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^^ "captain cook australia" cracks me up, first he/she states "what can I say, If say too much I will be the thrown in the dungeon and tortured" lulz i wonder why he/she is thinking that.....

Then in the next listing he/she goes on go refer to button pups, as the child of the 2 larger buttons in the picture. lol Id be wasting my time sending them a message letting them know cactus sexually reproduce using flowers, pollen and seed. Not just putting two next to each other so they fall in love and pup.....

"the couple met about 6yrs ago....then they had the a baby about 2yrs ago, now she is toddler...this year they had two lovely baby twins....you can see in the photo the mother cradling all three children"

Im sure "captain cook australia" are already aware of this, i see this as just a sellers gimmick

I hope my comments dont make you feel like your being thrown in a dungeon and tortured

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^^ "captain cook australia" cracks me up, first he/she states "what can I say, If say too much I will be the thrown in the dungeon and tortured" lulz i wonder why he/she is thinking that.....

Then in the next listing he/she goes on go refer to button pups, as the child of the 2 larger buttons in the picture. lol Id be wasting my time sending them a message letting them know cactus sexually reproduce using flowers, pollen and seed. Not just putting two next to each other so they fall in love and pup.....

"the couple met about 6yrs ago....then they had the a baby about 2yrs ago, now she is toddler...this year they had two lovely baby twins....you can see in the photo the mother cradling all three children"

Im sure "captain cook australia" are already aware of this, i see this as just a sellers gimmick

I hope my comments dont make you feel like your being thrown in a dungeon and tortured

Perhaps their name should read "captain kook australia"

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I only got to see them a few times when I could get to Perth when they toured over here. I still have all my original lp's, ep's and 45's those 3 scallywags know how to rock the shit outta anything! Great to hear there's other aficionados on here.

Cassette deck!! Haha awesome Dood.

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Hmmmmmmm. <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png


I ain't perfect either. <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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I only got to see them a few times when I could get to Perth when they toured over here. I still have all my original lp's, ep's and 45's <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png those 3 scallywags know how to rock the shit outta anything! Great to hear there's other aficionados on here.

Cassette deck!! Haha awesome Dood.

If you ever want to sell or trade them lemme know man!! I'll pm ya some footage of the next gig I go to

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