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cannabinoid hyperemesis

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Bala (Sida Cordifolia). think i spelled it right.

Could this condition be perhaps due to Hemp being illegal and therefore forced to be grown inside with all kinds of not quite natural nutrients or other compounds to make it more profitable for growing it in current legal environment?

I say this as I'm aware of the very long global use of this plant, I'ts proven saftey record does seem to stand out over many other plants and medicines, and the fact that this observed "syndrome" is only very new to be noticed. It just doesnt quite seem to add up on a purely natural level. Another downside of an imorral attempt to vilify nature to create and justify profits?

I have noticed over the past 6-8 years there has been a massive increase in the potency of this material to the point where, I feel, it could be likend to a synthetic "DRUG". This has had a very strong impact on my choice (about 3 years ago) to no longer use it as the medicine it was to me for so many years. A shame.

Another point i feel should be made is Synthetic "hemp" material. I looked at these materials personally and very soon discovered that there is much to be concerned about. These (perhaps not all) materials are sure to do a hell of a lot of damage to people who use them. I believe the combining of these synthetic cannabanoids could cause tremendous harm. We have made some efforts to stop that with analogue law changes (thank god) to stop it's sales. My point? These compounds are available and very very cheap. they could by certain folks, be applied to Hemp material and none would be any the wiser. The ammount needed would be highly viable in economic terms and so minimal in content it would be very hard to "test" for it. certainly by the average joe.

I think gone are the days Hemp was what you were told it was. A plant. The days you knew the material you'd buy was natural and safe.

Edited by ghosty
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Thanks for clarifying that ghosty. I think a big part of the problem is that cannabis isn't really natural any more. As in most of the strains today have been selectively bred to have way higher levels of thc, cbd etc than nature intended. And ofcourse the way they are grown with lots of synthetic chemicals and other crap probably doesn't help the situation. I think that would explain why cannabinoid hyperemesis is a 'new' condition, and people 20 years ago didn't suffer from it at all, but then again that is just my theory

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i'll play the devil's advocate by just saying it wasn't big pharma that turned weed into the super strong thc-heavy plant that is usually used today.

also it's corporations (not sure if "pharma") who are breeding the super CBD variety/s.

there seems to be a strong consensus (and evidence) that synthetic cannibinoids offer many new dangers with cold turkey leading to hospitalisations.

back to hyperemesis, i really must emphasise that it's existence doesn't reflect badly on pot. if we knew why only some chronic stoners get it while most don't, then we might be able to finger bad diets, food additives, poor sleep, chronic stress or any number of things as the real culprit which merely has an additional symptom being triggered off by pot. it could be a genetic or congenital abnormality which doesn't usually offer symptoms.

FWIW i'm easily nauseated and i don't tolerate nausea well, i'm lacto-vegetarian and when i was smoking i had an average (poor) diet.

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Could this condition be perhaps due to Hemp being illegal and therefore forced to be grown inside with all kinds of not quite natural nutrients or other compounds to make it more profitable for growing it in current legal environment?

I don't think so man, unless you mean that the added ferts cause higher levels of cannabinoids. It is surely the cannabinoids themselves responsible for the condition, hence the name. it's caused by overactivation of CB receptors in the gut, which is extremely rich in them.

My personal theory is that there is a transmitter-level neurological condition involved with the cb system which causes blood coagulation disorders, gastrointestinal disorders and anxiety. I know a lot of people who have these same problems, and often high levels of cannabis use, sometimes to combat the health problems.

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I have come across it a couple of times in my work over the last 12 months. Both patients report the only ease of symptoms is showering and one patient in particular masturbated to rid himself of the symptoms also. I have heard of some patients showering so long they used the hospital's hot water supply. It is a real condition, which thankfully does not affect everyone. Unfortunately not a great deal is known. I have attached two articles a colleague send me a while back for those interested. It is an interesting little symptom.


cannabis hyperemesis.pdf


cannabis hyperemesis.pdf


cannabis hyperemesis.pdf


cannabis hyperemesis.pdf

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Thank you psili soarer for your post and those pdfs. So much useful information there, I really appreciate it. Now I just have to try and get my friend to read this thread. He still keeps smoking it and gets sick every few months without fail

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  • 1 month later...

