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The Corroboree

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From the seller:

in winter she hibernated and often was under snow...she is a tough old girl ....don't get me wrong...I always took loving care of her

It doesn't snow in Dapto... Ever. The cactus in the photo is certainly a beauty, but I have to question the seller when they say stuff like that and have less than 100% positive feedback.

Maybe I'm being overly harsh

Edited by BeerAlternative
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Hasn't dropped below 1-2C in dapto in the last 5yrs I've been local. And maybe only 5 frosts in that time. Unless he's actually up the Mountain a few hundred metres and not in dapto (which is possible as a lot of southern highlands sellers will list items in the Illawarra as they work down there)

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He's said that he's grown it over 30 years, so he might have moved from somewhere where it actually snows to Dapto.

I might just be being an arsehole... But if I was bidding I'd ask the seller to explain 'when it snowed in Dapto' and then leave it up to them to explain the history etc.

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arsehole and ebay go hand in hand do they not?

i dont know the guy, and after recent events i don't wanna piss any one off, but it looks like its come from Overseas to me.

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What a beast! Huge plant for such a small pot. T.scop rather than t.pach? Either way it's a good looking plant and I'd be bidding if I were anywhere near it.

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