper cheque ...

cuz at least I can store the seeds / do a giveaway ..and

keep myself sane with a project while whittling down the next year of court battling and tryna get somewhere to live

could you imagine how much waste that would've been on short time viability yopo and too many viridis leaves?

awesome list to drool over though... bit of a tease maybe ...but its nice to know they're there in case i can afford em one day,

and thank you kindly !

.....another wattle vid or 2





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totes scored some Aus potz at half the shipping rate of the other quote !!!!


-on a side note my dealbata keeps moving <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_blink.png

wattle vid I found to add



and another 2





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Found a petrol station 5 mins away... with some lovely distilled water for me wattles <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif

Bought a nice juicy Acacia baileyana ...

and a water filter to maybe save some expense of distilled water.. and still keep them nice and refreshed <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_cool.png

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bought a little retinodes and a nice juicy mearnsii from local growers...


recieved some burkittii, neurophylla and obtusifolia seeds from a super kind SABer...

and some pycnantha, jonesii and saligna seeds from a super Aus seller

water filter is in testing...post-14443-0-43503500-1435937270_thumb.j

now slightly modified :innocent_n:post-14443-0-97122300-1435938106_thumb.j

ordered a krillion cactus pots so i can free up some acacia pots that I had to put cacti in when i ran outta

tough pots last year...

was tempted to buy for each acacia pot; a masonic acacia pin badge each...

cuz they look the bizz on this onepost-14443-0-80333800-1435937544_thumb.jand it's saved the pin badge from getting lost again cuz the clasp on it is ferqued.

began looking into LEDs for growing/wintering Wattles indoor..

2015-07-03 16.16.42.jpg

2015-07-03 16.32.06.jpg

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2015-07-03 16.16.42.jpg

2015-07-03 16.32.06.jpg

2015-07-03 16.42.03.jpg

2015-07-03 16.16.42.jpg

2015-07-03 16.32.06.jpg

2015-07-03 16.42.03.jpg

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Rawrz these non-purpurea baileyana's :wub: are so much more pleasing to my eye than their purple kin


dammit , my oz tubes arrived today but I left em at "the tropic of horsia volume#1"

sorry for the bare bones floor lol :blush: , carpet folk cdnt get here b4 tomorrow

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*spidey senses detect sticky black wattle in a package beginning to approach from approximately 500 miles away*

-looks like I got the last one they had too

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also my cute retinodes arrivedpost-14443-0-74072200-1436519303_thumb.j

potted on baileyana toopost-14443-0-25416100-1436519618_thumb.j

watered them all in with some rain I collected earlier : 3


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ok finally I got some time to upload most of the bank for the latest Acacialities B)




























Acacia acuminata seeds narrow phyllodes variant.JPG

Acacia acuminata seeds broad phyllode variant.JPG

Acacia auriculiformis seeds uk.JPG

Acacia bailyana purpurea seeds.JPG

Acacia confusa seeds.JPG

Acacia courtii seeds.JPG

Acacia cyclops seeds.JPG

Acacia floribunda seeds.JPG

Acacia genistifolia seeds.JPG

Acacia maidenii seeds.JPG

Acacia mearnsii seeds comparison 2.JPG

Acacia mucronata var longifolia seeds.JPG

Acacia obtusifolia seeds.JPG

Acacia podalyriifolia seeds originals.JPG

Acacia retinodes seeds.JPG

Acacia simplex seeds.JPG

Acacia sophorae seeds.JPG

Acacia victoriae seeds.JPG

Acacia burkittii seeds.JPG

Acacia neurophylla seeds.JPG

Acacia jonesii seeds.JPG

Acacia pycnantha seeds.JPG

Acacia saligna seeds.JPG

Acacia seyal seeds.JPG

Acacia terminalis seeds.JPG

Acacia doratoxylon seeds.JPG

Acacia phlebophylla seeds.JPG

Acacia acuminata seeds narrow phyllodes variant.JPG

Acacia acuminata seeds broad phyllode variant.JPG

Acacia auriculiformis seeds uk.JPG

Acacia bailyana purpurea seeds.JPG

Acacia confusa seeds.JPG

Acacia courtii seeds.JPG

Acacia cyclops seeds.JPG

Acacia floribunda seeds.JPG

Acacia genistifolia seeds.JPG

Acacia maidenii seeds.JPG

Acacia mearnsii seeds comparison 2.JPG

Acacia mucronata var longifolia seeds.JPG

Acacia obtusifolia seeds.JPG

Acacia podalyriifolia seeds originals.JPG

Acacia retinodes seeds.JPG

Acacia simplex seeds.JPG

Acacia sophorae seeds.JPG

Acacia victoriae seeds.JPG

Acacia burkittii seeds.JPG

Acacia neurophylla seeds.JPG

Acacia jonesii seeds.JPG

Acacia pycnantha seeds.JPG

Acacia saligna seeds.JPG

Acacia seyal seeds.JPG

Acacia terminalis seeds.JPG

Acacia doratoxylon seeds.JPG

Acacia phlebophylla seeds.JPG

Acacia acuminata seeds narrow phyllodes variant.JPG

Acacia acuminata seeds broad phyllode variant.JPG

Acacia auriculiformis seeds uk.JPG

Acacia bailyana purpurea seeds.JPG

Acacia confusa seeds.JPG

Acacia courtii seeds.JPG

Acacia cyclops seeds.JPG

Acacia floribunda seeds.JPG

Acacia genistifolia seeds.JPG

Acacia maidenii seeds.JPG

Acacia mearnsii seeds comparison 2.JPG

Acacia mucronata var longifolia seeds.JPG

Acacia obtusifolia seeds.JPG

Acacia podalyriifolia seeds originals.JPG

Acacia retinodes seeds.JPG

Acacia simplex seeds.JPG

Acacia sophorae seeds.JPG

Acacia victoriae seeds.JPG

Acacia burkittii seeds.JPG

Acacia neurophylla seeds.JPG

Acacia jonesii seeds.JPG

Acacia pycnantha seeds.JPG

Acacia saligna seeds.JPG

Acacia seyal seeds.JPG

Acacia terminalis seeds.JPG

Acacia doratoxylon seeds.JPG

Acacia phlebophylla seeds.JPG

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Hi thunder horse, you might want to check out Nindethana seed service.

They have a heap of acacias on their seed list. They're in Western Australia but I'm sure they'd mail to the UK. You're gonna have an awesome garden.

you beauty!!!

only 36.50 shipping [which is a lot less than I had expected]

*sends big hugs*

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