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The Corroboree

eBay/Gumtree finds


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It was more so the Scop x Pach in terracotta pots that reminded me (as I have one from the original sale post)

Got my eye on that $30 Trichocereus knuthianus.

$50 for a Super Pedro that small seems a bit pricey?

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You're right it is a funny looking scop. There is a pic of one on trichocereus.net that looks kind of similar, but somehow it just doesn't seem plump enough. I might drive over to Wembley tomorrow to have a look at it, but then I might not.

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Happy to sell the super pedro cheaper for SAB members, msg me if you're interested Gimli.

The scop had a split from overwatering, is now calloused, yet overall a little dehydrated, but still growing fine.

I've moved to a new house with a much smaller yard, so letting most of my collection go, if you want to buy the lot let me know & I'll do it for less, make an offer?

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sometimes a real bargain comes up.

these have been going for $100-130 in the last few weeks on ebay

i bought this as a buy it now for $50 this evening, just happened to be searching at the right time.


Edited by pimento
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Cmon man it's a bit Scopish it's green and columnar. They are in the ball park...there was a frickin A retusus being sold under Fissuratus the other week on ebay.....close enough! I almost sent em a message but I couldn't be bothered.

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I actually emailed the person with that cereus that's labelled as a scop about 8 days ago. No response and they've left the auction with the wrong name.

I know I should just leave it but I find it frustrating when people are either willfully ignorant after being told or are trying to profit by having things named incorrectly.

I have emailed other people in the past with cereus labelled incorrectly and usually people will respond happily and ask you other questions as most people genuinely like to learn about their plants.

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Wow. T. scopulicola... Hahaha! I also sent them a message saying it's not a trichocereus. Hopefully they change it. Either they're ignorant or trying to scam people.

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heres another 'bargain'


don't think it will be there long.

there was another listed as well, i got it <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

Edited by pimento
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Interesting a reasonable looking A. Fissuratus didn't sell at all and an A. Kotschoubeyanus. Some of the "button cactus" have gone for cheap prices especially one,a real glamour from the living rock guy, only went for about $120 something.... Having said that some caespitosa buttons have gone for huge amounts.

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