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The Corroboree

Glow in the dark Echinocactus grusonii "Glowing wonder"

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I just bought one ... and v excited!!!

does anybody know if its one of those that have been genetically modified with firefly bacteria or whatever they drench the plants with that soaks in and changes their dna to emit light?

and does anyone else have one yet?


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I would almost risk the watch list for one of those if they are the full dna job. Shut up and take my money indeed!!! Bring on the glowing loph and ariocarpus!!! I want a variegated crested one of each by Xmas . Someone make it happen now!!! Money AND sexual favours for the creator/s

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I believe they insert GFP gene in the cactus' genome.

They've done it with pigs, rats and mice. This gene is from a jelly fish not a firefly. The firefly's glowing mechanism needs ATP to glow, so it only glows at certain time.

Congrats my friend , but I dislike these somehow that a passed to offers on them.

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Wow thats mega interesting. Even hearing about its use on animals caught me by surprise. Interesting indeed. Great find if there really gene modded.

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Their site is dutch so cant really read it but it´s very likely just painted with Glow in the dark paint. Read a couple customer reviews that werent really happy because this wasn´t somehow communicated. Again, cant say anything for sure but it reminds me of that blue orchid that my gf bought for her mother, which ended up being painted blue.

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Pretty sure it's just coated with glow-in-the-dark paint. The spines in the ebay photos it look like they're coated with something. I imagine those ridged spines on grusonii would hold paint really well. They still look cool, but you can probably make one at home & avoid the import hassles. Sorry TH, hope I'm wrong, but I believe splicing those glowy genes into plants is a tricky business - I'd be surprised to find one for $8 on ebay, and I'd expect to see way more fuss about the production process. Maybe ask these guys to make a cactus next!




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Are they just injected with dye, like those poor glassfish?

no thankfully ,

i think im on to it already with the GM bacteria wash that enters plant n soaks into its jeans <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_innocent_n.gif

theres a university here in uk that developed it , is all i can find out so far .. and tbh thats from a dirt rag newspaper

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edit - sorry i added a link thinking i found it but it was anodynes and im in a hurry and got confusa

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Their site is dutch so cant really read it but it´s very likely just painted with Glow in the dark paint. Read a couple customer reviews that werent really happy because this wasn´t somehow communicated. Again, cant say anything for sure but it reminds me of that blue orchid that my gf bought for her mother, which ended up being painted blue.

ooooh yeh those orrible orchids keep cropping up here everywhere

i know em well

im hoping its the plants for street lighting GM thing that uk university developed

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DO NOT BUY this ^^^ plant IT'S SPRAY PAINTED ! <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_ana.gif

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I would almost risk the watch list for one of those if they are the full dna job. Shut up and take my money indeed!!! Bring on the glowing loph and ariocarpus!!! I want a variegated crested one of each by Xmas . Someone make it happen now!!! Money AND sexual favours for the creator/s

rawrz , you know it makes sense

mines going to be very fkn far away from my main collection , at someone else's house lol x] just in case.

I felt the same way about these sexy little sweeties ... mmmm fk , i swear they're like fkn sugar frosting coated

and ill bet they would like some fruit salad lipsalve scenting *creams* ... check these out too

they defo need the glow in the darkiness so long as it doesnt like, i dnno... , fuck with them / fk em up .

GM an all (maybe over cautious but knows fuck all about GM cept bad shit)

and could you imagine these printed on panties ... x]



I dont usually like varigates but ffffff .. dang https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_drool2.gif imagine if they glowed too https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_wub.png

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wtf happened to my post?

dang - looks ok now , mustve been my comp or at my end the issue was had

phew <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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IME GFP does not glow in the dark, not to the extent that it is visible with the naked eye, unless there have been some recent changes made.

If that cactus has been modified with standard GFP, you probably won't see it glowing at all unless you flood it with a particular type of blue light seen through a particular screen of orange

Chlorophyll successfully transformed with GFP glows *red* under that light regime, and it's only the really transparent cells, like root tip cells, which can be easily seen as glowy under a fluorescent microscope

So unless you cut the cactus open and viewed a slice of it under a fluorescent microscope with those screens, you'd see fuck all glowy. Might be more visible if it were variegated or albino, no idea. Doubt it but. And you'd still need the blue light to see it

Just leaving the cactus next to the bed at night in it's pot would give you nada

OTOH I wonder, if it were transformed with that compound which makes glowy mushrooms glow- now *that* is visible without special visuals. CBF searching... it's a different compound. Can't remember

And I could be wrong, it's not a field I follow. Teks change all the time and fast ( edit: yes there have been considerable advances in the number of fluorescent proteins available )

If you were caught with one of these you would be in vast amounts of trouble unless it was specifically licensed for release by the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator. Federal. Expect major headlines, absolutely no mercy, expensive legal bills and complete shitstorms for anyone else trying to import anything at all

And remember- I could be wrong. Teks change all the time. I have repeated this for emphasis

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OK, I'm wrong. So out of touch https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=&key=ed93ee4b8a158835e0af19ead9c794b11af03de360911f7858b9da338588c45d

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Good fucken grief... those glowy plants look so great and all, but how would you turn them off? Imagine having them as streetscape plants near your house, you'd go nuts.

I hope they were non-viable via sexual reproduction and not weedy by vegetative division. Glowing lantana... can you imagine? The horror... the horror...

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How unfortunate that the creators of these genetically engineered plants dont also have a life cycle of 2-3 months.

Right? Although I have a greater disdain for the assholes that "own" the transgenic genes and sue out of existence farmers who's crops are polluted by these genes at no fault of their own. I really should sue my neighbors for stealing my apples when they fall off my trees and onto their side of the fence.

Sorry to derail... so back on topic non-controversial glowing cacti!

Here and Here

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*adjusted quote*

How unfortunate that the sprayers and sellers of these spray painted plants dont also have a life cycle of 2-3 months.


how could they spray a cactus with glow in the dark paint those cruel bastages!

daren't feedback on it yet cuz it'll be a round of fx

PLEASE DONT BUY ONE THAT I BOUGHT unless you like spray on glow in the dark paint to the point you can hardly see the poor cactus

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