I'm interested in knowing how long after abstinence it went away, and whether any treatments are necessary or helpful.

Something else i am interested in is what kind of weed the sufferers are smoking, i am going to assume cheap city hydro but i will happily be proved wrong...

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I'm interested in knowing how long after abstinence it went away, and whether any treatments are necessary or helpful.

Something else i am interested in is what kind of weed the sufferers are smoking, i am going to assume cheap city hydro but i will happily be proved wrong...

I am sure it has to do with the cannabinoids screwing with your endocannabinoid system and not the perceived quality of the strain you are buying. I say this with great confidence as some cases have been noted with people who smoked synthetic cannabinoids and even total extracts. I am certain that more documented cases will start to appear with all the changes to the legislation regarding its control. Not that I oppose its legalization but with the legalization we could see increased use and hence increase problems like this.

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I'm interested in knowing how long after abstinence it went away, and whether any treatments are necessary or helpful.

Something else i am interested in is what kind of weed the sufferers are smoking, i am going to assume cheap city hydro but i will happily be proved wrong...

my friends dad had his symptoms start to go away within a couple of weeks of him not smoking.

the only treatment seems to be not snoking weed anymore. apparently he was under alot of stress a few nonths ago and tried snoking weed again after about a year off it and his symptoms returned almost straight away. and he was snoking all types of weed from crappy immature bush to super strong hydroponic indica strains

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Hi I had very severe symptoms I was hospitalised every two weeks. I would vomit every 4-5 hours most days and only cannabis would stop me for a few hours and then the sickness would start again. I started smoking many years ago but not a lot. In the end I was smoking as many as 8-10 spiffs a day just to control the sickness. Hot showers were a relief but only when I was in them. Certain types of weed were not strong enough (I think) and would not stop the sickness or the sickness became so bad every two weeks that it would seem it wasn't working so I would end up in hospital again with severe dehydration. I was diagnosed with cyclical vomitting syndrome. Have you heard of this? It's a syndrome that cannot be tested but is diagnosed through observation. It is a period of unexplained sickness that is severe followed by period of being well and then sick again until a cycle develops. They have medication to relieve symptoms but none of them helped me. As one of the more severe treatments they would administer morphine which would stop the sickness and give me time to rest. I would come home after about 4days and would smoke and as the symptoms got worse again I would be back in hospital. There is more to it than that but in a nutshell. This lasted for over a year. I told my doctors that I was using cannabis to control my symptoms and at one point they looked into trying to get it prescribed legally for me. I was put on a list to have a stomach pacemaker fitted as in severe cases of C.V.S this is done (you have to get funding and there is only one hospital that does it about 140 have been done so far). I read about cannabinoid hyperemesis and after a hospitalisation I decided to come home and not smoke. I haven't been sick since. My symptoms went away instantly! I couldn't believe the one thing I was relying on to keep me well was the one thing that was making me poorly. During me being ill I contacted a drug recovery programme because I was worried about my use, I was now using it just to get through the day. They said I was doing what I needed to do to control my symptoms and the c.v.s helpline had heard of many people controlling their c.v.s with cannabis. My concern is that they too have been misdiagnosed and this horrendous illness could be stopped if only people had more awareness. My case was severe and I don't want others to think they aren't so bad so not the same but I didn't start that way. Abstinence was an instant treatment. I wasn't unwell for a period of time after. All my symptoms were gone and haven't returned! Please convince people just to try not smoking. If it doesn't work then maybe look at other options. I must say that I was only able to do this after I came out of hospital as I was not vomitting when I was discharged. I not sure if my relieve would have been instant if I would have stopped when I was being sick in between hospital visit.

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