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The Corroboree

Incogsfukup comp


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U don't want the prize :0

U are good !!

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well, now that I think about it, I could win as I have the hemisphere powers with me.. so I will participate for the sport only

sown today!! <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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We all know eg can't win he can't germinate cacti for quids <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey I was thinking about using coco coir some time... but this is a dud substrate... how long does the seedling can be okey there? when should one start fertilising? do you use mix of coco + other nutricious substrate?

Boy, at first (baby seedlings) I was like, now how the fuck do these dudes graft these tinyfuckers? Note I haven't ever grafted at such a young age. Then I saw them pump and becoming round.

So I am happy to say I have grafted 4 of them cordo X's on selinicereus... at one month exactly from sowing... now thats not bad!

Edited by mutant
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Coir on its own is very good to germinate on in my experience. However, I believe it's good to add some other substrate to make the soil mix more firm. Im trying zelly's advice by adding 1 cm of sand on top.

Several times I tried fertilizing 1 months old seedlings with a very dilute conc. of fertilizer and it helped a lot. Start increasing the does little by little as they grow.

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I use coco coir on its own and am really pleased with the results. It holds a lot of water, and has lots of air pockets at the same time. I use it for all my gardening and everything grows well.

I live in Adelaide with a Mediterranean climate and it works for me here, when I lived in Lismore, it rained so hard the easy wetta water saver nodules blew up like jellyfish and were all over the surface of my pots.

I germinate in coco coir, and transplant to more coco coir, I just love the stuff.

Brunnings brand is the stuff I use, it has water saver granules and fertilizer included. Also some larger chunks of coir that break down over time. http://www.fertilisersonline.com.au/potting-mixes/coir/easy-wetta-potting-mix-block-60l.html <-- this block

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I use a cacti and succulents mix but with additional sand, peat moss (small amount) and on occasion perlite. Seems to work okay for me especially for seedlings.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Looking good buddy, EVERYTIME I see ur posts now I get hungry man! Let me buy your sauce from you!!! Love you heaps you already won the comp game over haha I'm just kidding, not about buying some sauce though:) could be anything, could be a grandiflorus (hopefully!)a number of bridgesii, or pachanoi cross <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png hope some crests or mutants come out of it!!

Edited by incognito
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