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The Corroboree

Acacia Fruit?


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What does one do with these (if anything)?





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Thanks for the response, but (with all due respect) these don't look gallish to me.. they hang a fair way off the branch, on a delicate stem of their own..

Took the above photo down to the nursery - they told me to check inside for seeds..

I cracked one open that my daughter had picked - nothing but white flesh inside.

GardensOnline shows a photo of floribunda fruit which closely resembles what I got - http://www.gardensonline.com.au/GardenShed/PlantFinder/Show_870.aspx

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Yeah they do look interesting, hanging off the branch like that.. That website does have a similar photo labeled as "fruit"... But I dunno.. Any larvae in the one you opened? They do look too smooth to be galls, but I've seen all sorts so who knows. Haven't come across "fruit" on any acacia except for pods. Will be interested to see what anyone else has to say.

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How bizarre. I've never seen anything like that on a wattle, I haven't grown floribunda but all others have had pods, like mini pea pods. This shows what the floribunda seed pods supposedly look like (just to the left of the branch in the illustration:

I would have said gall as well. Let us know when you figure it out, very interesting!

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